Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Evolution vs. God
Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities:
• Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
• Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC
• PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris
• Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA
A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches and Lenski's bacteria—all under the microscope of the Scientific Method—observable evidence from the minds of experts. Prepare to have your faith shaken.
Zeitgeist (Copycat Christ Theory) Exposed
This video goes through the claims of the often repeated Zeigteist movie and refutes them one by one. The claims put forth in the movie about Jesus Christ being a mere copycat of other religious figures, dying-and-rising gods, Biblical theology being based on astrotheology/astrology and many others are all addressed refuted one by one.
All credit for this video goes to Elliot Nesch and those mentioned in the credits at the end of the film.
Refuting "Contradictions" In the Gospels
This video refutes many of the contradictions that are claimed to exist between the four Gospels of the Bible by people like Bart Ehrman and others. A clip of Bart Ehrman is first shown where he lists many such "contradictions" and then every claim is addressed and shown to be faulty.
All credit goes to Keith Thompson of 'Reformed Apologetics Ministries' for this video.
Historical Evidence That Jesus Existed
This video proves with historical evidence that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure who lived in the 1st century AD. Much evidence is brought to bear in the video to prove the point, that most people are unfamiliar with.
All credit for this video goes to Chris White
Defending Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone)
- In this video the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura aka Scripture Alone (i.e. the Bible is the sole INFALLIBLE and FINAL rule of faith and practice) is defended from Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and others and ultimately proven to be true both logically and Biblically. Many arguments posed against the doctrine of Sola Scriptura are examined and refuted one by one. As well as many positive arguments being put forth that prove Sola Scriptura true. Also addressed is how believers in Sola Scriptura can account for the Canon of Scripture without needing an infallible church magisterium to give it to them.
All credit for this video goes to Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
Why is it important to understand penal substitutionary atonement?
Unless we understand the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement, we will not understand why Christ died. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, John MacArthur explains why the cross stands at the very heart of the Christian faith.
Jesus Culture L.A. 2012: Polished Peddlers Pitching a Product?
I disagree with the assumptions at one point that Christians are not in Heaven before Jesus comes back.
GOD...Please Buy Me A Jet | Today`s Church...Years Later⁹
I disavow the sections of this documentary that are pointing to Illuminati or other conspiracies.
Neither do I know where they got the Hillsong presentation in London from. I never seen such distortions at Hillsong concerts.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Romans 8:28-30: Foreknowledge and Predestination: Critiquing Matt Chandler
I disagree with boxing in all Calvinism as 5-point free will denying forms. I am both a huge fan of Leighton Flowers and also a 4-point (middle knowledge affirming) Calvinist.
I affirm God's middle knowledge as the means of Him being completely Sovereign over all things while also us having genuine free will.
1- Total Depravity: There is not one aspect of my existence which is not infected by sin. However, the image of God I have been created in has not been ERASED, but rather, EFFACED. Think of a little drop of black ink being dropped into a tall glass of pure water. Every single particle of the water is now “infected” by the droplet of ink; however, it is still a glass of water. In fact, it is still drinkable (although your teeth will turn black). The water needs to be cleansed and purified.
2- Unconditional Election: I affirm predestination and election, but logically, this is not the same thing as causal determinism. God elects to create a world in which he knew with omniscient certainty, exactly how all things will happen. All things means all things, from all movements of subatomic particles to all actions of free creatures. God does not move my limbs or force my thoughts or choices (that is causal determinism); I am genuinely free to make my own choices, and logically speaking, I could have chosen otherwise. God simply elects a world in which he omnisciently and perfectly knows how we will freely choose. Thereby, he elects, guarantees, and predestines EVERYTHING, including our free choices that are not causally determined. We are logically free to choose otherwise as there are no causal strings attached (knowledge does not stand in causal relation).
3- Limited Atonement: God created a world in which he knew all people would not freely choose the marriage proposal offered by God. Therefore, God actualized and elected a world in which he knew the atonement was logically sufficient for all mankind; however, he also specifically knew what individual humans would freely choose to reject it (although they did not have to). It follows that God created a world in which he knew that the atonement would only be freely experienced by a limited number of humanity.
4- Perseverance of the Saints: God created a world in which he knew what persons would freely choose to love God for eternity. This is easy if God is truly omniscient! Therefore, God actualized a world in which he knows what persons will choose to love God and persevere into the infinite future. True love never fails (1 Cor 13:4-8).
Not all Calvinism is 5-point and affirming of determinism or limited Atonement/provision.
The Atheist Illusion
The Mandela Effect: A Critical Analysis
This video will be an attempt to critically analyze the portion of the Mandela Effect theory that would specifically say the Bible has been changed. We'll be comparing this part of the theory against what the Bible, and even Jesus Himself, said about the issue of whether the Scripture's are able to be altered or not.
All credit for this video goes to the On Point Preparedness YouTube channel:
I am an Old Earth/Universe Creationist
Some people might be wondering what my view on Origins considering the different ways to interpret Genesis. I would be considered an Old Universe or Earth Creationism proponent.
This means I believe that creation happened as spoke of in the first two chapters of the Bible. However, the word translated Day means really a long, but, finite period of time or era of Creation.
I affirm the fossil record and the existence of the Big Bang. I affirm the age of the Universe as well as the Biblical way of creation. I affirm the Truth of the Garden of Eden as well as the fall as depicted in the Word of God.
This means I do not affirm naturalistic creation alternatives that say we all evolved from the same common ancestor which was not human.
I see life as a bunch of bushes changing within the same parameters of each body plan or species. For this reason I cannot support the idea of theistic evolution which removes the existence of the actual fall event as well as a real Adam and Eve.
This means I believe that creation happened as spoke of in the first two chapters of the Bible. However, the word translated Day means really a long, but, finite period of time or era of Creation.
I affirm the fossil record and the existence of the Big Bang. I affirm the age of the Universe as well as the Biblical way of creation. I affirm the Truth of the Garden of Eden as well as the fall as depicted in the Word of God.
This means I do not affirm naturalistic creation alternatives that say we all evolved from the same common ancestor which was not human.
I see life as a bunch of bushes changing within the same parameters of each body plan or species. For this reason I cannot support the idea of theistic evolution which removes the existence of the actual fall event as well as a real Adam and Eve.
Friday, August 28, 2020
About people who NEVER hear the gospel
A transparent and thorough treatment of the question from a biblical perspective. Various issues are dealt with such as why people get judged in the first place, what all people should know, biblical examples of people who were saved without hearing the gospel, a rebuttal of universalism, how we ought not suppose that all religions offer a path to God, and how the reality of people responding to the gospel means that we need to be serious and vigilant in evangelism.
Stop Saying All Roads Lead to God!
Streamed live on 1 Oct 2019
It's worse than nonsense. It's destructive. I think this is one of the most common bad ideas people have about God and religion. Let's thoughtfully analyze the idea that all roads lead to God and see why this incredibly common viewpoint couldn't possibly be true. Here's a list of other slogans we'll deal with today.
"All roads lead to God"
"How can you say that Jesus is the only way? How rude! How arrogant! How judgy!"
"All religions teach basically the same thing."
"All religions have a different piece of the truth."
"I think that sincere people will be OK."
"I just think that God knows our hearts and that good people will be OK."
I am a 4-point (middle knowledge) Calvinist
I reject all worldviews that reject free will. This would encompass either 5-point or hyper Calvinism and forms of theistic determinism. I am, however, a 4-point middle knowledge Calvinist.
I affirm 4 points of T.U.L.I.P. Dropping the I as to affirm Gods middle knowledge. Thus allowing for free will as opposed to the determinism of 5 point and hyper Calvinism.1- Total Depravity: There is not one aspect of my existence which is not infected by sin. However, the image of God I have been created in has not been ERASED, but rather, EFFACED. Think of a little drop of black ink being dropped into a tall glass of pure water. Every single particle of the water is now “infected” by the droplet of ink; however, it is still a glass of water. In fact, it is still drinkable (although your teeth will turn black). The water needs to be cleansed and purified.2- Unconditional Election: I affirm predestination and election, but logically, this is not the same thing as causal determinism. God elects to create a world in which he knew with omniscient certainty, exactly how all things will happen. All things means all things, from all movements of subatomic particles to all actions of free creatures. God does not move my limbs or force my thoughts or choices (that is causal determinism); I am genuinely free to make my own choices, and logically speaking, I could have chosen otherwise. God simply elects a world in which he omnisciently and perfectly knows how we will freely choose. Thereby, he elects, guarantees, and predestines EVERYTHING, including our free choices that are not causally determined. We are logically free to choose otherwise as there are no causal strings attached (knowledge does not stand in causal relation).”3- Limited Atonement: God created a world in which he knew all people would not freely choose the marriage proposal offered by God. Therefore, God actualized and elected a world in which he knew the atonement was logically sufficient for all mankind; however, he also specifically knew what individual humans would freely choose to reject it (although they did not have to). It follows that God created a world in which he knew that the atonement would only be freely experienced by a limited number of humanity.4- Perseverance of the Saints: God created a world in which he knew what persons would freely choose to love God for eternity. This is easy if God is truly omniscient! Therefore, God actualized a world in which he knows what persons will choose to love God and persevere into the infinite future. True love never fails (1 Cor 13:4-8).
John MacArthur: Who Is Jesus?
The Gospel concerns the person of Jesus. But who is he? The Old Testament promised the coming of a Messiah who would save his people. In this message, Dr. John MacArthur will demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah, the incarnate Son of God, fully God and fully man.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Can Christians Be Gay?
The goal of this video is to lovingly address the all important topic of whether a Christian can be gay or not.
All credit for this video goes to Christ Presbyterian Church of Magna, Utah, and Pastor Jason Wallace of the ancientpathstv YouTube channel:
The Dark Past of the Jehovah's Witnesses
This video explores the origins and teachings of the cult known as the Jehovah's Witnesses, exposing their many false prophecies and teachings up till modern times. The end of this documentary even contains actual scans of JW official publications as proof that the seemingly absurd claims of this video are indisputable facts of history.
Evolution's Fatal Flaws
I am an old Universe Creationist, but, even the YEC information is very interesting.
This in depth documentary exposes the greatest weaknesses of the theory of Darwinian Evolution. Multiple PhD scholars in relevant fields are assembled to give their expert opinion on the holes in evolutionary theory. The main flaws addressed in this documentary are Natural Selection, Genetics, the Origin of Life, the Fossil Record, the Geologic Record, Radiometric Dating, and Ethical Implications. Each one of these topics is addressed in great detail and shown to be a massive problem for the evolutionary worldview.
Evidence for the Exodus
This movie is a rigorous search through Egypt and the Holy Land for evidence that the Biblical Exodus story actually happened. This video presents rarely seen evidence regarding the Israelite's slavery, their mass Exodus from Egypt and their eventual conquest of Israel. Though many scholars and archaeologists deny the validity of the Exodus story, this video builds a strong case that the events spoken of in the Bible actually did happen in history.
All credit for this video goes to Thinking Man Films.
Exposing the Mormon Cult
This in depth video reveals the LDS cult of Mormonism and its many bizarre beliefs. Nearly every major doctrine of Mormonism, as well as its best arguments are addressed and disproven one-by-one in this detailed documentary. Simultaneously, a case is made for actual Biblical Christianity, the reliability of the Bible, the Christian God, the Jesus of Christianity and the Gospel taught by Christianity, as opposed to Mormonism.
Please visit ldsvideoencyclopedia's website for more proof and references to all the claims made throughout this video:
David Icke Fully Debunked
I disavow the New World Order conspiracy part of this documentary. However, the parts about David Ickes spreading the Docterine of Demons needs to be known.
The Problem of Evil resolved
The Problem of Evil: Is God Good? - This video explains the existence of God in light of all the evil that goes on in our world. Three different forms of the Problem of Evil argument (i.e., the logical, probability and emotional versions) are all addressed and shown to be invalid. All credit for this video goes to the Reasonable Faith ministry of Dr. William Lane Craig. Dr. Craig's YouTube channel: Dr. Craig's Website:
7th Day Adventism Exposed
This eye-opening documentary exposes the false teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist church, reveals its sinister origins, and shows the changes which have occurred throughout the years. It examines the claims of the religion's founder, the supposed "prophetess" Ellen G. White, and proves that her teachings clash with both the Bible and reason. This film contains a number of former high-ranking Adventist church leaders, many of whom are 4th generational members, who tell their stories of why they embarked on a journey to uncover the truth about their organization and what information caused them to leave.
All credit for this video goes to Jeremiah Films. Visit their website at the following link to purchase this film and others:
Documentary: Purgatory Debunked
Refuting the Catholic doctrine of purgatory biblically and historically.
Catholic Church Debunked Documentary (8 hrs)
This is not some sort of attack on individual Catholics nor their salvation status as Christians. Thus keep in mind this is about doctrines and the Roman Authorities. The Church and not the individual Catholics are being exposed here. I have Catholic family members and I am not saying one cannot be a saved person while being caught up in the Roman catholic Church.
A Keith Thompson film. Comprehensive examination of Roman Catholic history and doctrine.
The Papacy/Papal Infallibility 05:32 - 01:32:47
Mary 01:32:48 - 03:14:40
Scripture & Tradition 03:14:41 - 04:32:35
Rome's Worst Atrocities/Deception in History 04:32:36 - 05:07:11
The Reformation 05:07:12 - 5:35:05
Salvation 5:35:05 - 08:22:27
Endorsements for this film:
“After literally years of hard work Keith Thompson has finished what I think will be his ‘Magnum Opus.’” – Chris White, author of Daniel: A Commentary and False Christ: Will the Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah?
“Keith Thompson’s documentary on Roman Catholicism is very meticulous and thoroughly documented. It is by far the best documentary on this subject and the research that went into it is top notch.” – Sam Shamoun,
“This series of videos examines in great detail the main errors of traditional Catholic theology. I recommend it highly.” – Dr. Robert Morey,
“My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust...." C.S. Lewis on the solution to the Problem of Evil.
“My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?”C.S. Lewis Quotes:
Documentary: Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked
This film critically examines the history and doctrine of the Black Hebrew Israelite sects.
Intro: 00:00 - 2:40
Part 1: History of the Black Hebrew Israelites 2:41- 10:22
Part 2: Sons of Ham or Sons of Shem? 10:23 - 14:42
Part 3: Were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Negroes? 14:43 - 17:56
Part 4: Were the Ancient Israelites Negroes? 17:57 - 24:21
Part 5: Were the Ancient Egyptians Negroes? 24:22 - 35:02
Part 6: Answering Arguments Ancient Israelites and Egyptians were Negroes 35:03 - 49:32
Part 7: Is Jesus Negro? 49:33 - 57:04
Part 8: Was King James Negro? 57:05 - 59:52
Part 9: Do the Deuteronomy 28 Curses Apply to African Americans? 59:52 - 01:09:00
Part 10: Dispersed Judah did not Migrate to West Africa 01:09:01 - 01:14:00
Part 11: Ashkenazi Jews are Khazarian? 01:14:01 - 01:18:00
Part 12: The Synagogue of Satan? 01:18:01 - 01:20:54
Part 13: The Regathering of Israel 01:20:55 - 01:22:53
Part 14: The 12 Tribes of Israel Chart 01:22:54 - 01:30:37
Part 15: Is Esau the Hated Ancestor of Whites? 01:30:38 - 01:37:54
Part 16: Gentiles have no Hope for Salvation? 01:37:55 - 01:44:42
Part 17: Will Whites be Killed and Enslaved by Negroes? 01:44:43 - 01:53:58
Part 18: Reincarnation 01:53:58 - 01:56:46
Part 19: Conclusion 01:56:47 - 01:58:54
Credits: 01:58:54 - 02:00:24
Joel Osteen - Origins and Errors of His Teaching (a Film by Keith Thompson)
What does Joel Osteen teach and where do his views come from? This documentary is the most comprehensive video refutation and expose of Joel Osteen that exists.
Documentary: Atheists Don't Exist
In this film it's recognized there's no point in endlessly giving "atheists" classical or evidentialist arguments since their fallen nature and faulty unbelieving presuppositions prevent them from accepting them. Plus it is dishonoring to God to let them autonomously weigh evidence for God as if He was on trial and they were the judges. Rather, we reduce the unbeliever's worldview to absurdity noting it can't account for valid human experience (and that Christianity does), and show the God they know deep down is needed to rescue them from such absurdity.
Greg Bahnsen lecture footage used with permission by Covenant Media Foundation.
Documentary: Darwinism's Downfall
Simply one of the best explanations of the Creation view of the Universe online. I am an Old Earth Creationism proponent, but, the information presented for YEC is quite interesting.
Introduction: 00:00 - 05:24
Evidence Against Macro-evolution: 05:25 - 31:07
Refuting Alleged Evidence for Macro-evolution: 31:08 - 01:08:06
The Age of the Earth and the Flood: 01:08:07 - 01:24:28
Impact of Evolutionary Theory on the World: 01:24:29 - 01:52:11
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Islam Debunked Documentary
A Keith Thompson film. Featuring interviews with experts on Islam such as David Wood, Jay Smith and Anthony Rogers.
Introduction: 00:00 - 03:01
Muhammad's Immorality: 03:02 - 24:51
Muhammad's Demon Possession: 24:52 - 31:51
Errors of the Koran: 31:52 - 52:00
Islam's Absurd Teachings: 52:01 - 59:09
Islam and Offensive Warfare: 59:10 - 01:31:14
Muhammad and the Bible: 01:31:15 - 02:42:14
Sources of Koran Stories: 02:42:15 - 03:00:23
Textual Unreliability of the Koran: 03:00:24 - 03:30:51
Salvation and Conclusion: 03:30:52 - 03:42:34
Word of Faith Teachers Debunked (documentary)
Word of faith group exposed. Are you or someone you know a follower of the likes of Joel Osteen, Kenneth Hagin, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, or T. D. Jakes etc? This film takes a responsible look at the major doctrines which separate this movement from historic biblical Christianity. Its origins and errors are documented with evidence and fact. Pray for the repentance and salvation of the false teachers critiqued in this film as well as those who follow them. Introduction Section 1.) Are we little gods? 6:39 Section 2.) Preaching a Different Jesus 1:06:10 Section 3.) Declaring Health, Wealth, and Happiness 01:58:24 Section 4.) Questionable Origins of the Movement 2:45:00 Conclusion
The Word of Faith Movement Exposed with Justin Peters
In this in depth video, pastor Justin Peters uncovers the devious nature of the Word of Faith movement. Much evidence is brought to bear to prove the heretical beliefs of the Word of Faith teachers. This evidence includes video, audio and direct quotations of the Word of Faith false teachers like Benny Hinn, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jessie Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar and many more.
All credit for this video goes to pastor Justin Peters of Justin Peters Ministries.
Can you lose or leave your Salvation? With Leighton Flowers and David Allen
I disagree with boxing in all Calvinism as 5-point free will denying forms. I am both a huge fan of Leighton Flowers and also a 4-point middle knowledge affirming Calvanist.
I also embrace Molinism as the means of God being completely Sovereign over all things while also us having genuine free will.
1- Total Depravity: There is not one aspect of my existence which is not infected by sin. However, the image of God I have been created in has not been ERASED, but rather, EFFACED. Think of a little drop of black ink being dropped into a tall glass of pure water. Every single particle of the water is now “infected” by the droplet of ink; however, it is still a glass of water. In fact, it is still drinkable (although your teeth will turn black). The water needs to be cleansed and purified.2- Unconditional Election: I affirm predestination and election, but logically, this is not the same thing as causal determinism. God elects to create a world in which he knew with omniscient certainty, exactly how all things will happen. All things means all things, from all movements of subatomic particles to all actions of free creatures. God does not move my limbs or force my thoughts or choices (that is causal determinism); I am genuinely free to make my own choices, and logically speaking, I could have chosen otherwise. God simply elects a world in which he omnisciently and perfectly knows how we will freely choose. Thereby, he elects, guarantees, and predestines EVERYTHING, including our free choices that are not causally determined. We are logically free to choose otherwise as there are no causal strings attached (knowledge does not stand in causal relation). Now, to be candid, perhaps this is not “unconditional” in one sense, as it seems that our election is conditioned upon God’s middle knowledge of how we would freely choose in these circumstances. Perhaps instead of unconditional, we can call it, “Ultimate Election!”3- Limited Atonement: God created a world in which he knew all people would not freely choose the marriage proposal offered by God. Therefore, God actualized and elected a world in which he knew the atonement was logically sufficient for all mankind; however, he also specifically knew what individual humans would freely choose to reject it (although they did not have to). It follows that God created a world in which he knew that the atonement would only be freely experienced by a limited number of humanity.4- Perseverance of the Saints: God created a world in which he knew what persons would freely choose to love God for eternity. This is easy if God is truly omniscient! Therefore, God actualized a world in which he knows what persons will choose to love God and persevere into the infinite future. True love never fails (1 Cor 13:4-8).
“If you believe you have free will and that God does not force you to do all that you do, and if you believe God knows everything that could happen, will actually happen, and would have happened in any other circumstances, then you are a Molinist” [if you realize it or not]
Not all Calvinism is 5-point and affirming of determinism or limited Atonement/provision. I am a Calvinist Reformed Protestant. However, I am still against theistic or naturalism determinism. As well as against pushing 5-point views as the very definition of the entirety of Calvanism.
Ben Shapiro Questions Calvinism as defined by Allie Stuckey as requiring 5-point determinism.
I disagree with boxing in all Calvinism as 5-point free will denying forms. I am both a huge fan of Leighton Flowers and also a 4-point middle knowledge affirming Calvanist.
I also embrace Molinism as the means of God being completely Sovereign over all things while also us having genuine free will.
1- Total Depravity: There is not one aspect of my existence which is not infected by sin. However, the image of God I have been created in has not been ERASED, but rather, EFFACED. Think of a little drop of black ink being dropped into a tall glass of pure water. Every single particle of the water is now “infected” by the droplet of ink; however, it is still a glass of water. In fact, it is still drinkable (although your teeth will turn black). The water needs to be cleansed and purified.2- Unconditional Election: I affirm predestination and election, but logically, this is not the same thing as causal determinism. God elects to create a world in which he knew with omniscient certainty, exactly how all things will happen. All things means all things, from all movements of subatomic particles to all actions of free creatures. God does not move my limbs or force my thoughts or choices (that is causal determinism); I am genuinely free to make my own choices, and logically speaking, I could have chosen otherwise. God simply elects a world in which he omnisciently and perfectly knows how we will freely choose. Thereby, he elects, guarantees, and predestines EVERYTHING, including our free choices that are not causally determined. We are logically free to choose otherwise as there are no causal strings attached (knowledge does not stand in causal relation). Now, to be candid, perhaps this is not “unconditional” in one sense, as it seems that our election is conditioned upon God’s middle knowledge of how we would freely choose in these circumstances. Perhaps instead of unconditional, we can call it, “Ultimate Election!”3- Limited Atonement: God created a world in which he knew all people would not freely choose the marriage proposal offered by God. Therefore, God actualized and elected a world in which he knew the atonement was logically sufficient for all mankind; however, he also specifically knew what individual humans would freely choose to reject it (although they did not have to). It follows that God created a world in which he knew that the atonement would only be freely experienced by a limited number of humanity.4- Perseverance of the Saints: God created a world in which he knew what persons would freely choose to love God for eternity. This is easy if God is truly omniscient! Therefore, God actualized a world in which he knows what persons will choose to love God and persevere into the infinite future. True love never fails (1 Cor 13:4-8).
“If you believe you have free will and that God does not force you to do all that you do, and if you believe God knows everything that could happen, will actually happen, and would have happened in any other circumstances, then you are a Molinist” [if you realize it or not]
Not all Calvinism is 5-point and affirming of determinism or limited Atonement/provision. I am a Calvinist Reformed Protestant. However, I am still against theistic or naturalism determinism. As well as against pushing 5-point views as the very definition of the entirety of Calvanism.
Some 5-point determinist Calvinist's War on the Sinner's Prayer: Response to David Platt and Paul Washer by Leighton Flowers.
I once again find this a great Biblical defense of saying The Sinners prayer as a route of regeneration/being born again.
Paul Washer on "Inviting Jesus into our Hearts" with Leighton Flowers
I totally agree with Leighton Flowers that saying a proper and genuine Sinners prayer is a form of receiving proper regeneration/being Born Again.
C.S. Lewis on hell being chosen and locked from the inside.
“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, Thy will be done, and those to whom God says, in the end, Thy will be done. All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.”C.S. Lewis Quotes:
Mike Winger on Soteriology 101
I disagree with boxing in all Calvinism as 5-point free will denying forms. I am both a huge fan of Leighton Flowers and also a 4-point middle knowledge affirming Calvanist.
I also embrace Molinism as the means of God being completely Sovereign over all things while also us having genuine free will.
1- Total Depravity: There is not one aspect of my existence which is not infected by sin. However, the image of God I have been created in has not been ERASED, but rather, EFFACED. Think of a little drop of black ink being dropped into a tall glass of pure water. Every single particle of the water is now “infected” by the droplet of ink; however, it is still a glass of water. In fact, it is still drinkable (although your teeth will turn black). The water needs to be cleansed and purified.2- Unconditional Election: I affirm predestination and election, but logically, this is not the same thing as causal determinism. God elects to create a world in which he knew with omniscient certainty, exactly how all things will happen. All things means all things, from all movements of subatomic particles to all actions of free creatures. God does not move my limbs or force my thoughts or choices (that is causal determinism); I am genuinely free to make my own choices, and logically speaking, I could have chosen otherwise. God simply elects a world in which he omnisciently and perfectly knows how we will freely choose. Thereby, he elects, guarantees, and predestines EVERYTHING, including our free choices that are not causally determined. We are logically free to choose otherwise as there are no causal strings attached (knowledge does not stand in causal relation). Now, to be candid, perhaps this is not “unconditional” in one sense, as it seems that our election is conditioned upon God’s middle knowledge of how we would freely choose in these circumstances. Perhaps instead of unconditional, we can call it, “Ultimate Election!”3- Limited Atonement: God created a world in which he knew all people would not freely choose the marriage proposal offered by God. Therefore, God actualized and elected a world in which he knew the atonement was logically sufficient for all mankind; however, he also specifically knew what individual humans would freely choose to reject it (although they did not have to). It follows that God created a world in which he knew that the atonement would only be freely experienced by a limited number of humanity.4- Perseverance of the Saints: God created a world in which he knew what persons would freely choose to love God for eternity. This is easy if God is truly omniscient! Therefore, God actualized a world in which he knows what persons will choose to love God and persevere into the infinite future. True love never fails (1 Cor 13:4-8).
“If you believe you have free will and that God does not force you to do all that you do, and if you believe God knows everything that could happen, will actually happen, and would have happened in any other circumstances, then you are a Molinist” [if you realize it or not]
Not all Calvinism is 5-point and affirming of determinism or limited Atonement/provision. I am a Calvinist Reformed Protestant. However, I am still against theistic or naturalism determinism. As well as against pushing 5-point views as the very definition of the entirety of Calvanism.
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