Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Atheistic conservatives are not uncommon

Some people might find it odd that I am conservative while being atheistic. However, atheism is not uncommon in the conservative movement.

Famous conservatives such as; George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Anthony Daniels, Walter Olson, Heather Mac Donald, James Taranto, Allahpundit and S.E. Cupp are all atheists. The famed, fiscal conservative economist, Milton Friedman was an atheist as well.

While those conservatives that were and are sympathetic to Ayn Rand find religion as an evil act of not thinking based on reason, but, being a mystic of the mind. In addition, Christopher Hitchens fully supported conservative views on things like the War on Terrorism. As well as being personally identified as an atheist that was personally pro-life.

Atheism is defined as simply denying the existence of the supernatural and paranormal as being real. It does not mean you will have any particular views on politics or economics outside of being against Theocratic government. On which I am as against as any other atheist or Secularist.
The Unreligious Right: Why Are There Republican Atheists?