Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, December 30, 2019

Sexual immorality is real, but, everlasting punishment is not the consequence.

Some might mistake my Universalist views means I am a moral relativist. This is not the case sexual immorality and sin does exist. However, my view is more limited to specific types of sexual behavior not sexuality in general.

Some might ask for example do I affirm same sex behavior. It depends on what behaviour you mean. I limit moral same sex behavior to that which is within the context of properly aged consenting behavior and also the surrounding context. For example; it is sexually immoral to use manipulation and lies to have casual sex without proper knowledge of the fact no emotion is involved. Those LGB people that have a sex life consisting of such things are engaging in immoral behavior and committing sinful sexual behavior.

However, so are opposite sex behavior that fall into such categories. Pick up Artists fall into such a category as well. It is a sexual sin to engage in PUAhole behavior and it is sexually immoral.

Same sex attractions that consist of attractions to kids of your own sex and minors are immoral and sexual sin under any circumstances. As is opposite sex attractions that are of such a nature, however. Pedophilia is a sexual sin and sexually immoral affront to the Lord God and Christ. Not too mention the immense secular harm it causes and trauma that comes to the kids it is acted on towards. Rape is always immoral, sinful and to be living the most wicked of life.

The sorts of Boy love rituals in old societies were and are when recreated in modern ones a gregcious sinful affront to human sexuality. It is the den of sexual immorality, depravity and sinfully completely before both Secular and the Almighty.

Any LGBTQ individual whom does brainwash AK Groom is living in the den of wickedness. I am not saying all or even most do, but, those that do are exactly the sort of sexual abomination that should be dealt with by the legal system to the furthest extent of the law.

Sexual immorality, sins without exception include; all non consensual sexual behaviors of either sex towards either sex, inscestual lust and actions which majorly require grooming, all attractions whose lust be only on minors and children.

In addition; desires to groom and or brainwash into any types of sexual attractions one desires ones target or victim to have to confuse their identity for sake of one's own unrequited desires. As well as same or opposite sex behaviors with someone whom has committed their body for sexual pleasure or reproduction to another through being in an existing relationship with another person.

Cheating on your partner or spouse is a sexual sin under all circumstances for you chose your help mate and are cheating on that whom you called your other half. It is also a sin and immoral to commit beastiality thus raping an animal for ones sexual pleasure. It is a sin to engage in sexual behavior with the same or opposite sex of your spouse or partner to satisfy a sexual curiosity or feeling in either direction when committed to them. One needs to undo the commitment and practice only consensual of age sexual acts in order for their behavior to be moral and sinless.

However, the result of actions of sexual sin and immorality is not unending torture in the Almighty afterlife. The results are the immediate negative results within this life for your actions which both the secular morally objective and Almighty know is wrong to perform. It is reaping the seeds you sewed.

For after this life even such craven sinners will be ultimately returning to Yahweh, The Father, Jehovah, God Almighty. Through the finished work of Yeshua/Jesus Christ on the cross for as Christ decreed at his crucifixion, "It is finished!" Death; which was the true outcome of us all missing the mark of perfection had itself been done away with and the curtain has been broken/torn. In Yeshua/Jesus Holy Name! Amen!