Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dear Mr. President on the issue of trade.

You proposed getting rid of all tariffs and subsidies at the G7 meeting. I like the sound of that. I want to hear it more often. If the purpose of your trade war is to leverage negotiations in the direction of free trade, please do two things...

* Make it clear that free trade is your real goal, by constantly saying so
* Speed-up negotiations so as to limit the damage caused by your current trade war

And keep these facts in mind...

*Protectionism is cronyism. 
*Hong Kong and Singapore got rich through unilateral free trade. 
*The poorest countries have the highest tariffs. Trade barriers cause poverty.
*History shows that higher tariffs do NOT work as levers to negotiate freer trade later.

So your trade war is running against the tide. It will work better if people know what your goal is. It will also help if you negotiate faster. Go for a quick result to prove your point.