Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, May 31, 2021

5 Christian Teachings You Probably HATE - How Close Did We Get? (Oprah, Voddie Baucham, Osteen...)


Are You Teaching Your Children to Love God? | Paul Washer


Are You Prepared to Die? - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


Is the Sinners Prayer in the Bible?


God's Man on the Lonely Road


The Prophetic Standards Statement | An Analysis


Faith Alone, "Canon Law"


What must I do to be saved?


The Quest for Something More


Worship: The Ultimate Priority


Is evolution scientific by definition? (GREAT Conversations Podcast)


Discerning Truth in a Divided World


Christ’s Call to Reform the Church


Can God Use Me? — 05/31/2021


Sermon: The Passover and The Christ


Lord, Help Us


Blessed Kingdom Disciples


JUST IN: Rand Paul Rips "Wasteful" Government Programs Amidst Rise In Debt, Warns Of Repercussions


Beware of Chris Hodges


Saturday, May 29, 2021

John MacArthur: The Holiness of Christ


Sinclair Ferguson: The Spirit of Holiness


Jerry Bridges: Responding to Holiness


R.C. Sproul: A Holy Vision


What Molinism Can't Intellectually, Honestly Answer


R.C. Sproul Jr.: Priceless, Precious Gems


Susan Hunt: The Christian Wife and Mother


R.C. Sproul: The Father as Prophet, Priest, and King

The Sermon Of The Skies | Psalm 19 (Part 1)


An Exposition of Psalm 19, Part Two


An Exposition of Psalm 19, Part One


The Beauty of Singleness (Stand-Alone Sermon)


Three major denominations are shrinking. Fast. | WRETCHED RADIO


The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Selected Scriptures)


Friday, May 28, 2021

20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 34)


The FULL Transition Story. Is There a Happy Ending?


Same-Sex Unions: EVERYTHING the Bible Says About It


This video is one of the most in-depth and biblically-focused teachings on same-sex unions that you may find. READ: Marriage, Scripture, and the Church: Theological Discernment on the Question of Same-Sex Union: TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intro 4:02 How are Same Sex Unions portrayed in the Book of Genesis 1:12:14 What did Jesus have to say about Same Sex Unions 2:15:29 Responding to Revisionist Ideas about Same Sex Unions in the Bible

Bill C-10 Explained


Church, Heresy, Cults, & The Occult


Reforming Free Will


Students SUE Over Men Playing In Women's Sports


The Two Draughts of Fishes - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


Trust God Even When You Have No Feelings - Paul Washer


Painful Mistakes in EPHESIANS in The Passion Translation (Dr. Darrell Bock)


Jesus gave Himself a Ransom for All 1 Timothy 2:5-6 - John Calvin Sermon


The Holy Spirit's Intercession - Charles Spurgeon / Christian Audio Sermons


What To Do When You've Done All You Can Do and You Can't Do Nuthin Else


Is it divisive to call out false teachers? With Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager


Steven Lawson: Beginning with Moses: Christ in All the Scriptures


Fear Not - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


At the End of Your Life! - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


Leaving the U.P.C. with Alexis Beach Part 2


Leaving the U.P.C. with Alexis Beach Part 1


Selah - "Wonderful Merciful Savior" (Official Video)


Finding Assurance and Balance with Kristin Everett


Cultish: What is the United Pentecostal Church International?


Breaking Away from ARC with Doreen Virtue and Kristin Everett


The Business of Self-Esteem Preaching in the American MegaChurch and the Half-Gospel it Creates


Time to Quit Yoga | with Doreen Virtue


My views of Good Fight Ministries and their exposes.

Today I got into a brief conversation with a Brother in the faith about the Discernment Ministries of Good Fight Ministries. We discussed their exposes such as "Sold Their Souls for Rock N Roll." 

I pointed out my views on them which was an interesting, but, a bit of a rabbit hole approach. There are certainly things mentioned that is evil and could be as they claim demonic or satanic. However, they could be simply reading into things stuff that is not there. 

One example I gave of someone that does seem to be possibly listening to the Evil One is Lady Gaga whom admits to experiencing real demonic activity. However, their exposes include claims like that one of the first Jazz musicians really did sell his soul to the Devil at the Crossroads. Which has no real evidence at all and nothing, but, quote mining. 

I also think their expose of the vile song Animals and its Satan origin seemed accurate. The issue with their exposes is that they can lead down a Rabbit Hole of seeing Satan everywhere in everything. Even if there is some good stuff in there and for that reason I have posted their movies in the past. 

I am somewhat on the fence about them these days and I think I will refrain from posting their stuff due to the Conspiracy nature of their content in the future. 

Just the Facts, Please - Charles Spurgeon Devotional


TS&TT: James Coates | Suffering and Imprisonment to the Glory of God


The TRUTH Catholics Need to Hear - Barron v Baucham, Washer, MacArthur, Durbin, White, Sproul


Cultural Marxism | Dr. Voddie Baucham


Providence URC - May 27, 2021 Prayer Day Service


An Atheist Changes Her Mind in Just Over One Minute.


Everything Wrong With The Passion Translation in Colossians


Reformation 500 Celebration (Live Rebroadcast)


Racial Reconciliation - Ephesians 2:10-11 | Dr. Voddie Baucham


Calling Out False Teachers By Name | with Justin Peters


Just wait 'til you see what God is going to do about racism | WRETCHED


Hillsong Church Exposed


The Protestant Reformation


Conversation On Populism and the Right: The 2019 Ideas Summit


Unpacking Packers: Fake Penises for Girls Under Five Years Old


John MacArthur on Tony Evans


An Eloquent Atheist Changes his Mind. A fascinating dialogue.


The Woke Agenda and Crusade for Equity


Our Solar System: Evidence of Creation


Millions of years between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2?


Is Now a Good Time to Start a Family? | Q&A


John MacArthur: Does the Doctrine of the Divine Decrees Eliminate Human Will?


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Explanation and Refutation of Middle Knowledge


Middle Knowledge Refuted and Examined - James White


Dr. James White annihilates Molinism and middle knowledge


How the U.N. Went From Fighting Tyranny to Supporting it | Guest: Hillel Neuer


Your Suffering Has an Expiration Date - John Piper | Sing! Global 2020 Plenary Session Highlight


Climate Activism: Undermining Free Speech, Free Thought & Free Choice


Can a Man Be Pregnant? - Answers News: May 26, 2021


Biden's Bureaucratic Plan for American Families


The Americans are still using Trudeau as a doormat.


Does Advocating for Religious Liberty Hurt Our Christian Witness?


How is it that some of us are Converted? - Charles Spurgeon Devotional


Fighting Censorship from Big Tech: Section 230 and Beyond


Bill Maher's "Religulous" is Ridiculous


How can "TOLERANCE" DESTROY the church? Watch this!


Will Killing Increase Happiness? - Answers News: May 24, 2021


Acts Of The Apostles (1994) | Full Movie | Dean Jones | Jennifer O’Neill | James Brolin


5 Steps to Build Relationships with Gen Zers


Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Battle of Ideas in America: A Conversation with Ryan T. Anderson


Scripture Memory & Apologetics with Matt Slick


It's a Wonderful Life (with Markets)


How 'gender ideology' harms children


Dr. Michelle Cretella – Do NO Harm – Medical and Psychological Facts vs. Fiction


How to Dismantle 10 of the Worst and Most Crafty LGBT Arguments


Debunk “Same-Sex Marriage Doesn’t Hurt You” Argument


Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in 2 Minutes


Melanie Phillips destroys the transgender madness


Eagle Council 2018: Dr. Michelle Cretella - Family Matters


Michelle Cretella | Affirming Transgenderism: Harmful to All Children


Michelle Cretella | The Science of Sex Differences


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

P4 "Illuminating Grace" - A Calvinist Critique of the 7-Points of Provisionism w/ Special Guest


P2 - A Calvinist Response to the 7-Points of Provisionism


P3 - Vicarious Atonement - A Calvinist Critique of the 7-Points of Provisionism


P1 - A Calvinist Critique of the 7-Points of Provisionism (UPDATED)


Death Penalty Debate: What Does the Bible Say?


Dr. Michelle Cretella - Child Abuse, Female Erasure & the Death of ALL Human Rights


From Progressive Christianity to the Gospel: Discipleship in a culture of deconstruction


Is porn good if it is ethically sourced? w/ Sean McDowell


Always Erin


Oprah Asks, "Is Jesus the Only Way?" - Baucham, Sproul... v Osteen, Jakes, Bell, Lentz, Graham...


Why Liberals Hate Calvinism: Benjamin L. Corey Refuted


The Shack: Its Dangerous Theology and Error (Full Documentary Film)


A Summary of the Book of Numbers |


Adultery In The Heart - Tim Conway


What Should Christians Think About “Apemen” Fossils? - Dr. Todd Wood


Dr. Kevin DeYoung | A Long Obedience


Dr. Kevin DeYoung | By My Spirit, Says the Lord


The Power of the Gospel | HOPC Morning Sermon 5/23/2020


The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism (Full Documentary Film)


Answering Objections to Calvinism with (Chris Date)


Talking FREE WILL with Michael Preciado


A conversation with John Walton on Genesis


King James Only-ism REFUTED


Kent Hovind: Refuted Yet Again


King James Onlyists Burn the NIV in Ignorance


The Importance of Reformed Theology | MEGIDDO TV


WOKE BLM Religion, Racism and Endless Penance | MEGIDDO TV


Tim Keller: All White People Are Involved in Injustice | MEGIDDO TV


Francis Chan's Charismatic "Little gods" Theology? | MEGIDDO TV


Monday, May 24, 2021

From Credobaptist to Paedobaptist: A Case for Infant Baptism


Old Covenant Vs New Covenant: Answering James White and Credobaptist Arguments (Part 2)


The Baptism Debate: Answering James White and Credobaptist Arguments


The Difference Between Calvinists and Arminians


Five Calvinistic Answers to the Five Errors of Arminianism


Phil Johnson on Understanding and Embracing the Sovereignty of God in Election


If You Believe in Arminian Doctrine, Can You Be Saved?


Arminianism: A Road to Rome? | MEGIDDO TV


RC Sproul -- Are Arminians Christian?


White/Qadhi and Michael Brown's Defence of Interfaith Dialogue | MEGIDDO TV


Michael L. Brown and the Gullible Charismatic Movement


Does Michael L. Brown Have Spiritual Discernment?


Response to Michael Brown's Invitation


Susan Hunt: Women's Ministry in the Local Church


Joel Beeke: Gaining Access to God's Throne Room


R.C. Sproul: A Consuming Fire


Derek Thomas: Be Ye Holy


Anyabwile, Carson, Godfrey, and Thomas: Questions and Answers 


The Deconstruction of Manwell Reyes and his "God doesn't love gays" Strawman Argument


How the equality act IS NOT like the civil rights act


Along the Road to Africa


Over the Rainbow: From "Born This Way" to "Born Again"


The Cosmic Christ of the New Age W/Steven Bancarz, Pt. 2


Cultish: The Cosmic Christ of the New Age (W/Steven Bancarz)


New Age, Charismatic, Prosperity "Gospel" and Word of Faith Movement with Melissa Dougherty


Jesus Chooses Whom He Saves


Bethel Church: Incorporating New Age Mysticism, Spirit Guides, Auras, Angels, Revival,Healing Energy


What is the Word of Faith Movement? (Part 2)


What is the Word of Faith Movement?


Who wants to be a millionaire? (GREAT Conversations Podcast)


A wonderful article on Climate change from a Biblical Creation viewpoint.

 This article is a great insight to   Climate change from a Biblical   Creation prospective.

Is Roman Catholic baptism valid?


Effort in Holiness by the Power of Another (Part 10)


The Effect of Providence (Part 9)


Evangelism & Prayer (Part 8)


God Desires All to Be Saved (Part 7)


Providence in Conversion (Part 6)


Providence Over Human Decision & Action (Part 5)


Providence Over the Ruler of This World (Part 4)


Providence Over Suffering (Part 3)


Is the Doctrine of Providence Biblical? (Part 2)


The Providence of God (Part 1)


D.A. Carson: A Holy Nation


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Kenneth Copeland: Former Employees Speak Out!


The Most EPIC Bible Reading you will Ever Hear Reciting only Scripture // John Piper


Is Kanye Truly A Christian? with Steven Bancarz


Cultish: The World Mission Society Church of God


The Irrefutable Proof of God


Jeff Durbin on Roman Catholics & Calvinism


ReformCon Q&A: Durbin, Sandlin, Boot, & White


JWs and LDS are Wrong About Jesus


Help me understand the Trinity: Jeff Durbin on the Trinity


Jeff Durbin Apologetics Done Right


Who is Steven Furtick?


Steven Furtick vs The Bible


LIVE from the South Carolina State Capitol!


The Big Bang Never Happened


A warning to all Christians; listen carefully.


Theology of the Body, Sexual Redemption and the New Evangelization Christopher West


Churches are Using Carnal Methods to Attract Visitors (Paul Washer)


Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible


Special: Responding To False Witness


Bethel URC Live Stream


Evening Service - May 23, 2021


When the Lord Came to His Temple (Mark 11:12–33): Morning Worship (5/23/21)


May 23, 2021 PM


Evening Worship


Redeemer URC Worship Service May 23, 2021 PM


Evening Worship - May 23, 2021


Right Worship Required


Eastmanville United Reformed Church Live Stream


URC of PEI - May 23, 2021 Evening Worship Service


Here we Are: Church of the Holy Spirit


"The Kings Feast" - Mark 6:30-44


Adoration URC - God Gives Grace to the Humble


Courageous in Christ


5-23-21 PM Lake Sherwood OPC (Rev. David Carnes)


Sunday Gathering - May 23 2021 PM


Jesus is With You, So Be Comforted


The Spirit of Truth


Biden's Open-Borders Policies Have Failed the American People | Chad Wolf on "Hannity"


"Jesus Was Rich!" What Does the Bible Say?


Providence URC - May 23, 2021 PM Service


Afternoon Worship Service - May 23, 2021


Morning Worship 5/23/21


You Can Still Be Deceived Even if all the Words are True


Sunday Morning Worship


R.C. Sproul Jr.: Economics for Everybody


David Murray: Christians Get Depressed Too


Steven Lawson: The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther


Anthony Carter: Blood Work


Mark Jones, Joel Beeke: A Puritan Theology


Fighting for Life | Lila Rose


Jesus didn’t start a religion, but a lifestyle??? | WRETCHED RADIO


R.C. Sproul: No Compromise, No Surrender


Sinclair Ferguson: On This Rock


Sproul Jr.: A Good Offense


Alistair Begg: Have Mercy


Ferguson, Lawson, Sproul, and Thomas: Questions & Answers


Sinclair Ferguson: Doctrine in the Dock


The Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:27-42) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul


Donald Trump was 'absolutely right' on China


URC of PEI - May 23, 2021 Morning Worship Service


'How's that unity going, Joe': Murray


The Widow’s Son Restored


Blessed Are All Who Take Refuge in Him

'Talk about one rule for them and one rule for us'


On Spiritualizing - Charles Spurgeon's Lectures to My Students


David Horowitz | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special


Cal Thomas: Family Tradition


Steven Lawson: Here I Stand


My reply to those whom think I am a Freaky Fundamentalist

I have been told my consistent view of  Objective/Absolute Truth as revealed by revelation in The Word of God makes me a  "freaky Fundamentalist." Here is my  response coming from the slightly altered  words of J. Gresham Machen.

never call myself a "Fundamentalist.. " (However)if the disjunction is between "Fundamentalism" and "Modernism(postmodernism)," then I am willing to call myself a (freaky)Fundamentalist of the most pronounced type. 

What I prefer to call myself is not a "Fundamentalist" but a "Calvinist"—that is, an adherent of the Reformed Faith. As such I regard myself as standing in the great central current of the Church's life—the current which flows down from the Word of God through Augustine and Calvin(!)

Alistair Begg: Preach the Word


Steven Lawson: Feet Firmly Planted in Midair


R.C. Sproul: The Article on Which the Church Stands or Falls


The Beauty and Blessing of Forgiveness, Part 1


No equivalence between Israel and Hamas: Sharma slams terrorists’ commitment to ‘annihilation’


How Women’s Ministry Got Off Track


The Truth About Critical Race Theory


Biden’s ‘new woke agenda’ forces Christian college to adopt same-sex dorms and bathrooms


Bethel EXPOSED: Interview with Justin Peters


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Conservatism v. The Ruling Class

 This post is of an article over at

Conservatism embodies a social philosophy that encompasses political and ideological positions on issues, and at one time, up until the 1960s, could be found in both political parties. That changed after the 1960s and Vietnam War, when their numbers began to decline among Democrats. Today conservatives are found mostly in the Republican Party.

Conservatism respects American traditions, institutions, and Judeo-Christian values, believes in limited government, states' rights, less taxing, personal responsibility, American exceptionalism, individualism, patriotism, and capitalism. According to most surveys, religious beliefs and church attendance among conservatives are higher than any group. They are also strong supporters of the military, police, and law and order. We often hear mention made of neo-conservatives; this is more a fringe conservatism, which seeks to expand, even if through force, democratic principles beyond America’s borders.

Conservatism does in fact have historical roots. But it was the agenda of Franklin Roosevelt that became an incentive and motivating factor for conservatism to flourish, by opposing the liberalism of the New Deal. This was accomplished in part through a collaboration of conservative politicians, intellectuals, and big business, and supported by writers of the day, and college and university philosophy professors. This eventually brought about the end of Democratic dominance of the presidency between 1932 and 1968, and the elections of Richard Nixon, which was a bellwether, and considered a realigning of the Republican Party, which led to the election of Ronald Reagan.

President Ronald Reagan, “The Gipper,” I believe captured the essence expressed in the 1806 poem by William Wordsworth, who wrote about the “Character of the Happy Warrior.” The character possessed the qualities that all people should embrace and strive for; he is generous, brave, virtuous, and morally upright. The Happy Warrior takes adversity in his stride and remains optimistic, and faces conflict and distress with fortitude and equanimity.

Even his political opponents would not deny President Reagan’s appealing character, as he made them smile. Even after having been shot in a failed assassination attempt that caused critical injuries, he was able to joke with the hospital staff. But if this good man, and great president, was alive today, and thankfully he is not, the great communicator, another moniker, would be at the mercy of a leftist cabal.

Although in his earlier life, prior to his presidency, Donald Trump was a powerful real estate baron and celebrity, and an admitted liberal who supported Democrats and Republicans. However, as president, to the surprise of many, he governed as a staunch conservative, an advocate of an America-first philosophy. His policies and agenda on pro-life, religious liberty, and upholding all of the requisite values and principles of conservatism were absolute and heralded by many.

Conservatism has a storied history, but over the past couple of decades, especially since the presidency of Barack Obama, conservatives have become outcasts, pariahs, and are undeserving of any understanding, acceptance, courtesy, and are considered far-right extremists, white supremacists, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, rubes, Bible thumpers, and just plain dumb, by the ruling class in the left-wing progressive establishment. This cabal is comprised of post-modern liberals, progressives, socialists, Marxists, fascists, and few communists thrown in for good measure, and can be found in politics, the entertainment industry, big business, Silicon Valley, and government bureaucracy.

The ruling class has a stranglehold on the nation, and they have developed an agenda that seeks to transform cultural norms and conventional standards to suit their concept of what America should look like and be, and that includes revising history and abolishing the traditional values and institutions of the West, and imposing their ideological and extreme secular irregularities on the people, whether they accept it or not. These are morally corrupt people, and they are vociferous in their endeavors to accomplish their anti-American agenda and change this nation.

The various entities that comprise the ruling class, who are dominating the conversation in America today, should keep something in mind. And that is they should be wary and careful of the radical and extreme agenda they seek to impose on the people they believe must be subdued and deprived of their rights; for what goes around comes around. Benjamin Franklin said it best, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”





Milo Yiannopoulos Opens Up About His Dramatic Life Change And His Desire To Grow Closer to God


Tranzformed - Finding Peace With Your God Given Gender


Military performance undermined by 'gender, race and LGBTQI agenda'


World Health Organization EXPOSED: Sexual Rights vs. Sexual Health


UN Women Exposed: "When Women's Rights Become Women's Wrongs"


"Protecting Children from the Global Sexual Rights Movement” Presentation by Sharon Slater


Leftist Gender Ideology is NONSENSE


Gender Agenda Full Documentary


Gender Nullification


Joan Bakewell Interviews Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones


Thabiti Anyabwile: Cosmic Treason


The Authenticator of Scripture (John 16:12–15)


Tim Long: Re-integrative Therapy


Free To Love

Does sexuality change? How and why? Free to Love is a documentary that delves into the lives of four men in their search for sexual authenticity. In a world that promotes sexual freedom, except when it comes to those seeking to leave homosexuality, this eye-opening film explores the cultural, political, and personal contradictions that present obstacles to an overlooked segment of the population. It's a story of conflict, individuality, hope, and freedom.

Awesome Science | Episode 12 | Explore Mesa Verde & Chaco Ruins | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 11 | Explore Arches National Park & Natural Bridges National Monument


Awesome Science | Episode 10 | Explore The Mammoth Site | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 9 | Explore Dinosaur National Monument | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 8 | Explore Rocky Mountain National Park | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 7 | Explore Glacier National Park | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 6 | Explore the John Day Fossil Beds | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 5 | Explore Mount St. Helens | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 4 | Explore Zion & Yosemite | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 3 | Explore Meteor Crater & Petrified Forest National Park | Noah Justice


Awesome Science | Episode 2 | Explore Yellowstone | Noah Justice


Jump Start: Thin Ice (1988) | All 6 Sessions


Awesome Science | Episode 1 | Explore the Grand Canyon | Noah Justice


Weapons of Mass Instruction (2017 Documentary) | Full Movie | Carl Kerby | Otis Kline


Jump Start: On The Edge | All 6 Sessions


Noah's Flood & North America | Full Movie


God of Wonders (2008) | Full Movie | John Whitcomb | Dan Sheedy | Don B. DeYoung


Debunking Evolution | Full Movie


Miracles at the Crucifixion of Christ | Full Movie | Brett Olsen


The God Who Speaks (2018) | Full Movie | Alistair Begg | Darrell Bock | D.A. Carson


The Gospel According to Mark | Full Movie


Crime of the Age | Full Movie | Keith Salter | Dave Christiano | Rich Christiano


Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls | Full Movie | Joel Lampe | Craig Lampe | Frank Seekins


Rock: It's Your Decision (1982) | Full Movie | Ty Taylor | Laura Branscum | Steve Wedan


The Gospel of John | Full Movie | Christopher Plummer | Henry Ian Cusick | Stuart Bunce


The Gospel According to Matthew | Full Movie | Bruce Marchiano | Richard Kiley | Gerrit Schoonhoven


Genesis The Biblical Music Experience (2020) | Full Movie | Steve B. Green | Jen Faith Brown


Here, There Be Dragons


Ferguson, Begg, Lawson, Sproul, and Sproul Jr: Questions and Answers


2 EPISODES FULL LENGTH 30 - The Beinngers Bible👼✝️


Humble, Unsaved Catholic Listens to Ray Comfort


Alistair Begg: The Breath of the Almighty


Understanding Same-Sex Attraction


Conversation with a FORMER Gay Rights Activist


Fr. Mike Schmitz - Love and Same Sex Attraction - 2016 Steubenville On The Lake


Therapy for Unwanted Homosexuality/Same-Sex Attraction - Andrew Rodriguez Speaking at UVF


Such Were Some Of You


The Zero-Sense, One-Dose Summer


Girl, wash Rachel Hollis off your bookshelf | WRETCHED RADIO


Matt Walsh Reviews LGBTQ Indoctrination Book Aimed At Kids


How Ray Comfort helped me to understand why there are so many false converts | WRETCHED


Conversation On Populism and the Right: The 2019 Ideas Summit


What I Lost by Leaving the Left & Why So Few Stand Up | David Horowitz | POLITICS | Rubin Report