Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, November 26, 2020

What does my Faith mean to me?

The reason for my faith is not of my own I was regenerated by ABBA Pappa Father Yahweh. What does my Faith mean to me in my heart? 

My heart is regenerated by the Holy Triune God and the very question is to not put God first. I was a wretched sinner my works as per The word of God were dirty rags. My heart is guided by what The Holy Spirit wants which is to look to Jesus/Yeshua which in turn points me back to God. 

My heart is not mine it is a new heart from God my old heart that was concerned with self is not there. My new heart is all about dying to sin, dying to self and dying to the world to instead take up my cross as Jesus taught in even the oldest and most original of autographs or Scriptures uncovered.

My heart to use that term is to follow God and follow his commands thus my heart is not about what I want or need ultimately. 

However, to better answer the questions. My hope I receive is that of all regenerated peoples and that is that I love God with all my heart, soul and mind. My neighbors as myself. As well as the fact that I know the savior God himself took on the role of a servant by incarnation into human flesh. That by his willingness to sacrifice to the point of death which took my place as a born again man I am saved. Because of this I will see my God when I leave this world. For as the Word says I am in this world, but, not of this world. I will be at home with the Lord and a beautiful addition to that I will be home with all truly saved humans which will include my Mother and any other transitioned people I knew or known in this world. 

That I am saved from punishment and judgement of the lake of fire and I pray that as many people as possible that are in this world will be Graced the same way by Gods metaphoric hand to be renewed and saved from the separation and torment of an afterlife under judgement of their unrepentant lives. 

Everything belongs to Yahweh, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and may his mercy be upon you. Amen!