Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

F4F | ELCA Pastrix Claims Jesus Screwed Up

Is Your Pastor A Man Of God? | WRETCHED

Mount St Helens: An Explosion That Rocked the Worldviews

What is Wrong with the Charismatic Movement? | MEGIDDO TV

Bill Johnson: God is Not in Control

Aimee Byrd, Female Preachers & Egalitarianism | MEGIDDO TV

Does Michael L. Brown Have Spiritual Discernment?

Calvary Chapel and Roman Catholicism

Michael L. Brown and the Gullible Charismatic Movement

EZEKIEL: Future Temple Sacrifices or Fulfilled in Christ?

The Dead In Christ Shall Rise First

The Marks of Biblical Revival


Is The Roman Catholic Church "Christian?"

The Biden Administration REPROBATION

Torah Keeping or Faith in the Torah KEEPER?

Herod meets Jesus

Superiority of Jesus vs Judaism

Wokeness & The Gospel

Revelation 20: Part 4 of 4 | A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Revelation 20 (Part 3 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Revelation 20 (Part 2 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Revelation 20 (Part 1 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Amillennialism 101 - Dr. Kim Riddlebarger

Great Errors in Dispensational Eschatology - Part 2

LGBT Idolatry

John Nelson Darby and Dispensationalism

The Late Great Planet Church - Vol. 2

Against Dispensationalism, Exposing the Founder, John Nelson Darby

Genesis of Dispensational Theology

The Error of Dispensational Hermeneutics

What Is Wrong with Dispensationalism?

Dispensationalism - the Heresy that Caused the Current Cultural Defeat

Great Errors in Dispensational Eschatology - Part 1

Voddie Baucham - Revelation 20, the Millennium, and Amillennialism

Amillennialism the Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand!

Destroying Premillennialism in Less Than 10 Minutes

A chart for you! [Covenant Amillennialism]

Revelation 20 Amillennial Perspective

Amillennialism by Whole Armour Ministries 2013

Does Amillennialism Lead to Liberalism?

Biblical Millennialism (Amillennialism)

The Five Points Of Amillennialism by Jeffery D. Johnson

Amillennialism with Dr. Sam Storms

The King who Reigns out of Zion - Dr. David Mackereth

05/29/22 | Belgic Confession Article 29 | What is a Good Church?

A Tale of Two Conversions

Glorious Freedom In Christ Jesus

Julie Roys Author Writes of "LGBTQ Christians" in 2019

The Intercession of Christ - John 17:6-11a (May 29, 2022)


Men Are Evil and Naturally Hate God | MEGIDDO TV

(Audio Book) Arminianism: The Road to Rome!

Arminianism: A Road to Rome? 

Radio Free Geneva: Roger Olson's "Against Calvinism" Reviewed

Debate/Discussion (online): Are Arminians Our Brothers in Christ?


Dear Sinner, Look to the True Gospel of Grace!

The Error of Open Theism and Jesse Morrell

The Fatima Deception and the Cult of Mary

Covenant Theology, Covenant Children and Baptism

Andy Stanley's Rejection of the Old Testament and the Ten Commandments

The Dangers of Free Will Arminianism: Leighton Flowers Rejects Soli Deo Gloria


The Gospel of the Kingdom - Dr.R.C.Sproul

How to Abide in Christ - Paul Washer

Billy Graham’s Legacy, Leighton Flowers, Pulpit & Pen and Charismatics

The Call to Repentance by John MaCarthur

Interview with Dr. R. Scott Clark, Multiple Subjects

Lying Signs and Wonders | Justin Peters Interview

Bill Johnson's Satanic Word of Faith Theology

Why I fully embrace being A Reformed Fundamentalist

Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? That should not be so. I am Reformed and 110 Grade Calvinist. I am so because Calvinism/Reformed Theology is The Gospel as presented in The Bible. The Canons of Dordrecht and its proceeding articles on Unconditional Election, Total Depravity, Limited or Definite Atonement, Irresistible Grace or Effectual Calling and Preservation of the Saints are all taught straight from the Bible.

This does not mean one cannot be Saved if they are Arminian. As we do not get saved by being Reformed we get saved as Reformed Theology teaches through God's unconditional election to salvation. However, the Reformed Theology is the correct one 110%. The Non-Calvinist can be saved just as much as the Calvinist despite Calvinism being the natural outworking of The Biblical Truths and Arminianism ultimately being a False Gospel. All those denying The Doctrines of Grace whom are saved, are so despite holding Unbiblical views. By means of the very Doctrines of Grace they deny or even fight against. 

I am also a Fundamentalist as I am totally opposed to Modernism and False Gospels of liberal theology. I refuse to compromise on the fundamentals of true Christianity. Fundamentalism as I am using the term is a 20th-century anti-modernist/liberal orthodox Christian movement. This definition is drawn from the history of the movement, from its inception in the early part of the 20th-century until the present. Though many fundamentalists also hold other beliefs such as King James Only or believer’s baptism, I do not include those beliefs here, for that would exclude men such as John R. Rice (not KJV Only) and J. Gresham Machen (Presbyterian), both recognized leaders of fundamentalism.

To understand fundamentalism one must first understand its opponent: theological liberalism or modernism. The core of liberalism is its reliance on experience over doctrine. Thus the liberal will maintain that the Bible is not necessarily true doctrine but merely information about people’s experience with God. A liberal will appeal to the individual experience of a Christian as the basis of authority. The power of liberalism comes from its use of Christian language with a new definition. Since they reject the objective truth and rely on experience, then words such as ‘salvation,’ ‘Christ,’ and ‘resurrection’ are not taken from the Bible but redefined in a subjective or modern sense. This new definition is formed using modern principles of criticism, science, and philosophy. Thus liberalism is an experience-based theology, that rejects the inerrancy of Scripture in favor of subject personal relationships and modern scientific methods. Though some would define it differently, to do so would reject the writings and arguments of the vast majority of fundamentalists over the past century.

To understand fundamentalism is to place it in its proper context, namely 20th-century America. Fundamentalism’s anti-modernist nature necessitates that there exist modernism for it to oppose. Thus before the late 1800s and early 1900s fundamentalism could not exist because liberalism did not exist, at least not as a movement or theology. To attempt to find fundamentalism in the centuries prior is impossible, though you may find individual aspects of it, such as doctrinal purity or separatism. Only when Christianity was mixed with modern methods of science, history, and theology would there be a need for a group to oppose it. This is the movement we call fundamentalism.

The most basic aspect of fundamentalism is its adherence to the inerrancy of Scripture. This can be defined as a belief in the inspiration of the Scriptures by God that completely rules out any possible error in the transmission, so that what the writers penned on paper was completely true: doctrinally, historically, and scientifically. This view is not a strictly fundamentalist view, as other conservative denomination and groups have also ascribed to it, but it is an essential part of its doctrine. Along with the inspiration of Scripture, fundamentalist hold to four other doctrines, collectively entitled “The Five Fundamentals of the Faith:”
1) Inerrancy of Scriptures
2) Virgin Birth
3) Christ’s Substitutionary Atonement
4) Christ’s Bodily Resurrection
5) The Second Coming of Christ
While many individual would hold more than these, no fundamentalist could hold less. For instance, dispensationalism would later become a hallmark of fundamentalism, but was rejected by J. Gresham Machen, leader of Presbyterian Fundamentalism, and Williams Jennings Bryan, who fought evolution in the Scopes Monkey Trial.
The guiding principle in fundamentalist thought is that the inerrant Bible is foundational to knowledge, and that modernism, with its accompanying ideas of subjectivism, Darwinism and higher criticism, is to be rejected.

The final mark of fundamentalism is its willingness to separate from liberalism. This was evidenced in various leaders of the movement: Machen left Princeton and founded Westminster Theological Seminary, J. Frank Norris left (or was kicked out) of the Southern Baptist Convention, John R. Rice separated from the Southern Baptist Convention and then later from Billy Graham when he associated with liberals. While these men did not categorize these groups as liberal, they believed that they were tolerant of such, and thus separated to defend doctrinal purity.

As J. Gresham Machen put it so well, "if the disjunction is between "Fundamentalism" and "Modernism," then I am willing to call myself a Fundamentalist of the most pronounced type." 

Amillennialism with Dr. Sam Waldron

"The King Cleans House" part 3 - Mark 11:11-25

Wherein I agree and disagree with the "Independent High Calvinism" Churches.

Arminianism is a foul heresy!

 True! Arminianism is a False Gospel! Amen!

No prophet of God, nor Paul, nor Christ, ever proclaimed this semi-Pelagian, cheap grace gospel that is powerless to save because it is no gospel at all. The Canons of Dort refer to Arminianism as a “novel idea,” an “invention of the human mind,” “or gross error,” that “…contradicts the Holy Scripture.” This theological essay will explain a few reasons why Arminianism is a foul heresy and not an inconsequential doctrine that Christians can ignore.

Consistent Arminianism is a False gospel, but, we praise God that many Arminians are not consistent and trust in Christ alone. If they don't trust in Christ alone then they are lost. We need to be careful to not think perfect doctrine saves. Many don't reject true Calvinism but a caricature. True and Consistent Arminianisn is in fact not Biblical and rejects the truth found in Scripture.


Arminianism teaches that human beings are not totally depraved because they can exercise their frail and fickle free will to save themselves. This is contrary to Holy Scripture––which teaches that sinners are conceived in sin, dead in sin, slaves to sin, and are servants of sin––that are totally polluted in all faculties and parts of the body and soul. To argue that a sinner can come to Christ by exercising their free will is to falsely assume that they have the “desire” to do this, which is clearly antithetical to the teachings of Paul (Rom. 3:10-18).

Free will is the great idol of fallen men who elevate their gross decisions above God’s decree. This is commonly known as contra-causal freedom, or libertarianism––which is a subterfuge that cannot save, nor has it ever saved anyone––because presumed free-will can only send people to hell, and none to heaven. There are several problems that arise from this sophistry:

If God justified a man because he made himself differ from other men with his libertarian freedom to accept Christ, this would make God a respecter of persons, which clearly contradicts Scripture (Acts 10:34). Only a boastful man would dare argue that he is the co-savior or captain of his soul because his decision to be saved was more profitable than someone else’s when both had the same grace extended to them. No one can rescue themselves from God’s wrath, or come to Christ on their own terms or timing, because God has decreed before the foundation of the world that all things––including the salvation of individuals––whatsoever shall come to pass.

Arminianism elevates human decisions above God’s decree. It subjects God’s decree to man’s decision in lieu of subjugating man’s decision under God’s decree. Thereby, Arminians will argue that God’s election and reprobation are contingent upon foreseen faith or disbelief, that is, whether a depraved sinner is going to either accept or deny Him. This is not language from heaven; this is a lie from hell! What are the problems with this argument?

If God has to foresee whether a sinner will either accept or deny Him––this would mean that God would have to see something in the sinner that He must laud, and not loathe. God sees absolutely nothing in anyone that He must praise, since our best works do not merit His favor, but His wrath. Also, if God must foresee whether the sinner will either accept or deny him, then God is not transcendent. The all-knowing God does not need to foresee; He already knows from all eternity, and that is so because He has ordained everything that comes to pass.

Arminianism is diabolical because it teaches that the vicarious and atoning death of Christ was made universally for all, even to include those whom the Father has consigned to everlasting torment in hell. Does this mean that Christ actually redeemed or just made sinners redeemable? If Christ died for all––this would mean that Christ only made sinners redeemable. Therefore, because the application of His death is contingent upon the mere will of men to either accept or deny Him, this cannot be the glorious gospel of grace.

Arminianism distorts the teachings of God’s free grace. If God’s grace is contingent upon man’s decision, then God's grace is not free, and salvation would have to be ascribed to man and not God. Also, if the will of man precedes the will of God, or if the power of God in the gospel is only possible if men cooperate, then Paul would be a liar because he said that “it is God that works in us to will and to do” (Phil. 2:13), and he called the gospel the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). This is why advocates of semi-Pelagian popery are teachers of their own righteousness, and despisers of free grace.

Arminianism will contradictorily teach that regenerate saints can fall from the faith that they once previously accepted. Unlettered men or women will denounce this necessary conclusion, and will posit that not all Arminians will agree with this notion. Despite these conjectures or opinions of men or women, Arminians can never have assurance of their salvation because if they have the free will to be saved, then to be logically consistent, they will have the ability to lose it also. On the contrary, regenerate Christians can have assurance of their salvation, since God’s decree is unchangeable, eternal, and absolute. 



The Arminian doctrine of universal or unlimited atonement is a superstitious and vitiated dogma. According to this autosoteric, semi-Pelagian worldview, Christ died for each and every person who has ever lived in the world. Can the doctrine of universal atonement be proven in Scripture? Absolutely not!

The Arminian Christus pro omnibus notion is unbiblical. Christ never said that He gave His life for everyone—head for head or soul for soul—in the entire world. In John 10, Jesus unambiguously noted who are His, and who are not. Christ said that He gave “His life for the sheep” (vs. 11, emphasis mine), and he told certain Jews, “But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you” (vs. 26, emphasis mine).

Notwithstanding John 10 (vs. 11, 26), Arminians, who loathe God’s free grace, imprudently maintain that Christ has indeed died for all without exception. Instead of following the Savior who undoubtedly preached particular redemption (John 10:11), Arminians trust in their fictitious, universal atonement gospel.

Yes, of course. I agree with C.H. Spurgeon whom said that, "Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else."

If one fully understands the gospel, then it inevitably leads to Calvinism or The Doctrines of Grace.

The implications of universal atonement are devastating.

Consistently Arminian viewpoints as espoused at the Synod of Dort are a False Gospel and Heretical Unbiblical Unchristian views.

One whom is saved as an Arminian is saved despite holding to said views. Very similar to Romanism vs Christianity. However, God can Save someone even whom is an Arminian.

Although IF all practicing Arminians were unsaved God would not be unjust in saving only Calvinists either. I just do not think it is wise nor correct to say the Elect require correct hermeneutics to be saved.
Arminians are getting into the Kingdom of God due to a blessed inconsistency. It is that same blessed inconsistency and Gods Soveriegn election that points to why I can claim inconsistent (Not True) Arminians as Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
If, however, the Arminian is "truly/Consistently Arminian." Along with those preaching Open TheismProvisionism or actual Pelagianism. They are truly espousing a different Graceless False Unchristian Gospel. One espousing views such as the denial of Original Sin or questioning God's attributes are to be treated as lost and outside the Kingdom. Anyone spreading such views are teaching a hellfire bound False Gospel! They do need to be witnessed to and evangelized in the Truth.

Understanding Amillennialism with Dr Kim Riddlebarger

The Folly of Arminian Thought: Joe Schimmel's Anti-Calvinism Examined

Monday, May 30, 2022

The Dangerous Ministry of Steven L. Anderson

The Healing Debate


"How to Pray for Preachers" - Spencer Smith

Megiddo Radio · Leighton Flowers & Andy Stanley Unite to Slander Calvinists

Tom Rush Raises Concerns About Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Enemies Within The Church: The Story of First Baptist Church Naples

Behind the Scenes with a Former Bethel Elder

EWTC Presents: WOKE SBC Compilation.

James White absolutely CORRECTS Pastor Mike Winger


Hillsong Has a Major Problem…

Four Top Professors Can't Prove Evolution | Evolution vs. God Movie

Why Salvation DOESN’T Come by Asking Jesus into Your Heart

She Mocks Jesus Publicly, Then This Happens...

Hymn: "Peace, Perfect Peace," Trinity Hymnal #590

The Necessity of Christ’s Obedience for Our Salvation

Dr. Lloyd-Jones Interview with Aneirin Talfan Davies

Lane Tipton — Revelation, Reason, and Evidence in Acts 17:30–31

Transjacked: Dad Loses Visitation Rights For Not Affirming

The Work Ethic. Part 3.

Hebrews 7:1-10: Christ, like Melchizedek, better than Levi (Rev. Michael)

Cloverdale URC Live Stream 5/29/22 PM Service

Fallen Angels

Our Calling to Proclaim a Triune God from a Trinitarian Book | Josh Buic...

MAY 29, 2022 PM Worship

The Purpose and People of Baptism - PM May 29, 2022

5:30 Service

Osteen Says There's A BIG TRANSFER Coming Your Way!

Optional Translations for TR Advocates

The videos translations are: The KJV The 21st Century King James The KJVER The NKJV The MEV JP Green's Literal Version/KJVII with the interlinear The Scriptures Version is not a main stream version but was an interesting translation

Not mentioned, but, also includes Gideon's Printing of the ESV.

Adopting Doctrine of Demons: Word of Faith Pastors Using “Christianized” Lucifarian New Age Teachings

Why do we need a Savior? |

What the Editors of the ESV Teach us About the Majority Text - Dr. Phil Stringer


Wescott and Horts Occult Connections - Dr. Phil Stringer

Neither Oldest Nor Best - Dr. David Sorenson

Dr David Sorenson The Critical Text vs The Traditional Text

Bridge To Babylon: Rome, Ecumenism & The Bible – A Lamp In The Dark Part...

Tares Among the Wheat: Sequel to A Lamp in the Dark

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible | Full Movie

May 29, 2022 PM: Confessing our Sinfulness - Romans 1:18-32 - Rev. A. Bezuyen

Time to WAKE UP the woke church in America - Charlie Kirk - Sean Feucht

BBC One - Songs of Praise, The UK’s Favourite Hymn (12/07/2020)

Megiddo Radio · Our Final Authority in a Fluid Canon?

May 29, 2022 - 3:00 PM Worship Service

Sunday Service 5/29/22 pm

Biblical Lessons on War

Filling Up What Is Lacking in Christ's Afflictions

The Darkness and the Light

Granting Daily Bread

Redeemer URC May 29, 2022 PM Worship Service

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church Ambler, Live Stream

Evening Service: Sermon "Praising God for His Deliverance"

May 29 , 2022 Evening Worship

5/29/22 Pm Service

"The God Of The Bible: Three Objections" May 29, 2022 PM

Megiddo Radio · The Canon of Scripture, KJV Onlyism and Modern Textual Criticism

Megiddo Radio | Examining Todd Friel's View of the KJV, TR and Critical Text

Rebuttal of Leighton Flowers at Houston 'Free Will' Debate

BTWN Episode 280 | The “Beat Down” Debate | JD Hall & Tim Review

Matt Slick vs. JD Hall Debate | Are the Charismatic Gifts Active Today?

Debate - Have the Charismatic Gifts, Including Tongues and Prophecy Ceased?

JD Hall with RedGraceMedia - Theonomy Thoughts PT 2

JD Hall with RedGraceMedia PT 1

The Theonomy Debate | Joel McDurmon vs. Jordan Hall

Matthew 23:37, A Proof of free will?

Two Hour Radio Free Geneva Interaction with the “Free Will Debate” from ...

Are Humans Mere Puppets?

Has God predetermined every detail in the universe, including sin?

The Problem Of Free Will

DEBATE: Is Baptismal Regeneration Biblical? [Sonny Hernandez (No) vs. An...

Debate: Is Absolute Predestination Biblical? (with Sonny Hernandez)

High Calvinism with Sonny Hernandez | Are non-Calvinist Heretics?

Sunday, May 29, 2022

If you believe in Arminian doctrine, can you be saved?

URC of PEI | May 29, 2022 | Evening Service

Are Arminians saved?

RC Sproul on Are Arminians Christian?

Debate/Discussion (Radio): For Whom Did Christ Die?

Are Arminians Saved Debate: J.D. Martin vs Sonny Hernandez

Houston 'Free Will' Debate Review and a Refutation of Jonathan Pritchett

Houston 'Free Will' Debate Review

Questions & Answers with Godfrey, Gordon, and Thomas

Free-Will Debate: Hernandez & Zachariades vs. Flowers & Pritchett


Provisionism preached by Leighton and Pritchett is a form of Graceless False Gospel. It is the resurfacing of the False Pelagian Religion a lie right from the pit of hell.

May 29, 2022 AM: Salvation Belongs to the LORD - Psalm 3 - Rev. A. Bezuyen

May 29, 2022 1st Service

AM Service - 2022-05-29 (Rev Shin Luke 24: 50-52)

Providence URC - May 29, 2022 AM Service

May 29, 2022 AM

May 29, 2022 | 10 AM Service | Living Water Reformed Church

Limited Atonement

"Filthy Garments" May 29, 2022 AM

The Lord Foretells the Vindication of his Suffering Servant - May 29, 20.22

2022.05.29 AM Look to Jesus, seated at God’s right hand

Christ commands us to relate God’s work in us, as a testimony to all

W. Robert Godfrey: When the Foundations Are Destroyed

Derek Thomas: The Lord Our Refuge

W. Robert Godfrey: Statism & Socialism

W. Robert Godfrey: Statism

W. Robert Godfrey: Christ, Kingdom, & Culture

Ferguson and Godfrey: The Significance of Union with Christ (Seminar)

What is the greatest threat to Christianity in this century?

W. Robert Godfrey: Do Not Love the World

Michael Reeves: The Bible & Ethics

The Rise and Fall of Secular Humanism: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones

URC of PEI | May 29, 2022 | Morning Service

Burk Parsons: The Lord on His Throne Sees

Least in the Kingdom of God (Luke 7:28-35) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Roes and the Hinds - C.H. Spurgeon Sermon read by Dr. David Mackeret...

Justin Peters on the Woke "Church"

The Catholic Church: Masterpiece Of Deception

Hillsong is Worse than You Thought | Justin Peters, Voddie Baucham

The MegaChurch Mega-Mess

The Warning, Contemporary Christian Movement (CCM Documentary 2022)

"The Brass Shield of Contemporary Christian Music" - Missionary Spencer Smith

The Truth About Contemporary Christian Music...

Music Industry's 'Demonic' Edge Creeping into Gospel?

Have We Reached A New Low In Christian Music?

They Have TAKEN OVER Contemporary Christian Music!

Apostasy Report - The Corrupt Christian Music Industry

Christian Music is Destroying Millions | Hillsong, Steven Furtick, Paul ...

05/22/22 | Belgic Confession Article 28 | Church Membership isn't Optional

Dr Gary Mann The Reasons Translations Are Not Inspired

Friday, May 27, 2022

James Snapp Refutes James White's Misinformation Concerning Mark 16:9 - 20

Refutation of Michael Brown & Leighton Flowers on Calvinism

Word-Faith Theology and Luciferianism

Calvinism is the Gospel

Biblical Inspiration, Double-Inspiration and Peter Ruckman

Acts 2, Multiple-Inspiration and Gail Riplinger

Bible Versions: The Supernatural Claims of Gail Riplinger

Yasir Qadhi's Blasphemy and James White's Silence | MEGIDDO RADIO

An Introduction to the Bible Version Issue

The James White/Yasir Qadhi Controversy | MEGIDDO RADIO

Attacks on the NKJV Translation: A Critique of David Daniels

Textus Receptus, Critical Text and the Preservation of God's Word

Refuting Doug Stauffer on 'Calvinism and the ESV Bible'

Big Bang vs. Biblical Creation: Are They Compatible?

The Reliability of the New Testament Text (Dr. James White)

Can Human Variation Fit Into 6,000 Years? with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

Christianity Today Has Gone Off The Deep End...

Were Adam And Eve Literal People?

Why You Need To Care About Klaus Schwab And The World Economic Forum

Rand Paul: This is the danger of a one-world government

Jesse Watters: I feel like we're not getting the whole story here

Tucker: There is something really wrong

God meant it for good - Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson

Is it True that Everything Happens for a Reason? | The Sovereignty of God

Standing, Striving, and Suffering, Philippians 1:27-30

Carl Higbie: "You can't have my guns" | Rob Schmitt Tonight

Mike Huckabee: Should we have an armed officer at every school in America?

Keith & Kristyn Getty, Dana Masters - O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (Li...

Should trained licensed teachers be armed in schools? | Wake Up America

The Work Ethic Part 2

How to Face Temptation as Jesus Did

Why have so many claimed to see apparitions of Mary? |

Good guys with guns is the only way to stop bad guys | Grant Stinchfield

Government: Christian Worldview with R.C. Sproul

Still Protesting (w/ Darryl G. Hart)

R.C. Sproul: Post-Christian Christianity

Horton, MacArthur, and Sproul: Questions and Answers #1

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing - Theological Liberalism: The Classic Collect...

The Necessity of Christ’s Obedience for Our Salvation

The Dreams and Nightmares of Christian Liberalism - Professor Alec Ryrie

The Nativity Hymns in the Gospel of Luke

Theological Liberalism: Handout Church History with John Gerstner

Alisa Childers: "Progressive Christianity is Dangerous"

Unscrambling the new worldview - Dr Peter Jones


Grace and Glory by Geerhardus Vos (Book Reading, British English Female ...

Effectual Calling and Regeneration

Grace and Glory: Sermons of Geerhardus Vos

Machen's Christianity and Liberalism

The Text of Kuyper’s Stone Lectures on Calvinism

Non Stop Christian Hymns of the Faith

Why Am I A Calvinist? (The Creator of

The Image of God: Biblical-Theological Foundations (Lane Tipton)

Van Til, Thomas Aquinas, and the Natural Knowledge of God

All Christians Believe in Predestination: The Classic Collection with R....

A History of Dispensationalism

Voetius on God's Single, Absolutely Simple Essence

The Two Ages in Scripture

Shall the Fundamentalists Win? 100 Years Later

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Questions & Answers with Godfrey, Parsons, and Thomas


Sexual Disorientation is a very real phenomenon and it should not be dismissed as a Myth.

I am a survivor of male rape multiple times by the same man and I am also a survivor of years of sexual disorientation. I wanted to once again although in a much more condensed form tell my story as an example of the very real phenomenon known as sexual disorientation from rape. Most people have probably never heard of the term, but, it is known in the literature related to male survivors of male rape. It is when a man whom was a victim of another man starts living as a homosexual or bisexual from their victimization.

It is not uncommon for boys and men to make connections in their brain over their reactions during their rape. His brain codes it as being something he must have somehow enjoyed. Thus he must "be gay or bisexual" and this "incident" or "incidents" is actually showing him who he is. He will if not guided by God’s Word, "come out as gay or bisexual" to others around him thinking his same sex attraction if it remains is just whom he is.

However, what he is experiencing is sexual disorientation due to his rape. Usually at an age in which development is happening in the boy or young man. Although any sexual abuse the disorientation could get a hold of the survivor. This is what happened to me I was just turning 19 when I was raped, not once, but, for an entire week night after night alone and cold as they say in British Columbia. I had no friends, no family, I was alone and he was all I knew at the time in the Province. I essentially was this other 18 year old's Prisoner. In the confusion of my experiences and possibly for my own maintaining of sanity my brain wired the experience into my brain as the sign I was bisexual or gay either one.

So, one week of horrific, but, confusing incidents made me convinced I was bisexual and I came out as such as soon as I made my escape from him and returned to PEI where I was safe and sound. Since I convinced myself I was bisexual I acted and behaved as if I was. I would search for LGBT events and I would start going to them first as bisexual, then gay, then bisexual again back and forth over the years. However, as I got older my attraction quote un quote to men slowly faded away as I found myself getting up there in years. It was natural and it just happened over time. During this time I slowly began to come to terms with what happened when I was in BC. That I was neither bi nor gay I was and am straight. The victimizer raped me before I even had a single date, kiss, let alone sex with a woman. So, I had taken my reaction to my rape as a sign I was gay or bi.

This is a very real phenomenon and it is not just a myth. Yes, it is a myth that every boy that is sexually harmed will end up living as something other than heterosexual. However, it is not a myth that being sexually abused or raped as a boy or man can make you act out or behave in a gay or bisexual manor.

Dr. Joe Kort is a Ph.D. whom has worked with male survivors of rape and other sexual misconducts for sometime, years in fact. He knows all too well that this is not a Myth and writes the following in an article on Sexual disorientation at Psychology Today.

"In my psychotherapy practice, I’ve been addressing the many-faceted issue of straight men who have gay sex—how easy it may be to conclude that such men are gay or bisexual and simply in denial of their true sexual orientation, but that this may not be the case. What we find, instead, is that memories about the abuse from another male can become eroticized for a man, which then compels him to seek out same-sex encounters or porn. This does not mean that he is gay or bisexual, though he may have enduring fantasies about gay sex.

Childhood or other sexual abuse of boys or men, perpetrated by another male, may lead a man to again and again seek out sexual encounters with men in an unconscious effort to resolve the guilt and shame he feels around the original encounter.

A boy/or man who has become traumatized from such an event usually becomes quite adept in at compartmentalization—so much so that he may even “forget”.... I encounter more of these situations in my office than you might imagine. I have found that the first step is to see the man who has been abused in individual therapy, working through his grief and his anger at the loss of innocent sexual development, helping him understand how his own sexuality was eclipsed by the sexuality of the perpetrator, leaving him sexually disoriented. He knows that he is straight, but continues to try to unconsciously resolve the tension between his fantasies and his sexual identity by seeking out these gay sexual encounters.

A man returning from these encounters may struggle for hours or days (or years).

Was it something about me that made him pick me? Did I want it? Was there something I did or said to get him to do this to me? Did this make me gay or bisexual, and am I suppressing it?

Sexual abuse might impact his erotic interests.

Bringing the compulsion out of the shadows can help put the man in conscious control instead of under the unconscious control of the compulsion. 

The next step in therapy is to get the client into a men’s sexual abuse group. I often find that men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse have been silent about it throughout their life. Being able to openly talk about with other men helps reduce the shame, which is huge. Victims of childhood sexual abuse will typically carry the shame of the perpetrator, as well as their own. Getting out from behind the veil of secrecy is necessary if one is to successfully shed this shame."

A person whom is acting out of disorientation can and often does change over time. The change can come far before the person even goes for help. Or it can happen while the individual is in therapy for their issues. However, it is the dealing with the Trauma and knowing the truth about your own identity/your own past that is president and not the change as such.

In my case the reorientation to what was before being disoriented happened before I ever sought help with my issues as such. In this way the two things were not related the change and the therapy. If the change happens in therapy it is a recovery of the true self and a working on removing the eroticized imprints of the rape/abuse

In conclusion sexual disorientation is very real. Sexual abuse and rape of men can and often does effect their view of their sexual identity. This does not mean that every single man or boy that is abused will act out in a bisexual or homosexual way after abuse from a male. It just means it is one of many outcomes to horrific events that should never have happened in the first place.
