Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

There is no such thing as anything other than 2 sexes/biological genders.

There are so many people out there that spout off nonsense about how they can be neither male or female and these delusional ignorant people really think this is the case. However, they are being unscientific and come off rightfully so like the loon that thinks he is Napoleon. You are either male or female either by birth or through sex reassignment. All entities within the mammalian type of species of which we evolve evolved into male and female. We are all either male or female from the moment we get our DNA and the moment our fetus began developing. There is no non-gender gender when referring to male or female. 

Just because you have some unique temperament does not mean you are not one of the genders AKA male or female. You are of either biological sex whether accepting of your biology or desiring to be the opposite. There is no 3rd or 4th biological entity. Intersex is not a different gender it is a disorder of sex development before birth. If you are quote-un-quote non-conforming that does not make you a biological entity different from your constitution or DNA. It means you have a possibly atypical temperament it does not mean you are not a boy or a girl. It does not mean you have the brain of the opposite sex either. It simply means you are, well, you.

Within your DNA you are something either male or female. There is nothing else that you could be as that is how sexual reproduction and the continuation of the species takes place. You either are coded as the giver of swimmers or as the that which is swam into. Even if you do not feel congruent with that you are that on a biological level. We humanize and rightfully so gender dysphoric people, but, these people are not nothing and not no gender. They are identifying with the opposite sex there is still only two options. It is as binary as the code running this blog... 0 or 1 male or female. It is one or the other or it is a known disorder of sex development. Even intersex is not being male or female it is being born with the genital of each of the two in one entity. 

You are limited to two choices the birth gender/sex or transsexualism/transgender/GID persons whom is transitioning from one to the other. However, there is one or the other and not a third option. You either stay as you were handed by nature your birth sex or the opposite. You only have two options because there is only two options in our species. A human of one kind can only transform into another human of another type. You cannot be non-human and to eschew any sort of gender or sex at all is to want to not be human. To want to get outside not a birth sex, but, outside a sex period. Outside of a living human entity at all. It is to long for nonexistence and I would argue a call for help in need of professional assistance.