Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, May 28, 2021

My views of Good Fight Ministries and their exposes.

Today I got into a brief conversation with a Brother in the faith about the Discernment Ministries of Good Fight Ministries. We discussed their exposes such as "Sold Their Souls for Rock N Roll." 

I pointed out my views on them which was an interesting, but, a bit of a rabbit hole approach. There are certainly things mentioned that is evil and could be as they claim demonic or satanic. However, they could be simply reading into things stuff that is not there. 

One example I gave of someone that does seem to be possibly listening to the Evil One is Lady Gaga whom admits to experiencing real demonic activity. However, their exposes include claims like that one of the first Jazz musicians really did sell his soul to the Devil at the Crossroads. Which has no real evidence at all and nothing, but, quote mining. 

I also think their expose of the vile song Animals and its Satan origin seemed accurate. The issue with their exposes is that they can lead down a Rabbit Hole of seeing Satan everywhere in everything. Even if there is some good stuff in there and for that reason I have posted their movies in the past. 

I am somewhat on the fence about them these days and I think I will refrain from posting their stuff due to the Conspiracy nature of their content in the future.