Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
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Thursday, October 12, 2023
Rejecting "Calvinism" and Embracing simply being a Christian fundamentalist
Lately I have been researching and rereading the Bible without any systematic of mankind's put on top of it. This has lead me to reject Calvinist soteriology. It is very clear by many passages which use the Greek term Kosmos meaning all entire world that the idea of limiting the Atonement and provision of the Blood of Jesus is not possible.
Of course, that is not the only thing that makes me need to reject the Calvinist TULIP. It was the inconsistency of what The Gospel message affirms and affirming the rest of the system. We cannot truly believe that God wishes for all to Repent and Believe if the offer is not genuine. Which if only the elect are saved they cannot do what they are called to do by God Himself under the unconditional election and limited Atonement doctrines.
Ones salvation is based on a genuine free will decision to accept or reject God's Prevenient Grace and to thus not take part in God's desire to save you. The Atonement is not limited and Christ's Blood is for all! However, the Grace which frees you from your Depravity to respond by, repentance, belief and True Faith is resistible not Irresistible as Calvinism maintains. Nor doss regeneration proceed Faith placing being Born Again before having Faith. Your repentance, belief and True Faith is what causes you to be placed in Christ's sheep fold and the Blood of Chris to be accepted by you.
This leaves those that have not done so with actually only themselves to blame for going to eternal damnation and the fires of eternal hell. So, I plead with you to not ignore the call and drawing of The Father through His Holy Spirit. While Salvation has been provided for you it is up to you to accept God's Free Gift and Provision to you. Christ is not a way, but, The Way, Truth and Life. No one gets saved; into the Kingdom of God and then on the New Heavens/New Earth. Until accepting your depravity and responding in repentance and True Faith on Christ and His accomplishments on Your behalf.
It is the most important thing you will ever do. Once you have True Faith God and His Holy Spirit has promised to keep you sealed as His Own Until the End of all things has come.
I am a Christian Fundamentalist as I am totally opposed to Modernism and False Gospels of liberal theology. I refuse to compromise on the fundamentals of true Christianity. Fundamentalism as I am using the term is a 20th-century anti-modern/liberal orthodox Christian movement. This definition is drawn from the history of the movement, from its inception in the early part of the 20th-century until the present.
“‘Fundamentalism’ is the only consistently thought-out version of the faith, and the ‘Fundamentalist’ is the only Christian who uses his mind in a fully Christian way.” —J. I. Packer
“The deepest cleavages in Christendom are doctrinal; and the deepest doctrinal cleavages are those which result from disagreement about authority.”
“Sham unity is not worth working for, and real unity, that fellowship of love in the truth which Christ prayed that His disciples might enjoy, will come only as those sections of the wall which rest on unsound foundations are dismantled and rebuilt.” —J. I. Packer
People use the term “fundamentalist” in a disparaging sense because of a handful of bad apples who abuse the title At its core, fundamentalism is about nothing more than getting back to fundamental tenets and beliefs of Christianity, following what the Bible says and guided (but not reliant upon) the historical understanding of scripture by the early Church and Church Fathers.