Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, April 30, 2018

Removing Sanction of Anarchopocco and David "Lizard People" Icke.

Today I broke my own promise to not go onto Social Media while working on my own personal issues. As I looked through my personal updates feed I saw a post that made me need to unlike and remove sanction from an upcoming liberty event. It is called Anarchopocco and at some point I had sanctioned it while agreeing to disagree on anarchism. However, when I saw their list of speakers for this year I had no choice, but, to remove my support for the event.

The event is filled with quacks that are insane and should not be sanctioned by anyone that is not a nut. The list includes the likes of David "lizards rule the world" Icke. This is not a gathering of liberty lovers based on the facts they find that liberty is possible and works. This is a gathering of tinfoil hat wearing nuts that are like minded and basically are like a New Age Cult. Some people going are sane, but, they are the exception.

I refuse to give any moral sanction nor follow the exploits of a bunch of quacks which make individual rights means that reality does not exist and that facts do not matter. Anyone that sees this event will think that all libertarians are nutjobs that think the entire world is a prison out to get them. I do not endorse nor support Alex Jones as a so-called defender of Liberty. I refuse to sanction or endorse David Icke either. It is one thing to be open and tolerant. It is another thing to have such an open mind that your brain falls and the remains are no longer functionally active.

I, here forth refuse to ever sanction this event as a legitimate expression of any true liberty based in any facts of reality. I refuse to deem the event as worthy of my time and would like to express that other reality and facts based liberty lovers to not associate with this group of delusional quacks. It is already in the culture that liberty is somehow associated with hatred of the State and not consistent principles of non-coercion. Not too mention being associated with conspiracy nuts like this all too often as well. Conspiracy theorists are not the friends of individual rights and human rights respecting governance.