Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Defending Genesis - Part 2 - Biblical Dates

Gospel Meeting

Sun, Sept 29, 2024 PM - John DeVries, Brock Caissie

Sun, Sept 29, 2024 AM - Travis DeVries - Mark 9:14-29

Neo-Calvinism vs The Bible session 3

Utopian Clowns to the Left of me; Utopian Jokers to the Right

When it comes to politics it seems I am surrounded by Utopian dreamers and wing nuts on both sides of me.

Leftists and so called center-left clowns have Utopian dreams of a world where the government controls everything and you will like it because they take care of you. Ushering in Socialist and even Communist dreams of economic-social equality.

Extreme or far rightists (assuming the more right equals less government) have a religion of Utopian Statelessness or near Statelessness based on their Cult/Utopian view on the removal of coercion from life. The opposite Extreme Utopian dreams of the leftists that want Omnipotent Government these folks see Total Freedom and Liberty as their theology/ethical model.

There are also Utopian social conservatives as well and I would tend to fall into being a social conservative myself. However, there are those that think we can or should have a perfect government that stops every vice known to man from existing in this world. Without any realization of how this would require the same Omnipotent State that extreme leftists would require and lead to a Total Government Police State of their own making. 

Utopianism whether on the left or right is dangerous and not healthy. Especially for Christians whom have a great commission of saving people out of this World and not to recreate it from either wing of the political spectrum. However, even non Christians should watch out for ending up being part of a Utopian Political Cult of remaking the World in their preferred image. Whether it is the Extreme woke crowd on the left. Or the Theocratic wing of social conservatism and Anarchic-capitalism on the Extreme right wing. 

Neither Total Government or Total liberty is a realistic nor stable form of civil society/order. You get chaos and destruction both when the State becomes Omnipotent/Total and when you have Anarchy/Total Freedom. The idea that Big Government or No Government are answers are both paths to the destruction of civil society; as neither Utopian ideal cares about consequences near or long term of their views becoming a reality.  

It is fine to have a political ethic and view point. I sure do and it is definitely on the Right end of the spectrum. However, I realize the sorts of things I would like implemented or abolished are not realistically going to ever win the day in the year 2024 or any time soon. Nor is it alright for me to treat those views as my religion nor feel like the world is unfair because very few people would support my views. We are not due by God to have our politics be put into place. 

That does not bother me because I do not live for my politics. I live to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever! We need to remember that The Lord is in charge ultimately and we are to pray for those in places of authority whether we agree with them or not. We might never get a mainstream social and fiscally conservative candidate again and that would ultimately be up to God. As these are the Last Days we are not guaranteed a utopia we are guaranteed in prophecy if anything just the opposite. The weapons of our Warfare are Spiritual/Prayer not governmental and physical. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bible Topics: Scripture Verses About Healing - Holy Bible KJV Read Along...

Wide Margin Thompson Chain KJV From Church Bible Publishers!!!

Ezekiel 13:17-14:7 False Prophetesses and Elders

This is Where VICTORY Begins in the Christian Life

Sexual Orientation is a social constuct.

When it comes to matters of biological sex ; male and female or absolute and a binary based on God's Creation order. This is becoming something understood less and less that it is not a social construction.  What most people fear saying, though, is that sexual orientation is a social construction created by depraved and degenerate individuals.

You see, people are not gay or lesbian or bisexual. They have same sex attractions, but they aren't their attractions. Anymore than someone with an aldterious thought should act on and or identify with their adulterous thoughts. These come from various sources, but Birth is not one of them.

Even secular social science shows this to be the case as the majority of people with same sex attraction lose it for opposite sex attraction by the time they are adults. This is research done by LGBTQ allies themselves which is why many LGBTQ people are now saying do not use the born this way defense.

It is time that Christians and all clear minded individuals stop playing into the degenerate social construction by refusing the use the terms gay, lesbian or bisexual for a person and acknowledge sexual orientation is a pseudo science anti God's Creation Order. 

What They Teach In The Schools – Mike Riddle

Objective Truth is real and it is The Written Word of God

One of the philosophies of This World is that there is no Absolute or Objective Truth. This is just not so, there is Objective Truth and it is the Written Word of God found in the Holy Scriptures called The Holy Bible. Too often you will hear people say that truth is relative and that there is no one truth. However, truth by definition does not work like that. Truth literally is defined as that which corresponds to Reality and is Outside the person; Objective not subjective by definition of being the Truth. 

This is why things like spin and confirmation bias are so important to look out for in whatever it is we believe or follow. As one can easily not care about the truth and soak up things in a subjective way; then turn that into a false truth. The Written word of God is just that The Word of God. We need to all be looking for the Objective Truth of the World. The true truth which is outside of us and simply exists' simply is The truth. If you do not believe in The Word of God you do not have an Objective truth. 

There cannot be multiple truths as all truth claims at some point will collide and become opposites that will always be in an information war with one another. So, we must look for The Truth with a capital T. That is The Word of God as attested to by all the sources of what is in the Word of God. However, many people are in the dark because of their flesh, The World and the Devil. Which does not want The truth with a Capital T to be The Truth. Their depravity and the Worlds depravity combine to try and keep them in the Dark. 

Thankfully God's Grace shines in the Dark to draw all people to the Truth with a Capital T. Some will respond properly by repenting and believing; being born again and become Christians/Filled and secured by His Holy Spirit. Others, however, will continue in darkness and let themselves become hardened more over time. God's Word is The Truth and that Word is found in the Scriptures not in the subjectivity of someone's mind. Objective Truth is God's Truth because He is outside of His Creation and His view is the Truly Objective one. Stick like a perfectly welded piece of Steele to God's Word and The True Truth. Do not let anyone nor thing distract you nor make you question the True Truth of His Word.