Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Friday, December 11, 2020

Landmark Legal Decision! Therapists Can Help Homosexual Youth!


Mat Staver is Founder of Liberty Counsel, which defends religious freedom in cases across the nation. He is also Chairman of the National Pro-life Center, Freedom Federation, Salt & Light Council, and the National House of Hope. He serves as Vice President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and was Vice President of Liberty University, as well as a former Dean and law professor. Mat has over 300 published legal opinions. He authored eight scholarly law review publications, and many books and publications. He is a frequent guest on many international and national television and radio programs, and has been interviewed for thousands of media sources. Mat has filed numerous briefs and argued in many federal and state courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. He has argued two landmark cases before SCOTUS: Madsen v. Women's Health Center, and, McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky. Prior to law school, Mat pastored several churches. In Otto v. City of Boca Raton, therapist Robert Otto sued the city for the right to talk with clients about their feelings of sexual attraction, the impact of those feelings, and strategies for improving the quality of their lives. The City of Boca Raton had passed an ordinance criminalizing “conversion therapy,” or “reparative therapy,” or, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts. It is simply not true that sexual orientation is an immutable trait. There is no "gay gene." But if the Sexual Revolutionaries can convince people that gay is like being black, then they can apply anti-discrimination law to sexual behavior. The scientific fact is that there are numerous ways into an LGBT lifestyle, and there are numerous ways out. The Dr J Show has featured many people who left the "gay" lifestyle, happily. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit agreed with Mat Staver that this particular form of speech must not be banned. Topics discussed in this episode include: California's "Reproductive FACT Act made it criminal for counselors to help clients with unwanted same-sex attraction, or gender dysphoria. Anti-reparative therapy bans are LGBTQIA+ propaganda to keep hurting people imprisoned in their conflict. Anti-reparative therapy laws are viewpoint-based, where the State determines which views are allowed and which views are criminal. There is no evidence that reparative therapy harms clients. In many cases, the State has admitted they need more research, which only proves they have no evidence to criminalize therapy. The significance of Trump-appointed, originalist/constitutionalist judges. Conflict of interest among judges in the liberal courts. 99.1% of Californians are not allowed corporate worship -- under threat of huge fines and jail time. The State of California has decreed that 99.1% of Christians cannot: - worship corporately; - have a home Bible Study with a pastor; - have a deacon come pray for them. ALL these cases denying religious freedom have in common pro-abortion, pro-sodomy Democrat politicians and judges. There's no evidence that minors are helped longterm by transgender treatments. Many people --including politicians and even judges-- believe the lie that reparative counseling involves torture. Just as the Sexual State doesn't want women in unplanned pregnancies to know they have options, so the Sexual State doesn't want those suffering from unwanted same-sex attractions to know that they have hope of normalcy. Thousands of former "gays" HAVE changed, very happily. The liberal courts created a category limiting free speech for prolife centers & Christian counselors, and called it "professional speech." The U.S. Supreme Court rejected California's argument that linked reparative therapy ban-reasoning with forcing pro-life centers to advertise abortion because licensed therapists & centers do not have free speech. Liberty Counsel: NIFLA decision: Article summarizing the NIFLA decision: Dr Morse op ed praising 11th circuit decision: Former transgender Walt Heyer website: Sex Change Regret website: Dr J Show interviewing Therapist Robert L. Vazzo, who overturned a Tampa ban on reparative therapy: Dr J Show interviewing Atty. Paul M. Jonna, who represents David Daleiden, whose undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood illegally selling aborted body parts: