Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Proper descriptors VS labels

Today I did some thinking about descriptors vs labels and the differences between the two. The definition of a descriptor is a word or expression used to describe or identify something. It means it actually does identify something. That it is concert with reality as it is and not just thrown about on top of someone or given to someone else. Or taken by the person or entity just because without use of reason.

A descriptor is something based in reality and the facts at hand. It is not pushed onto someone or something. Nor is it taken by said entity just because it feels like it. It is what it is and how to describe said entity in a way we understand it in a given language. So, if one uses a descriptor it means it is like a form of a definition. It is as it is and just is. So, for example I am Chris. This is a descriptor it describes the entity that I am.

To describe someone or something requires descriptors of some kind in any language. So, I am Chris and I am a man for example. This is a description of what physically and materially is Chris in nature. I am a biological male and thus the descriptor for me is a man. It is not some label that is arbitrarily given to me nor one I took out of thin air because I liked it. It just is what it is and how it is described in the English language. To know how to describe me in another language would require knowing the "man" in that language.

Other descriptors are that I am tall, average to athletic depending on the season, have blue eyes and black hair. I am a systematic thinker and like to know the whys. These are all descriptions and thus descriptors of actual real characteristics of me thus proper to use to explain things about me.

I always try my best and anyone that knows me knows this. I try to always be as rational as possible; which makes me a rational person whom follows my reason. It is also true that descriptors can extend to lots of other things too that describe one as a person. Am I single or in a relationship? Am I working nights or days on any given shift? Am I into you or not? These are descriptors of reality as it is. Labels in addition often come with judgement calls while a proper definition does not denote something's morality only that what is, well, is.