Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Happy International Men's Day! Let us celebrate and support men!

November 19th, 2017 is International Men's Day a very important day for men that is underappreciated and under supported. On this day we have an entire day dedicated to getting information and asking for support about all of the things men face. As well as speaking about all the wonderful achievements and contributions men make to the human race. 

It is a well known, but, often not cited fact that men make up to 95% of workplace deaths. That 85% of homeless people are men that have no place to go. That male victims of domestic abuse and assaults have no place to go no shelters in most places. That men whom talk about sexual assaults and rapes are often not listened to. That domestic violence, harassment and the like are not gendered, but, are often portrayed as women's issues. 

Men are often blamed as the cause of most of humanities ills, but, in truth men help make the world go round. Men are also more often then not the power behind all of the things that let us have a modern civilization. From the sewer workers to the people that string the power lines. The reason so many men die on the job is they take the most dangerous jobs putting their own life at risk. While women can work in these jobs it is more than likely to be instead men doing them. Leaving most women (not all) in less dangerous occupations.

In addition, it is a time of the year to try and rally support for causes such as Men's mental health needs and suicide prevention. Men are not evil people most are hard working people whom help make the world turn. We need to stop vilifying men and masculinity as some sort of toxin or danger. Men need to be celebrated for what they do for all of us. They also need to be supported in their own time of need. It is only just for all that men do everyday to help civilization run on time.