Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bishop Carlton Pearson's "Get the Hell Out of my Bible" at All Souls Church

God is Love! Amen!

Carlton Pearson's second webcast on "get the hell out of my bible."

Carlton Pearson's webcast on "Get the hell out of my bible."

Christian Universalism explained and simplified

Geahena is not a destination after death. Why Hell is leaving The Bible

Journey Through Church Hell podcast

5 Reasons straight from the Word of God that prove universal reconciliation to God

The idea of Hell and everlasting punishment is a mistranslation/misunderstanding.

Evidence Jesus Saved All on the Cross

Jesus is/was the Saviour of The Whole World

Testimony on Holy Spirit leading to the truth of reconciliation with The Father

Monday, December 30, 2019

Does All mean all? Jesus has reconciled All Humanity! It is Finished! Amen!!

The Salvation of The Whole World according to The Bible

So Will I by Hillsong Worship

Who You Say I Am by Hillsong

I support securing our borders and free trade

The one thing I disagree the most with President Trump over is trade and Globalization.

I agree with his tax cuts, deregulation and securing the border. I agree free countries with equal rights under the law should not have to give up their sovereignty to the UN in the process of having peaceful relations with other countries.

Globalization of the economy is one non-UN way of working towards a world of peaceful relations. Trump being against both Governmental Globalism, but, also anti Economic Globalization is oxymoronic as he is stopping one of the best non-global government/UN means of having peaceful neighbors while keeping national sovereignty. I am also in favor of exporting freedom as part of Globalization. Exporting the rights to own and trade property and all the other rights of a free country as part of the Economic Globalization process.

I am Pro-Global Capitalism and Equality under the law. However, I am also in favor of reforming the UN to remove the corruption and stopping the obstruction of free countries freedoms.

No matter whom is president or prime minister Jesus is King

Jesus not just my savior and king, but, all mankind's king of kings

Sexual immorality is real, but, everlasting punishment is not the consequence.

Some might mistake my Universalist views means I am a moral relativist. This is not the case sexual immorality and sin does exist. However, my view is more limited to specific types of sexual behavior not sexuality in general.

Some might ask for example do I affirm same sex behavior. It depends on what behaviour you mean. I limit moral same sex behavior to that which is within the context of properly aged consenting behavior and also the surrounding context. For example; it is sexually immoral to use manipulation and lies to have casual sex without proper knowledge of the fact no emotion is involved. Those LGB people that have a sex life consisting of such things are engaging in immoral behavior and committing sinful sexual behavior.

However, so are opposite sex behavior that fall into such categories. Pick up Artists fall into such a category as well. It is a sexual sin to engage in PUAhole behavior and it is sexually immoral.

Same sex attractions that consist of attractions to kids of your own sex and minors are immoral and sexual sin under any circumstances. As is opposite sex attractions that are of such a nature, however. Pedophilia is a sexual sin and sexually immoral affront to the Lord God and Christ. Not too mention the immense secular harm it causes and trauma that comes to the kids it is acted on towards. Rape is always immoral, sinful and to be living the most wicked of life.

The sorts of Boy love rituals in old societies were and are when recreated in modern ones a gregcious sinful affront to human sexuality. It is the den of sexual immorality, depravity and sinfully completely before both Secular and the Almighty.

Any LGBTQ individual whom does brainwash AK Groom is living in the den of wickedness. I am not saying all or even most do, but, those that do are exactly the sort of sexual abomination that should be dealt with by the legal system to the furthest extent of the law.

Sexual immorality, sins without exception include; all non consensual sexual behaviors of either sex towards either sex, inscestual lust and actions which majorly require grooming, all attractions whose lust be only on minors and children.

In addition; desires to groom and or brainwash into any types of sexual attractions one desires ones target or victim to have to confuse their identity for sake of one's own unrequited desires. As well as same or opposite sex behaviors with someone whom has committed their body for sexual pleasure or reproduction to another through being in an existing relationship with another person.

Cheating on your partner or spouse is a sexual sin under all circumstances for you chose your help mate and are cheating on that whom you called your other half. It is also a sin and immoral to commit beastiality thus raping an animal for ones sexual pleasure. It is a sin to engage in sexual behavior with the same or opposite sex of your spouse or partner to satisfy a sexual curiosity or feeling in either direction when committed to them. One needs to undo the commitment and practice only consensual of age sexual acts in order for their behavior to be moral and sinless.

However, the result of actions of sexual sin and immorality is not unending torture in the Almighty afterlife. The results are the immediate negative results within this life for your actions which both the secular morally objective and Almighty know is wrong to perform. It is reaping the seeds you sewed.

For after this life even such craven sinners will be ultimately returning to Yahweh, The Father, Jehovah, God Almighty. Through the finished work of Yeshua/Jesus Christ on the cross for as Christ decreed at his crucifixion, "It is finished!" Death; which was the true outcome of us all missing the mark of perfection had itself been done away with and the curtain has been broken/torn. In Yeshua/Jesus Holy Name! Amen!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! In Jesus name, may abundance of love and peace reign on you all year long!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christian Conservative and Universalist

There are lots of people that assume being a conservative Christian is a code word for hate. However, this is not at all true. One does not need to be a liberal or progressive to be a Universalism proponent.

Nor is being a liberal Christian mean you are in agreement with universal Salvation or reconciliation through the work of Christ on the cross. Often conservative Christians are painted with the hate brush on certain issues like LGB issues or on abortion.

However, what one does or does not think about things such as same sex marriage is not interchangeable with right vs left wing politics. There have been leftists whom have been against same sex marriage and many rightists whom have supported such arrangements.

There have been Christian conservatives whom have fully supported every single LGB legislation passed in Canada and elsewhere. The fundamentalists do not represent all Christian Conservatives they are only one group of Christians.

However, I will go on record as saying love and grace are abounding even in those you might disagree with. I do not make the marriage question intricate to being an overall good person. People can disagree with same sex marriage and still be good people.

The LGB question is not intricate to being a good person. Nor is it key to embracing someone as a Good Christian, as the saying goes. I happen to support marriages for same sex adults, but, I also understand why others are so concerned with traditional marriage as well.

Both sides of the debate belong to The Body of Christ and I am not going to try and push my views on traditional marriage proponents anymore than I want them pushing their views on me.

As for abortion I am personally absolutely pro life. A view which has changed over time. I also do not support reopening any legislation within Canada on the subject.

On the issue of Christians in general the word refers to nothing hateful at all. Christian's are those whom have come to realize that Jesus was Lord and Saviour. So, there is no reason for assuming it is hateful when the meaning is understood.

In regards to myself I am in both the Conservative Christian and Universalist camp. I am someone that finds the Word of God points to us all being saved by the finished work of the cross. However, I am also a Conservative whom thinks that free minds and free markets are the way of having a functioning government which stays within its constitutional bounds. I believe in balancing budgets, keeping government efficient where it has to be involved. As well as keeping government as limited as possible within an ever changing world.

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Electoral College Is Essential!

Deplorables: Trump, Brexit and the Demonised Masses

A film about the people who had long been forgotten, but now cannot be ignored -- from the Rust Belt to the Essex coast. Featuring: Salena Zito, Matthew Goodwin, Glenn Loury, Munira Mirza, Paul Embery, Brian Denny and more.

“Law and Order in Urban America” - David A. Clarke, Jr.

Mollie Hemingway | Political Divide in America

Kevin Slack | Identity Politics and the Seeds of Tyranny

Mike Murphy on the Democratic Race and the 2020 Presidential Election

Strategist and commentator Mike Murphy looks into the crystal ball. Click "Show more" to view all chapters. For more conversations, visit
Chapter 1 (
0:15 - 49:48): The Democratic Race
Chapter 2 (
49:48 - 1:21:53): The 2020 Presidential Election
As we head into the 2020 election year, veteran political strategist and commentator Mike Murphy joins Bill Kristol to discuss the state of the race for the Democratic nomination, and the general election to follow. What are plausible paths to the nomination for Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, and possible dark horse candidates? What are Donald Trump’s chances for reelection against possible democratic nominees? Murphy shares his perspective on the race with his usual blend of humor and insight.

The Liberals are in trouble now

Ravi Zacharias | The Eric Metaxas Radio Show

DEMOCRATS' ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT: Did President Trump Obstruct Congress?

Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition: Remastered

9/11 conspiracies debunked by explosives expert

9/11 Debunked: Cell Phone Calls not Faked

Thursday, December 12, 2019

I lovingly disagree with Carlton Pearson's path

There was a time that I agreed wholeheartedly with Carlton Pearson's views. When he released Gospel of Inclusion I agreed that Christ meant death was finished and hell was a mistranslation/misunderstood. However, he is now waded into the world of quacks and false prophets in the new age movement.

I pray for Carlton to realize that new age is simply rebranded spiritualism and based on the same shady snake oil. Psychics and quantum mystics are all false prophets. They are all fooled or outright lying cultist that thrive on people accepting absurdity about the nature of natural laws.

The dead are not talking to these people they use cold and hot reading. People like Abraham Hicks are quacks that are not special at all. Similarly you are not God and you do not make this reality like the universe is a giant genie.

I pray Carlton Pearson gets back to his senses and gets back to taking about Christian Univeralism instead of preaching the words of false prophets and con artists. In Jesus Precious Holy name, amen!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Universal Salvation in Christ Primer

“Civil rights are for Christians, too”: Pastor David Lynn banned from re...

The Best Instrumental Music Of the 80s and 90s - Greatest Hits 80s & 90s

Relaxing Christmas Music & Songs

Most Praise and Worship Songs 2020 - Nonstop Christian Songs 2020 - Chri...

Brexit Party: Nigel Farage speaks at ‘National Day of Action’ in Yorkshire

Ted Cruz: The IG report was nothing short of stunning

MOST EXCITING NIGHT: President Trump Says of Election Night 2016

CROOKED FBI: President Trump GOES OFF On Government Spying On His Campaign

How does a minority government in Canada work?

PELOSI HAS LOST IT: President Trump Says 2020 Victory Is Sealed For HIM

SciManDan | What Does a Flat Earther Look Like?

Former Labour voters who are now backing Boris

Boris Johnson gets festive and pulls crackers with staff at a Christmas ...

In defense of globalism: A conservative case for global institutions | L...

Art Laffer predicts China trade deal may add 4,000 points to the Dow

Joel Pollak: How the Trump Impeachment hearings make room for Yang, Butt...

Graham opens IG hearing with scathing take on FISA report: The system fa...

Trump's Most Savage Roasts of Dems at His PA Rally

DISCO Christmas Disco Song MegaMix II Non stop Christmas Songs Medley Di...

Posie Parker - Woman – Adult Human Female

Launch Event: Suicide Awareness and Prevention Campaign

Tomi Lahren talks to celebs about attacks on free speech

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What Doctors Aren’t Telling The Parents of Gender Dysphoric Children

The Inequality of the Equality Act: Concerns from the Left

Fair Play? Women's Athletics in the Age of Gender Identity

Former Transgender Activist: Transitioning Is Dangerous—Especially For Y...

DISCO Christmas Disco Song MegaMix II Non stop Christmas Songs Medley Di...

The Black Book of the American Left: The Collected Conservative Writings...

Gender Dysphoria in Children: Understanding the Science and Medicine

When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment

Medical Risks of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphori...

Brendan O'Neill on political correctness and its discontents

Dave Rubin: The left are so wrong it’s disturbing

Dave Rubin: The threats to our liberty

Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege

Real Racism, Trump, Fake News, and More | Larry Elder | POLITICS | Rubin...

Rigged Debates, Media Smears, & Taking On The DNC | Tulsi Gabbard | POLI...

Communism, Trump, and Leaving the Left | David Horowitz | POLITICS | Rub...

On Trump and the "Muslim Ban” | Glenn Beck | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Gay, Millennial, and Conservative | Guy Benson | POLITICS | Rubin Report

How To Beat Cancel Culture, 2020 Predictions & Future of The Rubin Repor...

The Civil Rights Movement

Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro: Religion, Trans Activism, and Censorship

On Comedy, Trump, & Political Correctness | Bob Saget | COMEDY | Rubin R...

Is There Still a Debate Over Climate Change? | Alex Epstein | ENVIRONMEN...

Trump, Trans, Religion, Abortion, and Tax Cuts | Ben Shapiro | POLITICS ...

On Donald Trump, Censorship, and Free Speech | Milo Yiannopoulos | POLIT...

Anti-Feminist Professor | Janice Fiamengo | WOMEN’S ISSUES | Rubin Report

Kanye West, the Media, & New Conservatives | Larry Elder | POLITICS | Ru...

Do You Really Understand Guns? | Colion Noir | GUNS | Rubin Report

Jordan Peterson: From the Barricades of the Culture Wars

Facts and Fallacies with Thomas Sowell

Discrimination and Disparities | Thomas Sowell | POLITICS | Rubin Report

FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 12/8/19 | Breaking Fox News December ...

The vision of the anointed — with Thomas Sowell (1995) | THINK TANK

Trans Issues, Gender, and Victimhood | Blaire White | WOMEN’S ISSUES | R...

Who Was JFK? | Brian Domitrovic | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Ben Shapiro on Gay Marriage, Gun Control, and Piers Morgan

Documentary: A Glitch in the Matrix (David Fuller production)

Free Speech Battle with Laurier University | Lindsay Shepherd | ACADEMIA...

On Her Journey From Left to Right | Candace Owens | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Political Correctness is Ruining Sports | Clay Travis | Rubin Report

Jordan Peterson - Political Correctness and Postmodernism

Leftism is not compassionate | Michael Knowles LIVE at University of Flo...

Saudi Arabia and Fetishizing the Hijab (Pt. 2) | Yasmine Mohammed | SPIR...

Married to Al Qaeda, and Being “Ex Muslim” (Pt. 1) | Yasmine Mohammed | ...

Dave Rubin Handles Protesters at UNH (FULL VIDEO) | FREE SPEECH | Rubin ...

Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality

Jordan B. Peterson on 12 Rules for Life

Racism, the Black Family, and Victimhood | Tommy Sotomayor | POLITICS | ...

White Privilege Accusations, Blexit & A New Silent Majority? | David Web...

The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart

Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Eric Weinstein, and Dave Rubin LIVE! | POL...

Who Is The Real Trump? Taxes, Economy & The New Socialism | Stephen Moor...

Friday, December 6, 2019

Fazale "Fuz" Rana AMP Conference 2015

28:19 Nexus: Biochemical Evidence for Design

Instrumental Christmas Music with Fireplace 24/7 - Merry Christmas!

Boris Johnson rejects Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘secret document’ and vows ‘no che...

Jordan Peterson: “There was plenty of motivation to take me out. It just...

Hannity: Joe Biden goes off on unhinged rant

Rush Limbaugh on impeachment: We are watching pure, raw hatred

Canadian MPs return to Ottawa for first Question Period under Trudeau mi...

Trudeau delivers speech on anniversary of Montreal massacre | LIVE

Beijing monitors, blocks Canadian messages sent through Chinese WeChat a...

The Truth Behind the Headline: Trump Cuts 750,000 Off Food Stamps

US jobs growth beats expectations in November

Maintaining the Strength of American Capitalism

Friday Five - 2019 Worst Breaks

Alberta's credit rating downgraded: Moody's blames lack of pipelines and...

Uber embraces transparency with release of 'explosive' safety report

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Welcome our House Leadership Team

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced the Conservative House of Commons Leadership Team. The appointments include:
• Deputy Leader: Leona Alleslev
• Quebec Political Lieutenant: Alain Rayes
• House Leader of the Official Opposition: Candice Bergen
• Chief Opposition Whip: Mark Strahl
• Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition: John Nater
• Deputy Opposition Whip: John Brassard
• Caucus-Party Liaison: Diane Finley
• Conservative National Caucus Chair: Tom Kmiec
• Caucus-OLO Coordinator: Chris Warkentin
As Canada faces unprecedented challenges after Justin Trudeau’s divisive campaign, it’s more important than ever that our Conservative team is prepared to fight for Canadians.
That’s why Andrew Scheer just announced his house leadership team, full of motivated, experienced Conservatives from across the country.
Our strengthened Party will use every tool available to us to correct the mistakes of this government, beginning with our strong house leadership team.

Standing with our NATO allies

Historically, Canada has been a committed member of NATO. We stood shoulder to shoulder with our allies to oppose tyranny and protect democracy around the world.
Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau’s diplomatic failures and poor judgement in the last four years have diminished Canada’s role in the world.
Now, more than ever, NATO is an essential alliance.
As Vladimir Putin shows no signs of ending his illegal occupation of Crimea and continues to threaten Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic, our choice is clear:
Justin Trudeau can get serious about Canada’s commitment to NATO, or Canada will continue to shrink on the world stage.

Trudeau’s list of international embarrassments grows

It seems like Trudeau just can’t pass up an opportunity to embarrass Canada or offend our allies.
Remember the dancing in India, failing to show up to key Trans-Pacific Partnership trade meetings, or the photos and videos of Trudeau wearing blackface?
Canada’s allies and trading partners are already fed up with Justin Trudeau’s offensive behaviour.
But if that wasn’t enough, Trudeau was just caught — on camera — gossiping about the US President.
The US President, representing Canada’s closest ally, called Trudeau “two-faced” in response.
It’s just one more incident on Trudeau’s list of diplomatic failures and poor judgement.

Justin Trudeau is failing Canadian energy

Canada’s largest energy producing provinces put Justin Trudeau on notice when they said no to electing any Liberal MPs in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Instead of showing some humility and listening to the message sent to him, Justin Trudeau has doubled down on his anti-Canadian energy policies, like Bill C-69: the No-More-Pipelines Bill.
Canada’s Conservatives know that when we responsibly develop Canada’s resources, and focus not on attacking key Canadian industries, but helping them thrive, we can unite our country through economic prosperity.

Taxpayers still on the hook for Trudeau’s illegal vacation

Justin Trudeau illegally vacationed on a billionaire’s private island in 2017, and Canadian taxpayers are still stuck with an unpaid bill.
Trudeau was found guilty of breaking the Conflict of Interest Act, making him the only sitting Prime Minister ever found guilty of breaking ethics law.
At the time, Canadian taxpayers were rightly outraged to be forced to foot Trudeau’s huge vacation bill.
Now, in 2019, investigative journalists have discovered that taxpayers are still on the hook for more money — $56,000!

Justin Trudeau fails on his approach to China

Justin Trudeau had the chance to provide a stronger stance on the government of China in his recent cabinet shuffle but decided to double down on his past failures.
Despite the fact that two Canadians are still being illegally detained in China, and despite the government in Beijing’s decision to block Canadian canola imports, and despite the Chinese government’s attempts to shut down democracy protests in Hong Kong, Trudeau’s new Minister of Foreign Affairs couldn’t be clearer on where he stands:

 “Canada and I would say China, stands out as a beacon of stability, predictability, a rule-based system, a very inclusive society.”

– Francois-Philippe Champagne, Justin Trudeau’s Minister of Foreign Affairs (CGTN, May 9th, 2017)
This is more of the same from the Liberals. 
Canada’s Conservatives believe in standing up for Canadians and for democracy across the world.

In 2017 the Liberals' gifted a China-controlled bank $256 million.

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has just announced that it plans to build a second pipeline in Beijing with your Canadian taxpayer dollars.

In 2017 the Liberals' gifted this China-controlled bank $256 million. They have already used this money to build 3 energy pipelines in Asia, and now they want to build a fourth!

This Liberal government’s pipeline priorities are completely wrong. They are more focused on creating energy jobs in Asia whilst neglecting the highly-skilled, middle-class, energy workers here in Canada.

Help us stop this! Click here to contact Liberal finance Minister Bill Morneau and tell him to withdraw Canada's investment from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and prioritize jobs and investment here in Canada:

Conservatives will continue to hold Justin Trudeau to account to the collective defense of democratic security and stability.

Conservatives will continue to hold Justin Trudeau to account and press him to contribute alongside our allies to the collective defense of democratic security and stability.

Throne Speech: Trudeau government outlines agenda for minority parliamen...

Boris Johnson says Labour would 'rig' second Brexit referendum to ensure...

Massachusetts Politician Wants Docs to Screen for Gun Ownership

McCarthy: This is the day Hamilton feared, warned would come

Kennedy: 'Laughable' impeachment is not about politics

Conservatives are ready to form the strongest Official Opposition in Canadian history.

We are ready to form the strongest Official Opposition in Canadian history. Let’s get to work fighting for Canadians. Speaking live to caucus, tune in:


Nous sommes prêts à former l’Opposition officielle la plus forte de l’histoire du Canada. Allons travailler pour les Canadiens. Je parle en direct au caucus :

The Boy Crisis: A Sobering look at the State of our Boys | Warren Farrel...

MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights moveme...

TBT: 2008 Ultimate Scoring Championship Finals

What Trump Is Like In Private & The Trump Economy (Pt. 2) | Stephen Moor...

Ban Huawei from Canada! Communist China's tech company must not take hol...

DISCO Christmas Disco Song MegaMix II Non stop Christmas Songs Medley Di...

Breitbart News Explores Mexican Cartel Trails Made on U.S. Soil

McEnany: Biden doesn't want to incriminate himself

Huawei officials slam FCC’s ‘national security threat’ label

Kellyanne Conway slams Pamela Karlan: 'Who the hell are you lady'

Peter Popoff is going to send me a million dollars! (re-upload)

Peter Popoff wants to annoy me with oil!

We will not be divided // Nous ne serons pas divisés | Andrew Scheer

Playlist Hillsong Praise & Worship Songs 2017 //With Lyrics//

SovCit Traveler Claims It's Illegal To Use A Legal Name

LA is Spending Over $1 Billion to House the Homeless. It’s Failing.

Rep. Biggs pushes back on Pelosi's impeachment announcement

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Guus Berkhout Talks Climate Change During COP25 in Madrid

Stanley Goldenberg Talks Climate Change During COP25 in Madrid

Why The Green New Deal Would Be Devastating for Americans

Turley Warns Congress on Impeachment for ‘Obstruction’: ‘It’s Your Abuse...

Jonathan Turley: 'This Is Not How You Impeach an American President'

Full Episode: Russ vs. Lee

Thousands Turn Out To Support The Second Amendment In Virginia

Andrew Scheer Statement on NATO Leaders Meeting

The Honourable Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and the Official Opposition, issued this statement ahead the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Leaders Meeting today in London, United Kingdom:
Since 1949, Canada has been a committed member of NATO. We have stood shoulder to shoulder with our allies in Europe and the United States to oppose tyranny and protect democracy around the world. Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau’s diplomatic failures and poor judgement in the last four years have diminished Canada’s role in the world.
Now, more than ever, NATO is an essential alliance as Vladimir Putin is showing no signs of ending his illegal occupation of Crimea and of stolen territory in Eastern Ukraine. Russia also represents a clear and present threat to Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic. With the rapidly changing threats facing the world, Justin Trudeau cannot afford to abandon Canada’s duty to stand with our allies.
Justin Trudeau can begin by taking action at home to modernize our military, increase investments to Canada’s national defence, and strengthen our contributions as a reliable partner of NATO.
The world is watching. Under my leadership, Conservatives will continue to hold Justin Trudeau to account and press him to contribute alongside our allies to the collective defence of democratic security and stability.

Everyone's Cheating in Moss-Lee vs. Lee on DIVORCE COURT (Full Episode)

Joel Griffith: Media Can't "Cheer On" an Economic Recession

Blaire White | Reacting To DISTURBING LGBT Lesson For Kids.. wtf

Bart Ehrman & Robert Price Debate - Did Jesus Exist

The Real Jesus: Paul Maier presents new evidence from history and archeo...

Is Tolerance Intolerant? Pursuing the Climate of Acceptance and Inclusio...

Evolution vs. God

Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities:

• Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
• Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC
• PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris
• Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches and Lenski's bacteria—all under the microscope of the Scientific Method—observable evidence from the minds of experts. Prepare to have your faith shaken.

DIVORCE COURT Full Episode: Anderson vs. Washington

How do faith and reason work together?

I disagree with God not dragging everyone into Heaven due to the finished work of the cross. 

Left Behind: America's Homeless Crisis

EXCLUSIVE: Charles Payne goes one-on-one with VP Mike Pence

Pam Bondi: Adam Schiff needs to tread very carefully

Varney: Trump dominated the world stage in London

Antisemitism at McGill continues: Council wants student to resign over I...

Former Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley on Trump, Ukraine phone call and inv...

Jonathan Turley: 'This is wrong,' being mad is no basis for impeachment

Americans are rejecting socialism, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren

Done in 90 seconds: Trump secures $2.6 billion more in military spending...

Mary Margaret Olohan: Melania's White House Christmas criticized unfairl...

Conservative leader Andrew Scheer addresses caucus | LIVE

Eurodisco 80's 90's super hits - 80s 90s Classic Disco Music Medley - Go...

LILLEY UNLEASHED: Premiers meet in Toronto

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Trudeau & Trump slam each other at NATO meeting

The Story of Bloodsport & Frank Dux (The Goods from the Woods Episode #67)

The Worst Martial Arts Fraud of All Time

Frank Dux: bulletproof glass, Blood Sport, kumite?

More Lies by Frank Dux exposed!

This is just a tease for an upcoming blog this Friday that will go into more details and show even more lies by noted fraud Frank Dux. The blog will be found at the following site.


Frank Dux was the inspiration for "Bloodsport" and he says "Bloodsport" was the inspiration for the UFC. See it to believe it!!...Michael "The Voice" Schiave...

Building a united Canada // Bâtir un Canada uni | Andrew Scheer

Nile Gardiner on NATO: Russia Loves Seeing France Undermine the NATO All...

Heartland at COP25 - Rebutting the Climate Delusion of the UN in Madrid

2Hrs 30 Minutes Gospel Worship SOft- Rock Edition Music ..@Dj Crysys254

Trump Adviser William Happer Talks Climate Alarmism During COP25 in Madrid

The Sun spends a 16-hour day with Prime Minister Johnson during the 2019...

Kamala Harris: Another One Bites the Dust! | The News & Why It Matters |...

Where is the missing wife of Scientology's ruthless leader? | 60 Minutes...

How Gender Identity Is Hurting Our Kids | Ep 157

Brad Pitt No Longer Atheist—Delighted with Kanye!

Trump calls Trudeau 'two-faced' after video shows him being mocked

Dave Rubin: I’m no longer an atheist (and Jordan Peterson helped)

Michael Ruse vs John Lennox • Science, faith, and the evidence for God

Monday, December 2, 2019

Trump bans Bloomberg News from 2020 campaign events

Impeachment hearings are nothing but a partisan show: Kelly Sadler

The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 12/2/19 | Breaking Fox News December...

SHOCKING: 6 Year-Olds Taught "Self-Touching"?? I Pseudo-Intellectual

Whitaker: Lisa Page made calculated move to front run IG report

Conway on why White House declined to participate in impeachment hearings

Trump: We are leading the world economically

DISCO Christmas Disco Song MegaMix II Non stop Christmas Songs Medley Di...

Supreme Court Showdown Over NYC Gun Case

Boris Johnson says London Bridge attacker 'not suitable candidate for ea...

Trump slams Dems for putting 'hoax' impeachment on table during NATO trip

Trudeau quietly welcomes China's tech company Huawei to handle Canadian ...

Tarek Fatah on YorkU's antisemitic brawl and Islam, Judaism and Trudeau ...

Ex-Californian Explains Why Texas Is A Better State

Slovenia v France - Compound Women Quarterfinal Tiebreak | Moscow

Toja Ellison v Ella Gibson shoot-off

Janine Meissner v Sophie Dodemont - compound women final - shoot-off

Gender Identity: Does It Belong in Our Public Schools?

Children are impressionable and easily influenced. They can learn through observation alone. So does it really seem wise for educators to be feeding them controversial lessons about their sexuality and gender?

Seems there are lawmakers who think so. Many are all for children being taught such lessons — some are even pushing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) laws.

This week, Tiffany Roberts sits down with Emilie Kao, director of Heritage’s DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society to debunk myths about teaching children about gender identity and sexual orientation.

Show Notes:
How Could Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Laws Affect You?

No Safe Spaces: Free Speech Under Attack | Independent Institute

GoldenEye: The Complete History - SGR

Michael Shermer and Alister McGrath: Is God a Figment of Our Imagination?

Are the miracles of Jesus unbelievable? Michael Shermer vs Luuk Vandeweghe

Do we live on a young or an old earth? - Ken Ham vs Jeff Zweerink

Peter J Williams & Bart Ehrman • The story of Jesus: Are the Gospels his...

Peter Singer vs John Lennox | Is There a God? Debate

Christopher Hitchens vs Larry Taunton | God or No God? Debate

DEBATE: Mike Licona vs Matt Dillahunty

Krauss, Meyer, Lamoureux: What’s Behind it all? God, Science and the Uni...

Dan Barker Debates Richard Howe | Is There A God Who Speaks?

Dan Barker and Bryan Hurlbutt Debate: Does God Exist?

Critically Examining the doctrine of gender identity

The History Of The Devil

The History of the Devil is wickedly good, informative and concise. A no-frills Welsh film produced in association with SBS Australia and distributed by Siren Visual, it's roughly 52 minutes in length and packs a fair dinkum amount of history into its slender running time.

The documentary itself is made up entirely of mostly still images alternating sporadically with talking heads; religious scholars, theologians and reverends.

Directed by Greg Moodie and written and produced by Dave Flitton, it was researched by Eibhleann Ni Ghriofa, Deirdre Learmont and Craig McGregor.

It's an impressive and very open-minded account and offers some fantastic insight into the evolution; the hows and whys the specter of the Devil has existed and morphed through the ages from the dawn of civilization through to the new millennium.

So despite its relatively low-fi approach, the richness and diversity of its imagery; the historical plaques, plates, engravings, illustrations, paintings, drawings, and the occasional staged re-enactment (some dude dressed up in rather bemusing demonic attire), keeps the documentary at a high level of beguilement.

Biblical Proof Hell is a Hoax

More 2 hours of Christian Rock Music

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Sunday, December 1, 2019

UK Border Force - Season 2, Episode 8: Uncle London

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Economic Globalization is the answer not Economic Nationalism.

The one thing I disagree the most with President Trump over is trade and Globalization. I agree with his tax cuts, deregulation and needing immigration reforms to vet for dangerous people before coming into the country. I agree free countries with equal rights under the law should not give up their sovereignty to the UN in the process of having peaceful relations with other countries.

Globalization of the economy is one non-UN way of working towards a world of peaceful relations. Trump being against both Governmental Globalism, but, also anti Economic Globalization is oxymoronic as he is stopping one of the best non-global government/UN means of having peaceful neighbors while keeping national sovereignty. I am also in favor of exporting freedom as part of Globalization. Exporting the rights to own and trade property and all the other rights of a free country as part of the Economic Globalization process.

I am Pro-Global Capitalism and Equality under the law. However, I am also in favor of reforming the UN to remove the corruption and stopping the obstruction of free countries freedoms.

Andrew Scheer Announces Conservative Shadow Cabinet

The Honourable Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, today announced the Conservative Shadow Cabinet for the first session of the 43rd Parliament.
“Our Conservative team is united, experienced and focused on finishing the job we started and replacing the Trudeau Liberals,” Scheer said. “The Shadow Cabinet I have announced today reflects the growing strength of our team and our commitment to work for Canadians from coast to coast.”
Conservative House of Commons Leadership Team:
  • Deputy Leader: Leona Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill, Ontario)
  • Quebec Political Lieutenant: Alain Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska, Quebec)
  • House Leader of the Official Opposition: Hon. Candice Bergen (Portage—Lisgar, Manitoba)
  • Chief Opposition Whip: Mark Strahl (Chilliwack—Hope, British Columbia)
  • Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition: John Nater (Perth—Wellington, Ontario)
  • Deputy Opposition Whip: John Brassard (Barrie—Innisfil, Ontario)
  • Caucus-Party Liaison: Hon. Diane Finley (Haldimand—Norfolk, Ontario)
  • Conservative National Caucus Chair: Tom Kmiec (Calgary Shepard, Alberta)
  • Caucus-OLO Coordinator: Chris Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie, Alberta)
Conservative Shadow Cabinet:
  • Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, Alberta) – Digital Government
  • Dan Albas (Central Okanagan—Simillkameen—Nicola, British Columbia) – Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
  • Mel Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap, British Columbia) – Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
  • John Barlow (Foothills, Alberta) – Agriculture and Agri-Food
  • Michael Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, Ontario) – Ethics
  • Luc Berthold (Mégantic—L’Érable, Quebec) – Infrastructure and Communities
  • James Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman, Manitoba) – National Defence
  • Hon. Steven Blaney (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis, Quebec) – Canadian Heritage
  • Kelly Block (Carlton Trail—Eagle Creek, Saskatchewan) – Public Services and Procurement
  • Colin Carrie (Oshawa, Ontario) – Canada/US Relations and Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
  • Hon. Michael Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills, Ontario) – Democratic Institutions
  • James Cumming (Edmonton Centre, Alberta) – Small Business and Export Promotion
  • Raquel Dancho (Kildonan—St. Paul, Manitoba) – Diversity and Inclusion and Youth
  • Chris d’Entremont (West Nova, Nova Scotia) – Official Languages and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  • Gérard Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent, Quebec) – Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Todd Doherty (Cariboo—Prince George, British Columbia) – Transport
  • Hon. Kerry-Lynne Findlay (South Surrey—White Rock, British Columbia) – Environment and Climate Change
  • Cheryl Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke, Ontario) – Veterans Affairs (Associate) and Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario
  • Bernard Généreux (Montmagny—L’Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec) – Rural Economic Development and Economic Development Agency of Canada for Regions of Quebec
  • Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta) – Multiculturalism
  • Marilyn Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton, Ontario) – Health
  • Tracy Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country, British Columbia) – Interprovincial Trade
  • Randy Hoback (Prince Albert, Saskatchewan) – International Trade
  • Matt Jeneroux (Edmonton Riverbend, Alberta) – Infrastructure and Communities (Associate)
  • Pat Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge, Alberta) – Finance (Associate)
  • Hon. Peter Kent (Thornhill, Ontario) – Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
  • Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, Alberta) – Families, Children and Social Development
  • Hon. Mike Lake (Edmonton—Wetaskiwin, Alberta) – International Development
  • Richard Lehoux (Beauce, Quebec) – Agriculture and Agri-Food (Associate)
  • Richard Martel (Chicoutimi—Le Fjord, Quebec) – National Defence (Associate)
  • Phil McColeman (Brantford—Brant, Ontario) – Veterans Affairs
  • Cathy McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo, British Columbia) – Natural Resources (Forestry and Mining)
  • Hon. Rob Moore (Fundy Royal, New Brunswick) – Justice and Attorney General
  • Marty Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley, Manitoba) – National Revenue
  • Glen Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner, Alberta) – Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Associate)
  • Hon. Erin O’Toole (Durham, Ontario) – Foreign Affairs
  • Pierre Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles, Quebec) – Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
  • Hon. Pierre Poilievre (Carleton, Ontario) – Finance and National Capital Commission
  • Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill, Alberta) – Industry and Economic Development
  • Blake Richards (Banff—Airdrie, Alberta) – Tourism and Western Economic Diversification
  • Bob Saroya (Markham—Unionville, Ontario) – Queen’s Privy Council for Canada
  • Jamie Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock, Ontario) – Crown-Indigenous Relations
  • Shannon Stubbs (Lakeland, Alberta) – Natural Resources
  • David Sweet (Flamborough—Glanbrook, Ontario) – International Human Rights and Religious Freedom
  • Hon. Tim Uppal (Edmonton Mill Woods, Alberta) – Treasury Board
  • Karen Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London, Ontario) – Women and Gender Equality
  • Gary Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River, Saskatchewan) – Indigenous Services
  • John Williamson (New Brunswick Southwest, New Brunswick) – Labour
  • Hon. Alice Wong (Richmond Centre, British Columbia) – Seniors
  • Bob Zimmer (Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, British Columbia) – Northern Affairs and Northern Economic Development Agency

Andrew Scheer Announces Conservative House of Commons Leadership Team

The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, today announced the appointment of a strong, diverse team to lead the Conservative Caucus in the 43rd Parliament.
“I am incredibly proud to work with these experienced and dedicated Conservative Members of Parliament,” said Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer. “This is the team which is going to help us hold Justin Trudeau to account every single day.”
The appointments include:
  • Deputy Leader: Leona Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill, Ontario)
  • Quebec Political Lieutenant: Alain Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska, Quebec)
  • House Leader of the Official Opposition: Candice Bergen (Portage—Lisgar, Manitoba)
  • Chief Opposition Whip: Mark Strahl (Chilliwack—Hope, British Columbia)
  • Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition: John Nater (Perth—Wellington, Ontario)
  • Deputy Opposition Whip: John Brassard (Barrie—Innisfil, Ontario)
  • Caucus-Party Liaison: Diane Finley (Haldimand—Norfolk, Ontario)
  • Conservative National Caucus Chair: Tom Kmiec (Calgary Shepard, Alberta)
  • Caucus-OLO Coordinator: Chris Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie, Alberta)
“Our strengthened party will use every tool available to us to correct the mistakes of this government,” added Scheer. “And we will stand ready to make the case to the people that only a Conservative government can keep this country united and deliver the change so many Canadians are looking for.”
Mr. Scheer will be announcing his Shadow Cabinet later this week.