Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Does This Verse Teach Cessationism? And a Bit On Bethel. 1 Cor 13:10-12


Fake Healing Videos Evaluated: Todd White, Tom Fischer and more


A Pastor Shares His Thoughts on Halloween


American Gospel Christ Alone


The Story Behind "American Gospel" - Interview with Brandon Kimber


Why We Believe - Jesus is the Messiah, Pt. 2


How Don Lemon Treated Trump Voting Friends & Losing Friends To TDS | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report


Recapping President Trump's First-Term Accomplishments


Does Abortion Trump Everything Else?


Evangelicals, Trump and the Election with Dr. Michael Brown | 🎙 Podcast


Christians and Donald Trump | Cross Examined Official Podcast


Yes, I am for Trump because I cannot as a regenerated heart support the Democrats.


Justin Paterson's Thoughts on the Election


The Millennium: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


The Rapture: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


The Beast: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


Friday, October 30, 2020

The Antichrist: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


The Book of Revelation: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


The Destruction of Jerusalem: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


The End of the Age: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


This Generation: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


Literal or Figurative?: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


A Question of Time: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


Understanding the Parousia: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


Crisis in Eschatology: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


Essential Oils, Bethel, and What Drives this English Teacher Crazy (Physics of Heaven, Part 3)


Bethel Exploring New Age Practices (Physics of Heaven Pt. 2)


You Need to Know What I Found in this Bethel Book (Physics of Heaven Part 1)


Biden Adopts UN "Build Back Better" Push for New World Order


1619 Project: Fake History in School to Destroy US

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Deep State propaganda machine's "1619 Project" produced by the New York Times and fringe leftwing activist Nikole Hannah-Jones to brainwash American children in public schools with fake history to hate America. The central claim is that America has slavery and racism in its DNA, and so it must die. Fortunately, historians from all across the political spectrum have debunked the lies, and President Trump is joining the fray. Indeed, the truth is almost the opposite of the Times' phony narrative.


Trump is the Target of "Color Revolution" Coup


UN: Deep State Plan for World Government

In this episode of Behind The Deep State host, Alex Newman explains how the United Nations has been plotting “World Government” since its creation 75 years ago. Alex concludes with a call to get rid of the cancer that is the UN by calling your representatives and supporting H.R. 204: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2019.


Who is the Beast of Revelation 13? Ben Witherington


Homosexuality & Scripture (Ben Witherington III)


Is the Rapture Biblical: Seven Minute Seminary


Revelation and Apocalypticism: Seven Minute Seminary


Where Did Rapture Theology Come From? Ben Witherington III


Is the Rapture Doctrine Biblical? (Ben Witherington)


Is This Pandemic a Sign of the End Times?


My Conversation with a FORMER Gay Rights Activist




How Did We Get All of Our Denominations and Why Do We Have So Many?




In Christ Alone | Celtic Worship


Lauren Daigle - Loyal (Lyric Video)


Lauren Daigle - "Come Alive (Dry Bones) (Live at the CentricWorship Retreat)


Do angels appear to people today? |


I am both a Reformed (Theology) Protestant and middle knowledge proponent.

It is often thought that one cannot be a Reformed Protestant and affirm ability to make free choices. However, this is incorrect I both affirm Reformed Theology (Calvinism or Doctrines of grace) and Mere Molinism. The ability to make choices that are not casually determined by God while also affirming that God is sovereign as well.

For example God is not the author of sin and evil. Evil comes from not being regenerated by God or by resistance to Gods will. God is both sovereign and elects, predetermined everything while not casually determining everything we do or not do. 

Through Gods middle knowledge he can and does know everything that can and will happen in every circumstance without causing everything deterministically. Some people define this as a form of libertarian free will and others consider this a form of broadly free compatibilist theology.

This means I affirm true choices that are not casually determined by God, but, I fully embrace the Doctirine(s) of Grace otherwise known as the 5 points of Calvinism or Reformed Theology. However, I listen to non Calvanist sources all the time. Neither am I someone that only attend one church only via sermons or sources of worship music. 

The Doctrines of Grace or Calvinism/Reformed Theology is best explained using the term TULIP. The following definition comes from Legionair Ministries website on the 5 points or Reformed Theology.

The five points, as they are stated in order to form the acrostic TULIP, are: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints.

The doctrine of total depravity reflects the Reformed viewpoint of original sin. That term—original sin—is often misunderstood in the popular arena. Some people assume that the term original sin must refer to the first sin—the original transgression that we’ve all copied in many different ways in our own lives, that is, the first sin of Adam and Eve. But that’s not what original sin has referred to historically in the church. Rather, the doctrine of original sin defines the consequences to the human race because of that first sin.

That is, as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve, the entire human race fell, and our nature as human beings since the fall has been influenced by the power of evil. As David declared in the Old Testament, “Oh, God, I was born in sin, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Ps. 51:5). He was not saying that it was sinful for his mother to have borne children; neither was he saying that he had done something evil by being born. Rather, he was acknowledging the human condition of fallenness—that condition that was part of the experience of his parents, a condition that he himself brought into this world. Therefore, original sin has to do with the fallen nature of mankind. The idea is that we are not sinners because we sin, but that we sin because we are sinners.

In the Reformed tradition, total depravity does not mean utter depravity. We often use the term total as a synonym for utter or for completely, so the notion of total depravity conjures up the idea that every human being is as bad as that person could possibly be. 
It means that the fall was so serious that it affects the whole person. The fallenness that captures and grips our human nature affects our bodies; that’s why we become ill and die. It affects our minds and our thinking; we still have the capacity to think, but the Bible says the mind has become darkened and weakened. The will of man is no longer in its pristine state of moral power. The will, according to the New Testament, is now in bondage. We are enslaved to the evil impulses and desires of our hearts. The body, the mind, the will, the spirit—indeed, the whole person—have been infected by the power of sin.
So what is required for us to be conformed to the image of Christ is not simply some small adjustments or behavioral modifications, but nothing less than renovation from the inside. We need to be regenerated, to be made over again, to be quickened by the power of the Spirit. The only way in which a person can escape this radical situation is by the Holy Spirit’s changing the core, the heart. However, even that change does not instantly vanquish sin. The complete elimination of sin awaits our glorification in heaven.

The above explanation was sourced to clear up misunderstandings people often have about total depravity as meaning the same thing as choice being an illusion. The truth is that the T does not require no choice or as stated that all people are totally evil at all times in all choices they make. 

Unconditional Election: I affirm predestination and election, but logically, this is not the same thing as causal determinism. God elects to create a world in which he knew with omniscient certainty, exactly how all things will happen. All things means all things, from all movements of subatomic particles to all actions of free creatures. Thereby, he elects, guarantees, and predestines EVERYTHING, including our free choices that are not causally determined. 

Limited Atonement:  God only intends to save through Christ’s cross those whom he gives congruent or irrisistable grace, the atonement is limited in scope, giving us L (limited atonement).

Irresistible grace/effectual calling/effectual call/Congruent grace/Monergism:

It means essentially that the divine operation called rebirth or regeneration is the work of God alone. An erg is a unit of labor, a unit of work. The word energy comes from that idea. The prefix mono- means “one.” So monergism means “one working.” It means that the work of regeneration in the human heart is something that God does by His power alone—not by 50 percent His power and 50 percent man’s power, or even 99 percent His power and 1 percent man’s power. It is 100 percent the work of God. He, and He alone, has the power to change the disposition of the soul and the human heart to bring us to faith.

In addition, when He exercises this grace in the soul, He brings about the effect that He intends to bring about. When God created you, He brought you into existence. You didn’t help Him. It was His sovereign work that brought you to life biologically. Likewise, it is His work, and His alone, that brings you into the state of rebirth and of renewed creation. Hence, we call this irresistible grace. It’s grace that works. It’s grace that brings about what God wants it to bring about. If, indeed, we are dead in sins and trespasses, if, indeed, our wills are held captive by the lusts of our flesh and we need to be liberated from our flesh in order to be saved, then in the final analysis, salvation must be something that God does in us and for us, not something that we in any way do for ourselves.

However, the idea of irresistibility conjures up the idea that one cannot possibly offer any resistance to the grace of God. However, the history of the human race is the history of relentless resistance to the sweetness of the grace of God. Irresistible grace does not mean that God’s grace is incapable of being resisted. Indeed, we are capable of resisting God’s grace, and we do resist it. The idea is that God’s grace is so powerful that it has the capacity to overcome our natural resistance to it. 
It is not that the Holy Spirit drags people kicking and screaming to Christ against their wills. The Holy Spirit changes the inclination and disposition of our wills, so that whereas we were previously unwilling to embrace Christ, now we are willing, and more than willing. Indeed, we aren’t dragged to Christ, we run to Christ, and we embrace Him joyfully because the Spirit has changed our hearts. They are no longer hearts of stone that are impervious to the commands of God and to the invitations of the gospel. God melts the hardness of our hearts when He makes us new creatures. 
The Holy Spirit resurrects us from spiritual death, so that we come to Christ because we want to come to Christ. The reason we want to come to Christ is because God has already done a work of grace in our souls. Without that work, we would never have any desire to come to Christ. 

Or another way to describe it is congruent grace. 

God gives the elect a congruent grace, namely, a special quality of grace that is so perfectly adapted to their unique characters, temperaments, and situations that they infallibly yet freely respond affirmatively to its influence. Such grace is extrinsically efficacious, thus furnishing us with I (irresistible grace).

Sometimes this Docterine is instead called effectual call or effectual calling.  

Perseverance of the saints/Once saved always saved:

Writing to the Philippians, Paul says, “He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it to the end” (Phil. 1:6). Therein is the promise of God that what He starts in our souls, He intends to finish. So the old axiom in Reformed theology about the perseverance of the saints is this: If you have it—that is, if you have genuine faith and are in a state of saving grace—you will never lose it. If you lose it, you never had it.

We know that many people make professions of faith, then turn away and repudiate or recant those professions. The Apostle John notes that there were those who left the company of the disciples, and he says of them, “Those who went out from us were never really with us” (1 John 2:19). 

Of course, they were with the disciples in terms of outward appearances before they departed. They had made an outward profession of faith, and Jesus makes it clear that it is possible for a person to do this even when he doesn’t possess what he’s professing. Jesus says, “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” (Matt. 15:8). 

Jesus even warns at the end of the Sermon on the Mount that at the last day, many will come to Him, saying: “Lord, Lord, didn’t we do this in your name? Didn’t we do that in your name?” He will send them away, saying: “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never knew you” (Matthew 7:23). He will not say: “I knew you for a season and then you went sour and betrayed Me. No, you never were part of My invisible church.”
The whole purpose of God’s election is to bring His people safely to heaven; therefore, what He starts He promises to finish. He not only initiates the Christian life, but the Holy Spirit is with us as the sanctifier, the convictor, and the helper to ensure our preservation.

As stated on Free Thinking Ministries website this is not in conflict with embracing a mere form of Molinism or middle knowledge the two are compatible.

In sum, a combination of original Molinism and Congruism yields subscription to all Five Points of Calvinism, thus making it quite possible to be both a Calvinist and a Molinist. 



How to Identify a False Teacher | 7 Signs From the Book of Jude


Are Women Permitted to Speak in Church?


"Billionaires Club" Runs Green Movement

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how Congress exposed the fact that a Deep State "Billionaires Club" was secretly bankrolling and directing the "green" so-called "environmentalist" movement. This is not because these Deep State billionaires love the environment, but because they want even more money and even more power. Russian authorities also appear to be involved in this shady network funding anti-American, anti-energy efforts through a shell corporation in Bermuda called Klein, Ltd. Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, and other names keep coming up too. Questions about the legality of all this are growing. It's time to shine the light on this "Billionaires Club" and its efforts to enslave America.
📄 United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Staff Report

I do not condone the comments on vaccines. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Moral Narcissism of the Radical Left—Roger Simon on Riots & Beyond | American Thought Leaders


EXCLUSIVE: Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo | American Thought Leaders Special Edition


Rep. Warren Davidson: Is COVID Stimulus a Double-Edged Sword? | American Thought Leaders


What does my Faith mean to me?

The reason for my faith is not of my own I was regenerated by ABBA Pappa Father Yahweh. What does my Faith mean to me in my heart? 

My heart is regenerated by the Holy Triune God and the very question is to not put God first. I was a wretched sinner my works as per The word of God were dirty rags. My heart is guided by what The Holy Spirit wants which is to look to Jesus/Yeshua which in turn points me back to God. 

My heart is not mine it is a new heart from God my old heart that was concerned with self is not there. My new heart is all about dying to sin, dying to self and dying to the world to instead take up my cross as Jesus taught in even the oldest and most original of autographs or Scriptures uncovered.

My heart to use that term is to follow God and follow his commands thus my heart is not about what I want or need ultimately. 

However, to better answer the questions. My hope I receive is that of all regenerated peoples and that is that I love God with all my heart, soul and mind. My neighbors as myself. As well as the fact that I know the savior God himself took on the role of a servant by incarnation into human flesh. That by his willingness to sacrifice to the point of death which took my place as a born again man I am saved. Because of this I will see my God when I leave this world. For as the Word says I am in this world, but, not of this world. I will be at home with the Lord and a beautiful addition to that I will be home with all truly saved humans which will include my Mother and any other transitioned people I knew or known in this world. 

That I am saved from punishment and judgement of the lake of fire and I pray that as many people as possible that are in this world will be Graced the same way by Gods metaphoric hand to be renewed and saved from the separation and torment of an afterlife under  judgement of their unrepentant lives. 

Everything belongs to Yahweh, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and may his mercy be upon you. Amen!

The Definition of the Church - Michael Durham


Why I Quit Selling Essential Oils


Life-Long Dem and Flint City Council Member Backs Trump in INCREDIBLE Speech


Satanic Music Industry Exposed

This video reveals the less spoken of satanic bent of popular musicians throughout the decades. From Katy Perry and Adam Levine, to the Beatles and Elvis, this video covers a wide range of popular artists and their hidden darker side. In order, the main artists covered are: Adam Levine, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Queen, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Prince, U2, Metallica and David Bowe. All credit for this video goes to pastor Joe Schimmel of Good Fight Ministries. If you were blessed by the video, consider purchasing some of Good Fight Ministries other content here: Or donating to them here:

Hollywood's War On God (Full Movie)

This is the entire epic full length film, Hollywood's War On God. Hollywood's War On God is a mind-blowing, eye-popping documentary that reveals how satanic forces are using Hollywood's most memorable movies and most popular actors to propagate an ancient lie in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a 'strong delusion' as the world joins Satan & the final Antichrist in their war on God.
Some of the movies addressed in this film are: The Da Vinci Code starring Tom Hanks The Matrix & Constantine starring Keanu Reeves Fight Club starring Brad Pitt Truman Show starring Jim Carrey Pleasantville starring Toby Maguire Total Recall starring Arnold Swarzenegger From Hell starring Johnny Depp League of Extraordinary Gentleman starring Shawn Connery Harry Potter starring Daniel Radcliffe Bladerunner starring Harrison Ford Vanilla Sky, Eyes Wide Shut & Minority Report starring Tom Cruise and many others. SECTION LINKS & TIMES 0:00 - Introduction 1:26 - The Da Vinci Code 8:06 - Gnostic Background 14:59 - The Da Vinci Code Continued 19:54 - V for Vendetta 40:54 - The Matrix 1:07:46 - Donnie Darko 1:09:08 - Fight Club 1:11:28 - Dark City 1:14:40 - Stigmata 1:19:04 - Pleasantville 1:24:56 - Eyes Wide Shut 1:27:15 - Minority Report 1:28:56 - Vanilla Sky 1:33:40 - Battlefield Earth 1:36:58 - 2010: The Year We Make Contact 1:37:19 - Harry Potter 1:42:55 - A.I. Artificial Intelligence 1:44:30 - Total Recall 1:46:29 - League of Extraordinary Gentleman 1:47:28 - Truman Show 1:59:12 - X-men 2:01:26 - Closing Message of Hope All credit goes to Good Fight Ministries for this film. If the film edified you, please consider buying it on DVD or donating to Good Fight Ministries:

“You are gods”? | Bible Problem Passage — John 10:34


'Who the Hell Elected You?' Twitter CEO Gets Grilled by Cruz | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 651


President Biden's First 100 Days: America's Dystopian Future | Glenn TV


Trump speaks at 'MAGA' rally at the Phoenix Goodyear Airport


Mark Levin: This Is Our Stand Against Tyranny


Answering An Objection to Molinism (Justin Mooney)


So Help Me God | Ep. 58


Trump deserves all four Nobel Peace Prize nominations: Eric Trump




Is "Critical Race Theory" Biblical? No.


Our Anchor In Times of Storm – Dr. Charles Stanley


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

John MacArthur: Becoming a Better You?


Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality (Selected Scriptures)


Zeal (feat. Henry Seeley) // The Belonging Co // All The Earth


How New Age & Word of Faith Misunderstand the Bible (Mike Winger and Melissa Dougherty)


Mike Winger on Soteriology 101


Lauren Daigle and the Homosexuality Question


Why 8 People Couldn't Be Pro-Choice Any Longer: Here's What They Said


Steven Anderson vs The Biblical Gospel


How to Get Saved with Mike Winger


8 Solid Worship Bands (Instead of Bethel, Hillsong or Elevation)


New Leaked Audio Proves Joe Biden Is Lying About Hunter Biden Deals | DIRECT MESSAGE | RUBIN REPORT


Bill Johnson's Theology and Movement Examined Biblically.


Mike Winger: The Passion Translation, Bethel, Bill Johnson, and more


Mike Winger-Can We Trust Bill Johnson's Teaching On Prophecy?




Mike Winger-Should We Be Concerned About Bethel's Worship Music?


Yeshua (English, Português, Español, & עברית) | WorshipMob live + spontaneous worship


I Exalt Thee | Jesus Image Worship | Jesus ‘19


To Worship You I Live (by Israel & New Breed) | WorshipMob live + spontaneous


Telling Lies About the Bible: Andrew Wommack


Talking with Jeff Durbin About his Friendship with Michael Brown


What is Progressive Christianity and why it's Spiritually Dangerous: Talking with Alisa Childers


Does Joyce Meyer Still Teach that Jesus Went to Hell to Pay for our Sins?


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Assigned Pronouns At Birth And Other Absurdities Being Taught To Children


The 'Self-Serving Gospel', and why it's Dangerous


Postmillennialism: With Pastor Doug Wilson


The Satan and Demons Question and Response - BibleProject


Making of the Bible [Extended Version] Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)


Four Different views of sovereignty


Interview with Tim Mackie of The Bible Project!


Talking With Allen Parr: The Beat Ministry, The Gospel, and False Teachings


Is Someone You Love in a Cult? Talking with the Cultish Guys


Why did Lot offer up his daughters to be gang raped? |


Big Tech Wants To Kill The Hunter Biden Story, Don't Let It Happen


GLENN: President Trump shares THIS key quality with Ronald Reagan


Why Suffering? Finding Meaning in our Difficult World


Did Joe Biden Just Admit to Organizing Voter Fraud? | Pat Gray Unleashed


Ingraham: Democrats, media keeping Biden's real plans for America a secret


Could China blackmail a President Joe Biden?


TIME is promoting the left’s plan to DESTROY American capitalism with 'The Great Reset'


Devil with a Blue Dress: Progressives Embrace Satan as Icon for Leftist Ideals


Confirmed: What Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett Means for Constitution and Campaign


Daniel K. Williams | The Election of the Evangelical | Gospelbound


Finding the Gospel in Contemporary Culture | Dr. Vince Vitale


Steven Lawson: Standing for the Truth


Potential Causes of Homosexual Confusion


Homosexuality 101 - Dr. Julie Harren Hamilton


God Doesn't Whisper Part 2


God Doesn't Whisper Part 1


What does it mean that love is not proud (1 Corinthians 13:4)?


Seeking the Truth in a Post-Truth Era | Guest: Megyn Kelly


Joe Biden's Health Care Plan Is a Trojan Horse for Socialized Medicine


China Waging War Against US Using 5G & Big Data


Monday, October 26, 2020

Is Gay the New Black? Voddie Baucham - Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis


The Motives, Marks, and Means of Church Unity (John MacArthur)


Literally the WORST Bible Translation I've Ever Seen


ISLAM: A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE by James Walker of Watchman Fellowship


The Hebrew Roots Movement


Jehovah's Witnesses: Understanding & Reaching Them in Love


From Mormonism to Christianity


Counterfeit Christianity with James Walker


The Word Faith Movement: class 11 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: Class 10 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 9 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 8 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 7 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 6 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 5 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 4 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: Class 3 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 2 of 11


The Word Faith Movement: class 1 of 11


Provoked: The Importance of Dying To Self


"The Secret" Debunked by James Walker


How the Law of Attraction Can Lead You Down the Wrong Path


Why I Think the Law of Attraction is GARBAGE: Stop Calling it Christian


Christian Essentials: How They Help Explain the Many Denominations


How Can I Be An Effective Witness For Jesus?!


What Does It Mean To 'Fear' God And That He's 'Jealous'?!


What's Up With All the Violence in the Old Testament?!


Why Is Universalism a Bad Idea? With Mike Winger


Homosexuality: Slogans vs Health Risks- part 4 of 4


Homosexuality pt3 Born Gay? What Theology and Science Say


Homosexuality: The New Testament Passages - part 2 of 4


Homosexuality: The Old Testament Passages - part 1 of 4


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Homosexuality & Romans 1: Controversy and Clarity


Calvinism, Arminianism, Election & Predestination: Romans 8:29-30, 33


Perseverance of the Saints: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Irresistible Grace: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Unconditional Election: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Limited Atonement: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Total Depravity (Part 2): What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Total Depravity (Part 1): What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Covenant: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Faith Alone (Part 2): What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Faith Alone (Part 1): What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Scripture Alone: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Catholic, Evangelical, and Reformed: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Introduction: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul


Sinners and dinner: Dealing with same-sex attraction issues in the church! CHECK THIS OUT!


3 Things Christians Should Know About The Passion Translation


Misunderstood Bible Verses with Clark Bates: Proverbs and Promises - The Alisa Childers Podcast


Another Gospel with Alisa Childers | 🎙 Podcast


The Village Church Sunday Service - 10/25/2020 - Matt Chandler - Citizens of Heaven


Grace Baptist Church PEI Live Service | October 25, 2020 - Pastor Doug Campbell


10:30 AM October 25, 2020 ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Live Stream


The Price of Panic (with Dr. Jay Richards) | 🎙 Podcast


Charlottetown CRC Church October 25 2020


UNCOVERED: How Joe Biden Got Millions In Foreign Bribes | Rudy Giuliani 


Incriminating Biden Documents Delivered To Delaware Police Department | Rudy Giuliani 


SPECIAL REPORT: Inside Joe Biden's corruption scandal and the social media cover-up


You Don't Say (March 1967) with Mel Torme


China Sanctions, Hong Kong Media Mogul Jimmy Lai Arrested & TikTok Ban—Curtis Ellis


Friday, October 23, 2020

The Controversy Over "Literary Devices" in The Gospels with Dr. Lydia McGrew


Discussing "Tactics" with Greg Koukl: How to Talk to People About Christianity


The Truth About Death (John MacArthur)


Naturalism: Bumping into Reality - Greg Koukl


Greg Koukl - The New Atheists: Old Arguments New Attitude.


The Bankruptcy of Relativism - Greg Koukl


The Narcissistic Women of Bethel: "It's Gonna Get Worse!"


Sean McDowell, “The Beauty of Intolerance” - DEFEND Apologetics Conference 2017


Greg Koukl: The Intolerance of Tolerance


Mugshots: John F. Kennedy - Did Oswald Act Alone?


The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination


Mike Pence calls Big Tech censorship of NY Post an 'outrage'


Do Humans Really Have Free Will? (Greg Koukl)


Greg Koukl - Explaining Free Will and Calvinism Part 3 of 3


Greg Koukl - Explaining Free Will and Calvinism Part 2 of 3


Greg Koukl - Explaining Free Will and Calvinism Part 1 of 3


Greg Koukl - Calvinism and Choice


Greg Koukl - Molinism


Molinism is not at odds with fully embracing Reformed Theology (Doctrines of Grace)

This was written in an article by Kirk McGregor on Free Thinking ministries website

Recently I have been looking into the I of TULIP and wondering if I have misunderstood it. In between watching various videos about the matter and reading articles I am finding that I am accepting the concept as not as incompatible with also being a Molinist or acknowledgement of middle knowledge/human free choice. 

I came across the article sourced at the top of this post. I now accept that one can be a full 5 point Calvinist (Reformed Theology or Doctrines of Grace) while also accepting Molinism or middle knowledge that allows for one to allow for free choice. 

Per the article I linked to above this post.

Calvinistic Molinism

Taking adherence to all the Five Points of Calvinism (TULIP) as sufficient for being a Calvinist, we will disclose how a Calvinist can subscribe to the core of Molinism. We have already seen that Molina held to T (total depravity) and U (unconditional election). One can get P (perseverance of the saints) simply by proposing that the world God selects is one in which he middle-knows that no individual who responds to his prevenient grace would fall away. Which mechanism God uses to ensure that such “first responders” do not fall away is wide open for Calvinists to debate. Hence we have three of the Five Points.

One could secure the other two points by following a version of Molinism called Congruism, formulated by the early seventeenth-century Catholic reformer Francisco Suárez. According to Congruism, while God gives all persons in the world he creates a completely sufficient grace for salvation (so that the reprobate have no one to blame but themselves), God decides to ramp up the quality of grace for the elect upon middle-knowing that they would respond to the default level of sufficient grace if given. God gives the elect a congruent grace, namely, a special quality of grace that is so perfectly adapted to their unique characters, temperaments, and situations that they infallibly yet freely respond affirmatively to its influence. Such grace is extrinsically efficacious, thus furnishing us with I (irresistible grace). Since God only intends to save through Christ’s cross those whom he gives congruent grace, the atonement is limited in scope, giving us L (limited atonement).

In sum, a combination of original Molinism and Congruism yields subscription to all Five Points of Calvinism, thus making it quite possible to be both a Calvinist and a Molinist.