Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Her Redemption: A Testimony of New Age to Jesus Christ


Literal vs Dynamic Bible Translations - "Word for Word" and "Thought for Thought"


King James Version Only?...Baloney!


The NET BIBLE Translation


The New Living Translation - An Overview


Textus Receptus (TR) vs. Critical Text - New Testament Textual Bases for the New Testament


Are ATTACKS on the NIV Justified?




NKJV vs ESV - How do they COMPARE?


NKJV vs NASB - Which is BETTER?


What Does Disney Teach? - Answers News: June 28, 2021


Private Interpretation: Knowing Scripture with R.C. Sproul


Reverend Malcolm Watts Peace for the Christian movie


Did Archeologists Find Terah? - Answers News: June 30, 2021


Why I Find the NRSV Annoying


“C-36 is the legislation of cancel culture”: Ezra Levant on Liberal “hate speech” bill


What's Wrong with the Reformation Project?


Being "Spiritual" But Not Religious Will Condemn You To Hell


The Need For A Disciplined Lifestyle


Acts 15: The Keys of Synods and Church Councils | MEGIDDO TV


The Importance of Reformed Theology | MEGIDDO TV


The Power of the Keys of God's Kingdom | MEGIDDO TV


Bethel Trained 'Dead Raiser' Tyler Johnson Rejects Original Sin | MEGIDDO TV


"The Heresy of Calvinism" & Sam Jones Debunked


Of God's Decree, Election, God's Sovereignty and Church Unity | Full Armor Radio Interview


Calvary Chapel and Roman Catholicism




Joe Schimmel's Gospel Deception | MEGIDDO TV


Debunking Atheism and Postmodernism


Why so much concentration on The Church of Christ warnings? ⚠️

Recently I was looking into where to go to College and one of the options was Maritime Christian College. Upon investigating the college I found out about the Restoration Movement and The Church of Christ.

While further investigating the Church and the Movement that spawned it I came across very Cult like views. Justification by Baptismal regeneration within their church based on deacitional regeneration and obeying the laws (as interpreted by their movement). As well as staying in a Church of Christ or restoration movement Church. 

In addition they have a hate on for the Reformation and are against the Gospel which says Grace is a gift from God not a result of works. They also deny original sin and that we are sinners by nature meaning. Since they believe in sinless perfection one can never be sure of being a Christian and saved eternally. 

They believe that one needs to remain in their church even though they claim to be based on the Bible only. They ignore parts of The Gospel that go against their movement. For example: that a truly saved Christian cannot lose their salvation, but, will also be sanctified over time to follow God's precepts over time with no true end to one's sanctification until in Heaven with The Lord.

Unless you are Baptized their way by their people you are a hellbound lost soul. Meanwhile any other Church will accept any Baptism in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Also, no mainline church says Baptism saves you. Even Arminianism as much as it is a serious error leading to heresy (if taken consistently to its logical conclusion it becomes a False Gospel) does not teach Baptismal regeneration. Instead the Bible clearly states that Baptism is an outward sign of the Covenant and follows your Salvation which is from God as a Gift to those whom Christ attoned for. 

You will need to agree to a denominational creed and confession if they exist, but, nowhere in such things does it say you are hellbound if you are saved, but, decide to leave the denomination over differences with the denominational Distinctives. All mainline churches; all of the Truly Visible Church that is and not Cultish or outright Cult offshoots. They all follow the idea that God at least initiated one's salvation and Baptism is not required to be saved. Therefore one is not forever attached to their church and members can leave if they disagree with the destinctives of the Church. (God does not just initiate He does all of one's salvation as we are naturally unable to be saved from our sinful nature).

If you are saved, if you have truly repented and put your faith in the Grace of Christ's Atonement. (As well as acknowledge him as The Lord over all). If you did so and it was a true Godly confession and repentance. Then you are among the Elect decreed from Eternity passed to be included in Christ's Atonement for wretched sinners saved by his Amazing and irrisistible Grace. Yes, you will show good works in that you will be ever more sanctified and be more following Our Lord's desires over time. However, perfection is not possible nor Biblical. We will always be both Sinner and have the Imputed Righteousness of Christ. We will only lose our sin nature when we are I'm Heaven with Our Lord.

The Church of Christ by supporting an Unbiblical seteriology reminiscent of Palegianism Heresies which are False man made Gospels of the past are dooming their flock to Abominable Pride which is a serious sin. OR to horrible sorrow and anxiety trying to be Like God and perfect both of which are not Christian. (Wesleyan Arminian Theology dare not touch the idea of sinless perfection despite their subbilbical view of what is meant by Good Works in James.)

I would never say just because someone is saved via a Subiclical church that is Arminian that if they truly were saved by God they are hellbound and dammed for being saved outside of the Reformed Faith. (Only the Reformed Theology is consistent with the word of God and Predestination, but, I would never say someone that is not Reformed is not saved). 

Whereas Churches of Christ deem anyone not from their church is not saved. Or if they come to it and do not get rebaptized by them their way they are a hellbound reprobate. No creature/man or Church determines the Eternal destination and salvation of someone. Only God himself gets to chose whom he saves and whom he passes over to go to their deserved justice in hell/Eternal Punishment. 

The Visible Church is the means of worshiping the Lord, the means of dealing the sacraments and also the means of not forsaking The Beloved. It is also the means of teaching the Bible, creeds and confessions. As well as the means of Earthly authority and serving fellow Children of God. Becoming a member of a Church is a voluntary act which accomplishes this and so much more. However, no Visible Church, no True Church will say that unless you join them and stay with them you are dammed.

I am sure there are truly regenerated and saved Christians lost in this very antibiblical organization which claims the name of Christ and his Church. To them I say do not fear your Church and get out into a Church that does not act like an outright Cult. It does not need to be Reformed, but, I would recommend a Reformed Church. However, I am not going to say you are hellbound or kick you out of The Kingdom over choosing an Arminian Church. (No human can only God Saves not man or woman.)

The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism (Full Documentary Film)


Brannon Howse & Jihad Watch's Attack on Sinclair Ferguson | MEGIDDO RADIO


John Piper and the Golden Calf of C.S. Lewis


F4F | Beware of Hillsong Scammer and Con Artist Frank Damazio


R. Scott Clark on John Piper's Doctrine of Final Salvation by Works


Why Roman Catholicism is NOT Christianity | MEGIDDO TV


Steven Furtick's Errors on God's Image | MEGIDDO TV


Mark Driscoll, Calvinism & Reformed Theology | MEGIDDO TV


Easy Believerism Refuted and Exposed


The 'Judge Not' Heresy Debunked


John Piper's Teaching of Salvation by Feelings? | MEGIDDO TV


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Justification Under Attack, John Piper, WVW, JD Hall and Controversy | Full Armor Radio


Bill Johnson's Satanic Word of Faith Theology


N.T. Wright: Christianity Has No Answers About Coronavirus | MEGIDDO TV LIVE


Joe Rogan DEBUNKED | Answering the Fool


Demonic Possession Doesn't JUST Happen in Hollywood Movies | Guest: Billy Hallowell


Welcome to the June Family Hymn Sing - Amy Carmichael edition!


Filled With What??


The LGBTQ Indoctrination of Christian Parents | MEGIDDO TV


TS&TT: #SBC21 Shenanigans: Resolution 9, President Ed Litton, Whistleblowers and a Watching World


F4F | Terri Savelle Foy: Ask God for Something Big


What was the Intended Genre of the Book of Genesis? - Dr. Douglas Kelly


F4F | Eschatology 101


Reformation 500 - A Light Unshackled - Full Film


Who saves the Catholic? Jesus or the priest who reads their last rights?


The Fundamentalist vs. Evangelical split has led to this | WRETCHED RADIO


Why I Left the Church of Christ


The Counterfeit Water Gospel Church ("Church of Christ") that Alexander Campbell Built


Campbellite Soteriology


Is the "Church of Christ" Denomination a Religious Cult?


ICOC Cult: Salvation View, Brainwashing, & Misunderstandings


The False Gospel of the Churches of Christ


Timeline of Campbellism Cult Origin


Why you should leave the 'church of Christ' cult


Is the Church of Christ a cult? | The Church of Christ beliefs | Bible Study | That Christian Fam


Discipleship - The Shepherding Movement and Kip McKean


Why I Left the church of Christ


Cultic Marks of the International Church of Christ - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing #1 (Vincent Sawyer)


Bob Morey Doctrinal Errors of the Church of Christ


Steven Lawson on Coming to Know and Love the Doctrines of Grace


Friday, June 25, 2021

Discerning Truth: Dialog on the Age of the Earth - Part 3


Discerning Truth: Dialog on the Age of the Earth - Part 2


Discerning Truth: Dialog on the Age of the Earth - Part 1


Totalitarianism: How Christians Can Resist the New Cultural Religion, with Rod Dreher


The Shocking Youth Message (Paul Washer)


How to grow in salvation assurance | WRETCHED


The Christian view of the environment | WRETCHED


The War Against Cancel Culture: What the United States Can Learn from Great Britain


Critical Race Theory Is How the Left Wants to Change America | Mike Gonzalez Sounds Off


Is There Room for Social Conservatives in Canadian Politics?


Pride and the Occult -- Two Colors of the Same Rainbow


Flood Geology | Episode 3 | The Missoula Flood | Michael J. Oard


Flood Geology | Episode 2 | The Great Ice Age | Michael J. Oard


Flood Geology | Episode 1 | Mount St. Helens | Dr. Steve Austin


The Hodgetwins on Politics, Social Media Censorship, and Serving in the Marines


Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation? | John MacArthur


The Secret to Civil Conversations In A Polarized World


Bill Johnson & Bethel’s #1 Heresy: The Kenosis


Satan's Strategies Against You 100% EXPOSED | SPOKEN WORD


The Unchanging God | James Dolezal


Go To your Brother in Private? What Does the Bible REALLY Say??


Should the church support the total abolition of abortion?


Created or Evolved? (Article Podcast)


Distant Starlight in a Young Earth


Kanye West and Joel Osteen: Lessons Learned


Speaking the Truth Is Dangerous Today/More on Jimmy Akin and Sola Scriptura


Voddie Baucham: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil


Voddie Baucham: The Rescuer


Voddie Baucham Corrects John Piper on Social Justice


Are Catholics Saved - The Pope and the Papacy - John MacArthur


A nice Roman Catholic tries to explain the Gospel.


Roman Catholicism: Contending for the Faith


The Truth About Death


Oprah Asks, "Is Jesus the Only Way?" - Voddie Baucham, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, R. C. Sproul + 


God With Us | Voddie Baucham


My Soul's Needs and Biblical Keys For Growth - Paul Washer


Three major denominations are shrinking. Fast. | WRETCHED RADIO


The Abomination of Sodomy - Voddie Baucham | Genesis 19:1-11


Kenneth Copeland: False Teacher? - 13 UNBELIEVABLE Clips (w/ Voddie Baucham)


T. D. Jakes: False Teacher? - 12 UNBELIEVABLE Clips (w/ Voddie Baucham, James White, John MacArthur)


Prosperity Gospel EXPOSED - Joel Osteen, Paul Washer, Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Jakes + More


Benny Hinn: False Teacher? 13 Clips (w/ Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Justin Peters)


Are Catholics Saved? Robert Barron vs John MacArthur, James White, Durbin, Washer, Baucham, Sproul


Are You Christian? 7 ESSENTIAL Christian Teachings | w/ Brandon Tatum, Jordan Peterson, Baucham +


Joyce Meyer: False Teacher? - 12 UNBELIEVABLE Clips (w/ Voddie Baucham, Justin Peters, Todd Friel)


Top 5 HATED Christian Teachings | Oprah, Voddie Baucham, Don Lemon, Joel Osteen, Sproul + More


Steven Furtick/Elevation - False Teacher? (w/ Voddie Baucham)


6 MAJOR Religious Groups Compared to Biblical Christianity with Mike Winger


8 Solid Worship Bands (Instead of Bethel, Hillsong or Elevation)


Why we quit working for Joyce Meyer, and left the Word of Faith movement


God TOLD You? Voddie Baucham, Justin Peters CORRECT Steven Furtick + Others (False "Prophecies")


Bethel & Hillsong Are False Churches


Stop Avoiding Confrontation


Jordan Peterson: “If You Haven’t Done Anything Wrong, Do Not Apologise” | Q&A


Heated debate on gender pronouns and free speech in Toronto


Malta’s Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression Act, 2015


Student rips into school over ‘evil’ proposal to let transgender females use bathrooms


'Bodies play sport, not gender identities'


Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Character of God in the Cross of Christ


If Universalism is true, Jesus died for nothing


PART 2: Oprah Asks, "Is Homosexuality sin?" | Voddie v Vines, Hatmaker, McLaren, Bell, Campolo


Discussing Foundations of Covenant Theology


TULIP: The 5 Points of Calvinism | Ep 143


Can Any Man Be Saved? A Critique of David Cloud's View of Calvinism


A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible


One Antichrist system Identified and Revealed from Scripture


Is Pope Francis a Good Christian?


Pope Francis Kisses Skin and Blood Relics at John Paul II's and John XXIII's Canonisation


Who was the First Pope?


The New Jesuit Pope and the Moral Filth of the Vatican


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Derek Thomas: Take Up Your Cross


If you are looking at porn, you are NOT fit for marriage. Period. | WRETCHED


I Thought the Right Understood This, I Was Wrong | Michael Knowles | POLITICS | Rubin Report


What does it take to have courage like Luther? - Miguel Núñez | Sing! Global 2020 Highlight


Minnesota Mother: "Antiracism" Actually "Teaches Children How to Be Racist"


Does the Bible Whisper About Sexual Sin? | Robert Gagnon


A Summary of the Book of Joshua |


Doesn't Religious Liberty Protect Extremists?


America's Biggest Geopolitical Problem | Guest: Melissa Chen


The 2021 SBC Convention | An Analysis


Do Francis Chan & Todd White Really Heal People?


The Evolving Ape-man: Dividing Fact from Fiction


Creation Q&A with Jason Lisle


Is It Evil to Steal? - Answers News: June 23, 2021


Satanic Music Industry Exposed


HELL'S BELLS 2: The Toll Continues


HELL'S BELLS: Dangers of Rock 'N Roll (Original Classic)

Monday, June 21, 2021

Abortion: How Sacred Is Human Life? - R.C. Sproul


Abortion: What Are the Key Issues? - R.C. Sproul


Government: Christian Worldview with R.C. Sproul


What Is Evil & Where Did It Come From? - RC Sproul


Is Good Speech Better Than Free Speech? | Guest: Michael Knowles


This is What's WRONG With Other Religions


How the Equality Act’s Gender Ideology Would Harm Children


The Jewishness of Passover Refutes Transubstantiation


Come and Welcome - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


JAMES 5:1-6. Study 20. The Denunciation of the Wealthy Unbeliever


Will UFOs Save Evolution? - Answers News: June 21, 2021


A Live Report from the SBC in Nashville from Jeff Durbin


How to be Merciful to Those who Doubt


Are Arminians saved?


The State of the Church: An Interview with John MacArthur


How to Identify & Avoid False Teachings Steven Kozar Interview


Messed Up Church Podcast Interview with Marcia Montenegro on "One Thousand Gifts"


F4F | Naked and Unafraid Part 2


F4F | Kevin Gerald: Naked and Unafraid Part I


F4F | David Crank: Expect the Supernatural


Sunday, June 20, 2021

URC of PEI | June 20, 2021 | Evening Worship Service


Come People of The Risen King by Keith and Kristyn Getty


Perfect Wisdom of Our God (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty


Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed (Live at the Gospel Coalition) - Keith & Kristyn Getty


Kingdom Righteousness


America: A Father Hating Nation #Shorts


Should You Take the Bible Literally?


The Glorious Right Hand of the Lord - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


Who is This?


URC of PEI | June 20, 2021 | Morning Worship Service


“Am I still a Christian when I don’t FEEL like a Christian?” | WRETCHED


He Used To Be Trans—Here’s What He Wants Everyone To Know


Gender Dysphoria in Children: Understanding the Science and Medicine


The Crucifixion (Mark 15:16-41) – A Sermon by R.C. Sproul


Magic and Demons | John MacArthur | 1973


Poisonous Tolerance: Jesus’s Warning to His Church


Joe Biden Sending Open-Borders Message to the World | Mark Morgan to Seb Gorka


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Determinism & Free Will w/ Colton Carlson | Irresistible Truth | Answering the critics


Interview and Q&A on Libertarian Free Will, Compatibilism, and the Nature of our Choices. MUST SEE!


What's with the fake unity against Calvinists? Does Calvinism create non-believers?


Content Review of TIM STRATTON | Does determinism lead to abusive love?


The UK-Based Worldwide Charity Scam of Credico, PerDM, Appco, Cobra Group & Granton (With Numbers)


The Anti-God Virus


A criminal justice student has an issue with God’s justice


By What Standard? God's World...God's Rules (CINEDOC)




Voddie Baucham - This is the Center of the Cultural War!


Voddie Baucham - 4 Essentials to our Understanding of the Culture War


Voddie Baucham - 42 MIC DROPS (w/ Timestamps!)


Biblical Justice vs. Social Justice | Voddie Baucham


The Necessity of Absolute Truth | Voddie Baucham


Adapting to the Culture...Or Not - Voddie Baucham


Is God Fair?


TS&TT: Voddie Baucham | Health Update, Fault Lines, Resolution 9 & Big Eva

Defending the Faith in a Hostile World | Voddie Baucham


Defining Social Justice | Dr. Voddie Baucham


Why you can believe the Bible - Voddie Baucham


Voddie Baucham on Homosexuality and Civil Rights


Voddie Baucham on Homosexuality


Voddie Baucham: A debate primer.


Voddie Baucham: "Color-blindness is an affront to God." | WRETCHED


Struggling with assurance? | WRETCHED


Covid, Catastrophes, and Crummy Politicians


How to not fear people


Andy Stanley isn’t the only one unhitching the Old Testament.


Get ready for Mega-Entertainment Center Churches to start crashing


If you believe any of these things, you are DANGEROUS


Ten proofs that YOU are a Pride-Monster | WRETCHED


5 Get Rich Quick Tricks


Friday, June 18, 2021

When Government Rewards Evil and Punishes Good


Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality (Selected Scriptures)


Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality (Selected Scriptures)


Thinking Biblically About Homosexuality (Selected Scriptures)


Discerning the Will of God Concerning Homosexuality and Marriage


What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality - Kevin DeYoung


Bryan Chapell - The Power of Christ-Centered Preaching


Openness Unhindered: Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert | Rosaria Butterfield | PhD


My Train Wreck Conversion | Rosaria Butterfield | CFC


CHURHCepreneurs: The New Apostolic Reformation with Holly Pivec


10 SUBTLE Ways Pornography is Slowly Destroying Your Life that MOST People Don't Know About


Dr. Michael Brown and Sid Roth: Should You Trust Them?


Dr. Michael Brown Gives Kenneth Copeland a Pass


Dr. Michael Brown and Strange Fire at Brownsville


"Dr. Michael Brown, Is the Holy Ghost Finger Gun Biblical?"


When Credibility Suffers-"Steven Kozar Has No Idea What's Going On!"


F4F | Josh Chavez: Junior Reviler


Mike Stone joins us to discuss the future of the SBC | WRETCHED RADIO


Radio Free Geneva: A Nearly Three Hour Examination of "Traditional" Anthropology


Millions of "False Christians" in Hell - Baucham, Washer vs Graham, Warren, Furtick 


I disagree that the Sinners Prayer and sincere repentance/regeneration are necessarily at odds with each other. However, I fully agree that saying a Sinners Prayer without truly hearing the Gospel and repenting/believing leads to Hellbound False Converts/Faux Christians.

Calvinism vs Arminianism: What the Bible Teaches


James White Responds to Mike Winger: Arminianism Isn't Truly "Grace Alone"


What is libertarian free will? Why it is Unbiblical and why I am a Reformed Protestant.

 This post comes from an article at 

Libertarian free will is basically the concept that, metaphysically and morally, man is an autonomous being, one who operates independently, not controlled by others or by outside forces. According to the Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion (InterVarsity Press, 2002), libertarian free will is defined as “in ethics and metaphysics, the view that human beings sometimes can will more than one possibility. According to this view, a person who freely made a particular choice could have chosen differently, even if nothing about the past prior to the moment of choice had been different.” In the libertarian free will paradigm, the power of contrary choice reigns supreme. Without this ability to choose otherwise, libertarian free will proponents will claim that man cannot be held morally responsible for his actions.

As mentioned earlier, the word “autonomous” is key in understanding libertarian free will. The word basically means “self-government.” It is derived from two Greek words, autos and nomos, which mean “a law unto oneself.” This is libertarian free will in a nutshell. We, as free moral agents, can make our own decisions and are not subject to the will or determination of another. In any given situation, let’s call it X, we can freely choose to do action A. Furthermore, if situation X presents itself again, we can freely choose not to do A (~A).

The opposite of libertarian free will is called determinism, and determinism essentially denies free will altogether—our choices are determined and that’s that. In situation X, I will always choose to do action A, and in situation Y, I will choose to do ~A, etc. Instead of being autonomous beings, mankind is reduced to being automatons—beings who perform programmed responses to certain situations.

The first thing to take into account regarding the biblical position of libertarian free will is what the Bible says about God. The Bible describes God as sovereign, and sovereignty designates control. But what exactly is the sphere of God’s sovereignty? Psalm 24:1 makes it plain: “The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” What is the sphere of God’s sovereignty? Everything. God spoke the universe, and everything in it, into existence. As Creator, He has sovereignty over His creation. This is the image used in Romans 9 when Paul refers to the potter and his clay.

So we need to ask ourselves how does libertarian free will fit in with God’s sovereignty? Can a human being, a creature, be autonomous if God is sovereign? The obvious conclusion is that libertarian free will is incompatible with the sovereignty of God. Consider this passage from the book of Proverbs: “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). This does not paint a picture of man as an autonomous being, but rather as man operating within the confines of a sovereign God.

Consider another Old Testament passage: “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please” (Isaiah 46:9-10). Here again we see a sovereign God declaring to us that He will accomplish all His purposes. The concept of libertarian free will leaves open the possibility that man can freely refuse to do God’s will, yet God says all His purposes will be accomplished.

Man is not a “law unto himself.” Man is a creature in the Creator’s universe, and as such is subject to the will of the Creator. To suggest otherwise is to elevate man beyond his station and to bring God down to the level of the creature. Those who advocate libertarian free will may not come out and say this, but logically speaking, this is the conclusion that must be drawn. Consider a popular evangelistic slogan found in Christian gospel tracts: “God casts his vote for you, Satan casts his vote against you, but you have the deciding vote.” Is this how it works in salvation? Is God just one side of a cosmic struggle with Satan for the souls of men, who must resort to “campaign tactics” to sway voters to heaven? This view of God is an emasculated God who is desperately hoping mankind utilizes his free will to choose Him. Frankly, this is a somewhat pathetic view of God. If God wills to save someone, that person will be saved because God accomplishes all His purposes.

Now, we must be careful not to swing to the (equally) unbiblical view that God is the divine Puppet Master and we are merely His puppets. This is the view of hard determinism in which man is reduced to an automaton making robotic responses to situations. The Bible presents a third option between hard determinism and libertarian free will, and that is the view called compatibilism, or soft determinism. In this view, man makes real choices and will be held responsible by God for those choices. The choices that man makes emanate from his desires. God grants the creature a certain amount of freedom, but that freedom always operates within the boundaries of God’s sovereignty.

Now by embracing this view, we must avoid two errors. The first is to posit what is called “middle knowledge.” The doctrine of middle knowledge teaches that God created a world out of the infinite number of worlds He had available to Him to create, and God chose that particular world in which free creatures made the very decisions that accomplished His will. The second error to avoid is to think that God is somehow a cosmic manipulator setting up situations so that His creatures freely make the choices that accomplish His will.

There are two keys to understanding human will and how it relates to God’s sovereignty. The first is the fall. Prior to the fall, man could be said to have had a “free” will in that he was free to obey God or disobey God. After the fall, man’s will was corrupted by sin to the point where he fully lost the ability to willingly obey God. This doesn’t mean that man can’t outwardly obey God. Rather, man cannot perform any spiritual good that is acceptable to God or has any salvific merit. The Bible describes man’s will as “dead in transgressions and sins” (Ephesians 2:1) or as “slaves to sin” (Romans 6:17). These phrases describe man as both unable and unwilling to submit to God’s sovereign authority; therefore, when man makes choices according to his desires, we must remember that man’s desires are depraved and corrupted and wholly rebellious toward God.

The second key in harmonizing man’s “free” will with God’s sovereignty is how God accomplishes His desires. When God ordains all things that come to pass (Psalm 33:11; Ephesians 1:11), He not only ordains the ends, but the means as well. God ordains that certain things will happen and He also ordains how they will happen. Human choices are one of the means by which God accomplishes His will. For proof of this point, look no further than the exodus. God tells Moses that He will harden Pharaoh’s heart so that God’s glory in the deliverance of Israel would be manifest through him (Exodus 4:21). However, as the narrative continues, we see that Pharaoh hardens his own heart (Exodus 8:15). God’s will and man’s will converge.

In conclusion, we must try to understand the effort to import libertarian free will into the Scriptures. The reasoning is usually to preserve human autonomy because it is seen as the key to moral responsibility. This is also done to preserve God’s justice. God cannot be seen as just if He would condemn those who cannot choose against their depraved wills. Yet in these attempts to preserve God’s justice and human responsibility, damage is done to the Scriptures. The Bible emphatically affirms human responsibility for sin and God’s justice, but it also clearly rejects libertarian free will. Scripture clearly affirms that 1) God is sovereign over all affairs, including the affairs of man; and 2) man is responsible for his rebellion against a holy God. The fact that we cannot completely harmonize these two biblical truths should not cause us to reject either one. Things seem impossible to us often simply because we do not have the mind of God. It is true that we can’t expect to understand the mind of God perfectly, as He reminds us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Nevertheless, our responsibility to God is to believe His Word, to obey Him, to trust Him and to submit to His will, whether we understand it or not.

What is compatibilism? The Biblical view of creaturely freedom. Why I am a Reformed Protestant.

This post comes from an article at

Compatibilism is an attempt to reconcile the theological proposition that every event is causally determined, ordained, and/or decreed by God (i.e., determinism, not to be confused with fatalism)—with the free will of man. Promulgated originally from a philosophical viewpoint by the Greek Stoics and later by numerous philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes and David Hume, and from a theological viewpoint by theologians such as Augustine of Hippo and John Calvin, the compatibilist concept of free will states that though the free will of man seems irreconcilable with the proposition of determinism, they both do exist and are “compatible” with one another.

The foundation of the compatibilistic concept of free will is the means by which “will” is defined. From a theological viewpoint, the definition of the will is viewed in light of the revealed, biblical truths of original sin and the spiritual depravity of man. These two truths render the definition of “will” in regard to fallen man as “captive to sin” (Acts 8:23), a “slave of sin” (John 8:34; Romans 6:16-17) and subject only to its “master,” which is sin (Romans 6:14). As such, although the will of man is “free” to do as it wishes, it wishes to act according to its nature, and since the nature of the fallen will is sinful, every intent of the thoughts of the fallen man’s heart is “only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5, cf. Genesis 8:21). He, being naturally rebellious to that which is spiritually good (Romans 8:7-8; 1 Corinthians 2:14), “is bent only on rebellion” (Proverbs 17:11). Essentially, man is “free” to do as he wishes, and he does just that, but man simply cannot do that which is contrary to his nature. What man “wills” to do is subject to and determined solely by his nature.

Here is where compatibilism makes the distinction between man having a free will and being a “free agent.” Man is “free” to choose that which is determined by his nature or by the laws of nature. To illustrate, the laws of nature prohibit man from being able to fly, but this does not mean that man is not free. The agent, man, is only free to do that which his nature or the laws of nature allow him to do. Theologically speaking, though the natural man is unable to submit himself to the law of God (Romans 8:7-8) and unable to come to Christ unless the Father draws him to Him (John 6:44), the natural man still acts freely in respect to his nature. He freely and actively suppresses the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18) because his nature renders him unable to do otherwise (Job 15:14-16; Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3; Jeremiah 13:23; Romans 3:10-11). Two good examples of Jesus’ confirmation of this concept can be found in Matthew 7:16-27 and Matthew 12:34-37.

With the distinction between free agency and free will defined, compatibilism then addresses the nature of the free agency of man in respect to the theological proposition known as determinism and/or the biblical truth of the omniscient nature of God. The foundational issue is how man can be held accountable for his actions if his actions were always going to occur (i.e., the future is not subject to change) and could not have been anything other than that which occurred. Although there are numerous passages of Scripture that address this issue, there are three primary passages to examine.

The story of Joseph and his brothers
The first is the story of Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 37). Joseph was hated by his brothers because their father, Jacob, loved Joseph more than any of his other sons (Genesis 37:3) and because of Joseph’s dreams and their interpretation (Genesis 37:5-11). At an opportune time, Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave to traveling Midianite traders. Then they dipped his tunic in the blood of a slain goat in order to deceive their father into thinking Joseph had been mauled by a beast (Genesis 37:18-33). After many years, during which Joseph had been blessed by the Lord, Joseph’s brothers meet him in Egypt, and Joseph reveals himself to them (Genesis 45:3-4). It is Joseph’s discussion with his brothers that is most pertinent to the issue:

“So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt” (Genesis 45:8).

What makes this statement startling is that Joseph had previously said his brothers had, in fact, sold him into Egypt (Genesis 45:4-5). A few chapters later, the concept of compatibilism is presented:

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).

The Genesis story tells us that it was, in fact, the brothers who sold Joseph into Egypt. However, Joseph makes it clear that God had done so. Those who reject the concept of compatibilism would say that this verse is simply stating that God “used” Joseph’s brothers’ actions for good. However, this is not what the text says. From Genesis 45-50, we are told that (1) Joseph’s brothers had sent Joseph to Egypt, (2) God had sent Joseph to Egypt, (3) Joseph’s brothers had evil intentions in sending Joseph to Egypt, and (4) God had good intentions in sending Joseph to Egypt. So, the question is, who sent Joseph to Egypt? The bewildering answer is that both Joseph’s brothers and God did. It was one action being carried out by two entities, the brothers and God doing it simultaneously.

The commission of Assyria
The second passage that reveals compatibilism is found in Isaiah 10, a prophetic warning passage for God’s people. As divinely promised in Deuteronomy 28-29, God is sending a nation to punish His people for their sins. Isaiah 10:6 says that Assyria is the rod of God’s anger, “commissioned” against God’s people to “seize loot and snatch plunder, and to trample them down like mud in the streets.” Notice, however, what God says about Assyria:

“Yet [Assyria] does not so intend, Nor does it plan so in its heart, But rather it is its purpose to destroy And to cut off many nations” (Isaiah 10:7, NASB).

God’s intent in the Assyrian invasion is to inflict His righteous judgment against sin, and the intent of the Assyrians is to “destroy and cut off many nations.” Two different purposes, two different entities acting to bring about this purpose, in one, single action. As we read further, God reveals that, although this destruction is determined and decreed by Him (Isaiah 10:23), He will still punish the Assyrians because of the “arrogant heart of the king of Assyria and the pomp of his haughtiness” (Isaiah 10:12, cf. Isaiah 10:15). Even though God Himself had infallibly determined the judgment of a disobedient people, He holds those who brought the judgment accountable for their own actions.

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ
The third passage of Scripture that speaks of compatibilism is found in Acts 4:23-28. As revealed in Acts 2:23-25, Christ’s death on the cross was carried out by the “predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God.” Acts 4:27-28 further reveals that the actions of Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel had been determined and decreed by God Himself to occur as they “gathered together against” Jesus and did “what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen.” Although God had determined that Christ should die, those responsible for His death were still held accountable for their actions. Christ was put to death by wicked men, “yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer” (Isaiah 53:10). Once again, the answer to the question "who put Jesus to death?" is both God and the wicked people—two purposes carried out by two entities within a single action.

There are other passages of Scripture that pertain to the concept of compatibilism, such as God hardening the hearts of individuals (e.g., Exodus 4:21; Joshua 11:20; Isaiah 63:17). While compatibilism seems bewildering to us (Job 9:10; Isaiah 55:8-11; Romans 11:33), this truth has been revealed by God Himself as the means by which His sovereign decree is reconciled with the will of man. God is sovereign over all things (Psalm 115:3, Daniel 4:35, Matthew 10:29-30), God knows all things (Job 37:16; Psalm 147:5; 1 John 3:19-20), and man is held accountable for what he does (Genesis 18:25; Acts 17:31; Jude 1:15). Truly, His ways are unfathomable (Job 9:10; Romans 11:33), and so we should trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).

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