Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, December 27, 2024

Mysticism: The Deadly Dangers of Trusting Personal Experience Over Biblical Authority

Bible Verses About JOY - Holy Bible KJV Read Along

Fundamentalism/Modernism/Neo-Evangelicalism Explained

Where Do We Draw The Line?

Todd Friel And The Fundamentalist Ditch?

Marks of A Modern Neo-Evangelical

Marks of a Fundamentalist

John Piper and the Need for Secondary Separation

Beware of the Wolves! – Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett

The Truth About Singing Bowls, Vibrations & Frequencies

Pastors’ Point of View (PPOV) no. 334. Prophecy update. Dr. Andy Woods

New Age Meditation vs. Biblical Meditation: A Warning From An Ex-Psychic

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Wonder of the Incarnation

Ezekiel 20:15-40 Retribution and Restraint

Sun Dec 22nd 2024 PM - Travis DeVries

Adrian Rogers: How Wonderful Is The Name Of Jesus

Sun Dec 22nd 2024 AM - David Clarke

Archibald G Brown & The Stepney Green Awakening

My Testimony

I grew up in a Christian household and when I was born my mother had me baptized/Christened. When I was younger My Mom would take me to Church on Christmas Eve Night. I was what you could call a Nominal or Christmas and Easter Christian. We did not go to Church on the Lord's Day, but, I did learn about God and The Holy Trinity. My Mom would play Christmas Hymns every Season around Christmas. My Mother unfortunately, was Raised a Roman Catholic and it was not until much later in life she would become a truly Born Again Christian.

As I got older I grew up without the faith being passed onto me heading toward destruction on the broad road.

When I was 19 I began identifying as bisexual after my experiences being raped multiple times by a groomer. I was literally groomed into Same Sex Attraction by influence of a cunning, well manipulating grooming of a sexual predator.

When I got back to PEI I met yet another groomer and predator that was known for using, brainwashing and manipulating guys into homosexual behavior and milking it for all it was worth.

He struck when his prey was at his most vulnerable in my case when my first girlfriend had left me. I was brainwashed by a book as well. A book by the name of "Coming Out to yourself." A book that gets you to repeat to yourself you are gay in mirrors and such mind numbing things. Essentially self brainwashing.

Having swallowed the book and cultures same sex kool-aid and also having brainwashed myself into thinking my experiences were indicative of being gay I began to affirm and live a gay life.

However, something was nagging in the back of my mind (God, I now know) and there were numerous times I would imagine myself with a woman despite all the grooming.

Yet, overtime God would bring me on a Journey out of same sex attractions. God was putting me back in line with His Creation Order and my Natural Identity as a man. In 2014 I came out to a select group of trusted people as Straight and 100% heterosexual.

I am one of the 1000's of people whom had found themselves being heterosexual whom used identify as bisexual or homosexual. Through change overtime at the hand of Almighty God.

I am myself proof  that change from a homosexual to a heterosexual does happen and can happen. I did not need saved just from that though. I was an avid user of online adult materials. This too was an abomination before The Lord. In His Providence and His Power He removed this addiction as well.

It is not only being heterosexual that matters it is not fornicating and not being adulterous in general. Sexual Sin is not Whispered about, but, shouted about. What people in general need is to be redeemed sexually period. More general than even that it is our Sin Nature no matter what it is concentrated on the most that needs God's Salvation.

Our Totally Depraved nature means we all deserve hell, death and damnation not just one specific group of people. Change is possible with God. In 2019 I got down on my knees in my bedroom soon after my Mom died. I had a truly Godly repentance and belief on the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done for all of us on the Cross.

He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross of Calvary to die for the sins of the whole world. That means for all sins and for all of us. For when we were still His enemies He loved us enough to not want us to perish, but to have us repent/believe/embrace Jesus to gain eternal life/everlasting life.

You too can be in God's Family and the Body of Christ. Let your heart break over your sins and disobedience to The Lord. Repent and believe on Christ Jesus and what He has done for you and for all of us because He loved us; the whole world.

Live with a renewing of your mind in the Washing of His Holy Spirit. Live on His Holy Spirit in The Word of God; The Scriptures. Fill your mind and soul with His Word and live no more for the World, Flesh and the Devil whom has deceived you for so long. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Bible Scoffers SCRAMBLE to Explain This Incredible Discovery

Jordan Maxwell EXPOSED

The New Age's Antichrist Connection

David Icke Fully Debunked

Why Have Churches STOPPED Preaching the Gospel?

The Bible House Scofield Reference Bible!!! A Fresh Layout of an Old Classic

Vital Practical Insights for Walking with the Lord

David Vallance - There is a Pattern for a Local Church

Revisiting First Principles with A.J. Higgins

That Didn't Make Me a Christian (It won't make you a Christian either!)

The GLORIOUS Case-Iron Promise of John 3:36

Bible Verses About Desires