Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Christian Universalist VS other forms of Universalism

There is a need for me to clarify somethings about what my views are on the different world religions. The term Universalism is often meant to mean there is no one way to God
This is not what I mean by Universalist, however.

I agree with Scripture and Jesus that he is the only mediator between the Triune God and mankind. I also, however, understand that it teaches universal reconciliation in its original word of God. Jesus cried it was finished with his attonement on the cross. I believe him when he said that death and sin were finished on the cross.

Jesus was victorious and because of his ressurection we all are reconcilled back to the Kingdom of God when we leave this place. Irregardless of whether we believe in the reconciliation or in God even existing upon death as revelations says all of mankind is put under the feet of Jesus. Then delivered to The Father. So, that all whom see Jesus upon leaving this world will be filled with the truth and as in revelations every knee will bow and every toung sing out his praises of their own free will upon seeing the truth. As a result of this purification the inclination to do evil is also removed and we are all in a ressurection version of our body with God in his Kingdom in heavenly places. The resurrection body being purified and timeless returning to prior to the introduction of the evil inclination in whatever your opinion of the pre-fall moment.

There is only one God Yahweh, whom exists in 3 coequal persons of Father, Son and his Holy Spirit/Ghost. 

All other God's are false and man made idols and false teachings. They are also adversarial systems of beliefs because they are man made. I do not believe that other paths are demons, but, they are incorrect and man made. The New Age and New Thought comes from self proclaimed Lucifarians. Not because an actual devil is behind them, but, because they themselves follow a false path of self Godhood. Lucifarian religions are not the same as Satanic, but, they are just as dangerous. 

Satanists do not actually believe in Satan they are actually atheists with odd rituals and regalia. However, in place of belief in the supernatural they instead focus on being selfish and hedonism. They also do not believe in good and evil. They borrow the New Ages idea that you create your own reality without literally believing in such. In other words they tend to leave themselves open to follow temptation to do whatever they wish to do.

I do think one should recognize while still in this world what God did for them in destroying death itself and abolishing sin. However, in the end of everything everyone will see they were wrong and repent becoming a believer in Jesus. Either in this life or the one too come. Everyone returns to God eventually in their own time and place. As Jesus said It is Finished.