Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, January 31, 2020

William Lane Craig vs Andrew Pyle: "Does the Christian God Exist?" Bristol, UK; 2007

New Wine Lyric Video - Hillsong Worship

The Most Elusive Identity On The Internet - Pt. 1 (Ft. Nexpo)

Discrimination and Disparities with Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell -- Basic Economics

Healing - Two Hours of Instrumental Worship | Prayer Music | Sleep Music | Spontaneous Worship

Best Hillsong Songs Full Album 2020 - Top Latest Hillsong Worship Songs Medley

Sexuality and Gender by Lawrence S. Mayer and Paul R. McHugh full reading

I disagree with N.A.O.M on their marriage stance, but, this is an excellent overview

Sexuality and Gender — introduction to the New Atlantis report

Read "Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences" here:

Best Praise & Worship Songs 2020 - NonStop Morning Devotion Worship Songs For Prayers

Who is Jesus? Dr. Michael Brown vs Rabbi David Blumofe

Rabbi Jonathan Romain vs Michael Brown • Was Jesus the Jewish Messiah?

Are tongues, prophecy and charismatic gifts for today? // Andrew Wilson vs Simon Arscott

Did God punish Jesus in our place? Steve Chalke vs Andrew Wilson

Did they mishear God in the Old Testament? Steve Chalke vs Andrew Wilson

Does the Bible contain errors? Steve Chalke vs Andrew Wilson 

Does scripture forbid gay relationships? Steve Chalke vs Andrew Wilson

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Andy Stanley vs Jeff Durbin - Unhitching Christianity from the Old Testament?

Are the miracles of Jesus unbelievable? Michael Shermer vs Luuk Vandeweghe

Does consciousness point to God? Philip Goff & Sharon Dirckx

Carlton Pearson - "To Hell With Hell" at All Souls Church

'LIFE BEYOND HELL' - A sermon by Bishop Carlton D. Pearson

Why Candace Owens Is Calling For A BLACKOUT Of The Democratic Party | Huckabee

Jay W. Richards: The Central Issues [God & Evolution]

Jonathan Wells: Science and Theistic Evolution [God & Evolution]

Stephen C. Meyer: Theistic Evolution

Return of the God Hypothesis - Stephen C. Meyer, PhD

Stephen Meyer - Darwin: A Myth for the Post-Christian Mind

"Darwin's Doubt" with Stephen Meyer

Peter J Williams & Bart Ehrman • The story of Jesus: Are the Gospels historically reliable?

APEX TV Time Travelers Debunked

Our Father - Josie Buchanan | Moment

Kennedy on ‘caucus craziness’: Give Iowa a break

Yale University Course on Magic and Witchcraft

Past, Present and Powerful (Apr 6, 2014) Unitarian Universalist Church of Ogden

"Rescue or Flush?" Sermon by Kalen Fristad

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Kalen Fristad February 28, 2016 "Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful"

Is Universal Salvation a Christian Heresy? No!

There is no Hell actually in Gods Word

The Spirit as a Voice of Love - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

The Spirit, Suffering, and Prayer - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

The Spirit and the Fruit - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Christ is Victor - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Who Can Forgive Sins - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Jesus' Family Story - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Yahweh Our Gracious Judge - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

I disagree with the references to hell and somehow needing to hope for a bad afterlife due to how life is.

Yahweh is our God - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Communion of Love - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Sprit as Life Giver - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Liberals: No idea when Trans Mountain Pipeline will be completed | Sheila Gunn Reid

What do I believe in? Introduction and creed.

In his Plain Guide to Universalism, the universalist Thomas Wittemore wrote, "The sentiment by which Universalists are distinguished, is this: that at last every individual of the human race shall become holy and happy. This does not comprise the whole of their faith, but, merely that feature of it which is peculiar to them."

I believe in Evangelical Universalism, also called Biblical or Trinitarian Universalism. Evangelical Universalists hold to conservative positions on most theological or doctrinal issues except for the doctrine of hell, in which case they assert universal reconciliation instead of eternal torment. They emphasize the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ for the sins of all humanity as the basis for their Universalism.

We worship one God in trinity and the trinity in unity,

    neither blending their persons

    nor dividing their essence.

        For the person of the Father is a distinct person,

        the person of the Son is another,

        and that of the Holy Spirit still another.

        But the divinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one,

        their glory equal, their majesty coeternal.

    What quality the Father has, the Son has, and the Holy Spirit has.

        The Father is uncreated,

        the Son is uncreated,

        the Holy Spirit is uncreated.

        The Father is immeasurable,

        the Son is immeasurable,

        the Holy Spirit is immeasurable.

        The Father is eternal,

        the Son is eternal,

        the Holy Spirit is eternal.

            And yet there are not three eternal beings;

            there is but one eternal being.

            So too there are not three uncreated or immeasurable beings;

            there is but one uncreated and immeasurable being.

    Similarly, the Father is almighty,

        the Son is almighty,

        the Holy Spirit is almighty.

            Yet there are not three almighty beings;

            there is but one almighty being.

        Thus the Father is God,

        the Son is God,

        the Holy Spirit is God.

            Yet there are not three gods;

            there is but one God.

        Thus the Father is Lord,

        the Son is Lord,

        the Holy Spirit is Lord.

            Yet there are not three lords;

            there is but one Lord.

    Just as Christian truth compels us

    to confess each person individually

    as both God and Lord,

    so Scripture forbids us

    to say that there are three gods or lords.

    The Father was neither made nor created nor begotten from anyone.

    The Son was neither made nor created;

    he was begotten from the Father alone.

    The Holy Spirit was neither made nor created nor begotten;

    he proceeds from the Father and the Son.

    Accordingly there is one Father, not three fathers;

    there is one Son, not three sons;

    there is one Holy Spirit, not three holy spirits.

    Nothing in this trinity is before or after,

    nothing is greater or smaller;

    in their entirety the three persons

    are coeternal and coequal with each other.

    So in everything, as was said earlier,

    we worship their trinity in their unity

    and their unity in their trinity.

    We believe and confess

    that our Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son,

    is both God and human, equally.

     He is God from the essence of the Father,

    begotten before time;

    and he is human from the essence of his mother,

    born in time;

    completely God, completely human,

    with a rational soul and human flesh;

    equal to the Father as regards divinity,

    less than the Father as regards humanity.

    Although he is God and human,

    yet Christ is not two, but one.

    He is one, however,

    not by his divinity being turned into flesh,

    but by God's taking humanity to himself.

    He is one,

    certainly not by the blending of his essence,

    but by the unity of his person.

    For just as one human is both rational soul and flesh,

    so too the one Christ is both God and human.

    He suffered for our salvation;

    he arose from the dead;

    he ascended to heaven;

    he is seated at the Father's right hand

The Scriptures are God's Authoritative, inspired and inherent Word. Per the Gospel Christ was the saviour of all humankind. He will or has drawn all to himself and thus humankind is universally reconciled to God. Through Christ's atonement on the cross.

We believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made,

of one Being with the Father.

Through him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation

he came down from heaven:

by the power of the Holy Spirit

he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,

and was made man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered death and was buried.

On the third day he rose again

in accordance with the Scriptures;

he ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.

Monday, January 27, 2020

What is bad about the New Age movement

Peter MacKay's logo design stolen? Erin O'Toole joins the leadership race | Keean Bexte

Critique of the Law of Attraction and "The Secret" - Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, New Age, etc.

New Age Spirituality is Repackaged Hinduism | #JustBeHindu

Critique of the New Age Movement" (part 4)

Critique of The New Age Movement" (part 3)

A Critique of The New Age Movement" (part 2)

Critique of the New Age Movement

New Age Lies about Perfectionism

Debunking pseudo science

A Vedic Critique of New Age Dogma

A Christian perspective of Paganism, witchcraft and Wicca

A testimony of a born again conversion from Wicca to Christian.

Why Warren Confronted Bernie After the Debate | Larry Elder Show

Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal | Lew Rockwell

Trump hits media over 'partisan sham'

Steve Says: Trump results vs Democrat stunts

Dr. David Wood Proves the Resurrection of Christ

A Biblical Case for the Trinity in 5 minutes

Trinity (White) vs. Oneness (Sabin): Lost parts of their debate

Praise of Folly Podcast Interview #16: Kelsey Hazzard

David Wood destroys Shabir Ally in under 3 minutes! Is Jesus the Son of God?

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Is Tolerance Intolerant? Pursuing the Climate of Acceptance and Inclusion - Ravi Zacharias at UCLA

WHO IS SATAN? He is not who you think he is.

As a Christian I disagree with this teachers anti Christian rhetoric. However, it is important for Christian's to know what Jesus as Son of God would or would not believe in as representing Yahweh the Father. 

The temptation of Christ is not negated or turned into something of unimportance if devil or satan simply meant an adversary under the Fathers control or an internal experience of evil inclination to rule instead of save all mankind.

The Satan's Real Purpose: It's Not What You Think | Rabbi Zev Ballen

Is Lucifer the Satan | Biblical Hebrew 

Shattering Biblical misconceptions - "Satan" in the Bible By Natanel Barak

Doctrine of Man - Part 3: Systematizing the Biblical Data

Doctrine of Man - Part 2: Biblical Data Concerning Man as the Image of God

Doctrine of Man - Part 1: Different Approaches to Anthropology

Border Agents Fight Against Smugglers

UK Border Agents Bust a Grandma

PC is Control, not Etiquette | Jeff Deist

Understanding Money Mechanics

John Chisholm: The Tools and Techniques For Success in the Entrepreneurial Process

Thomas Sowell is Back Again to Discuss His Book Wealth, Poverty, and Politics

Thomas Sowell on the second edition of Intellectuals and Society

Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society

Saturday, January 25, 2020

TIME TO END THIS: Jay Sekulow TEARS Into Democrats Case On President Trump Impeachment

YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO: President Trump Lawyer Says Democrats LIE All THE TIME

Calling Out The Trump Haters: Kimberley Strassel | Huckabee

Chris Tomlin --- How Great is Our God

Reckless Love (Official Lyric Video) - Cory Asbury | Reckless Love

387 reasons why hell is a lie

The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart

The Curse of Economic Nationalism | Thomas J. DiLorenzo

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Global Warming

Thomas Sowell and a Conflict of Visions

Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege

"Austrian Economics Today" - Peter Boettke

TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism

Keynesianism and the Economic Principles of the New Deal

Hayek’s "The Road to Serfdom" - Lawrence H. White

Hayek and Keynes - Nicholas Wapshott

Why Mises Is Important - Israel Kirzner

Economics of the Green New Deal | Robert P. Murphy

Thomas Sowell -- Dismantling America

Mark Thornton | The Skyscraper Curse

Mark Thornton's definitive work on booms and busts. His now-infamous Skyscraper Index theory draws the connection between loose monetary policy, artificially low interest rates, and vanity construction projects. This audio presentation has been made available through the generosity of Mr. Tyler Folger. Narrated by Graham Wright.

DDF Ghost Hunting debunks paranormal fakery

Donald Trump on Impeachment, Greta, Iran and Boris Johnson in blistering Davos Q&A

Trump speaks at March for Life, the first sitting US president to do so

Pro-Life Canadians Apologize to Americans for Justin Trudeau

Francis Collins - The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence of Belief

William Lane Craig - Did the Resurrection Really Happen?

Friday, January 24, 2020

William Lane Craig: Is God a Delusion? Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford October 2011

John Crowder with Baxter Kruger - The Jesus Trip

You're Included - In Christ: Conversion and Calling

Christ is Victor - I Am Who I Am - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

Understanding salvation with Bruxy and Nina!

The Father's Free Will – Dr. Don Keathley

CONSERVATIVE BATTLEGROUND Exclusive Interview: MacKay is in it to win it!

SHAME ON PRIDE: Will T.O. organization survive new scandal?

What Types of Evolution Does the Cambrian Explosion Challenge?

Marz - Jesus, Savior of All

Faith Nuggets: What does the Bible say about Universal Salvation? 2

Faith Nuggets: What does the Bible say about Universal Salvation? 1

Grace Straight Up–No Ice Water – Don Keathley

Sharon Baker: Hell Revisited (Razing Hell, Executing God) The Flipside Podcast #014

A Fresh Encounter with Jesus | Greg Boyd

The Story of Salvation | Greg Boyd

You Are Above The Natural Realm – Living Out of The Spirit

Peter Hiett - The Forgotten Gospel, The Deeper Story Of Relentless LoveLove -

Greg Boyd - Gay Marriage

6/30/2019 "Universalism Past Present & Powerful" Reverend Kalen Fristad

Interview regarding Universal Salvation with Kalen Fristad by Mike Aasen

Extinguishing Hell Fire | Universal Salvation

Business Cycles | Jonathan Newman

Money | Malavika Nair

Intervention | Ryan McMaken

The Entrepreneur | Timothy D. Terrell

Markets and Prices | Lucas M. Engelhardt

Human Action | Robert P. Murphy

Austrian Economics vs. Keynesian and Monetarist Macroeconomics | Jonathan Newman

Christian Universalism Objections Answered Part 2

Christian Universalism Objections Answered

Christian Universalism Heresy?

Have We All Gone Mad? The Snowflake Epidemic

Sir Roger Scruton on his definition of Conservatism

Nigel Farage on WW1 revisionism nonsense

Thursday, January 23, 2020

How Much Can Discrimination Explain? | Walter Williams

Austrian Economics Today | Steven Horwitz

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 9

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 8

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 7

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 6

An Introduction to Austrian Economics 5 / 9 The Future of Freedom Foundation An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 5

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 4

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 3

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 2

An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Part 1

What Austrian Economics IS and What Austrian Economics Is NOT with Steve Horwitz


Does Revelation 20:10, 14:11, and Mark 9:44 Teach Eternal Torment?

Dr. Stephen C. Meyer: Intelligent Design and the Cambrian Explosion

Dr. Robin Parry - The Gospel-Shaped Love Of God - Session 7 (FGC 2016)

Kalam Cosmological Argument (Documentary)

Why We Know the New Testament Gospels Were Written Early

Women and Ministry, Part II: Seven Minute Seminary

Women and Ministry, Part I: Seven Minute Seminary

Who is the Beast of Revelation 13? Ben Witherington

Revelation and Visionary Experince: Seven Minute Seminary

Revelation and Apocalypticism: Seven Minute Seminary

Is the Rapture Biblical: Seven Minute Seminary

Where Did Rapture Theology Come From? Ben Witherington III

Who Did Jesus Think He Was?


Jesus, Savior of all men especially believers

William Lane Craig: The Evidence for Jesus's Resurrection. Southampton Guildhall, October 2011

Hell was a Nordic greek myth and was Never in Jesus Mouth

Gehenna, Hell on Earth

Why is Hell disappearing from the Bible? | What is Gehenna?

Jim Jordan blasts Schiff's speech: The American people aren't buying it

Thomas Sowell Brings the World into Focus through an Economics Lens

Facts and Fallacies with Thomas Sowell

Milton Friedman Speaks - Is Capitalism Humane?

Calculation and Socialism | Joseph T. Salerno

Surrounded by the Achievements of Capitalism | Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey Tucker Discusses The Morality of Capitalism

Capitalism is Love - Jeffrey Tucker

Jordan Peterson - UNCENSORED

Ben Shapiro Destroys Hillary Clinton

Sen. Graham and Senate Republicans answer impeachment questions

Hannity: The American people are the ultimate jury

Capitalism is Life Itself | Jeffrey Tucker

Capitalism Is About Love (Jeffrey Tucker - Acton Institute)

Technocracy and The Global Political Consensus (Michael Matheson Miller - Acton Institute)

Global Economic Policy Fallacies - a biased view of Human Nature by Mag. Christof Zellenberg

Poverty Cure - The most efficient ways to fight Poverty by Michael Matheson Miller

The true Meaning of Social Justice by Prof. Dr. Martin Rhonheimer

The way the Market works - and what that means for the human being? by Michael Matheson Miller

Failure of Capitalism - Did Cronies kidnap the market or did it fail? by Professor Philip Booth PhD

Economic and ethical Implications of the Welfare State by Professor Philip Booth PhD

Christian View of Government: Limited State and the Rule of Law by Michael Matheson Miller

Christian-antropological Foundations of a free Market Economy by Prof. Dr. Martin Rhonheimer

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Different Schools of Economic Thought by Dr. Stephan Davies

Saint Matthews Church sent me a magical gold cross!

Church Prayer Rug

St Matthew's Church Rant

Tom Palmer: the inevitable collapse of the welfare state

The Welfare Society before the Welfare State by Dr. Stephen Davies --- Toward a Free and Virtuous Society

Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality

John Stossel on Uncommon Knowledge

Amity Shlaes on Coolidge's life, ideas, and success in bringing about low taxes and small government

Uncommon Knowledge: The Great Depression with Amity Shlaes

Live Stream: War on Poverty or War on the Poor? with Amity Shlaes

Benjamin Powell: Antitrusts and Monopolies

Benjamin Powell: Globalization and Development

"Assault Weapons" or Assault on the Second Amendment | Stephen Halbrook

Does the Right to Bear Arms Include a Right to Carry Handguns in Public? | Stephen P. Halbrook

Exclusive: Trump speaks to Maria amid Senate impeachment trial

60 Minutes" Presents: 21st Century Cons

James Randi: Debunking The Paranormal | Studio 10

Peter Popoff exposed on live television as a FRAUD

What is the Lake of Fire?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Bishop George Bloomer interviews Bishop Carlton Pearson

The Trinity: Can We Defend it Biblically?

How New Age & Word of Faith Misunderstand the Bible (Mike Winger and Melissa Dougherty)

Is Teal Swan A Cult? | BITE Model Breakdown

The History Of The Devil and how it was mistranslated into the Word of God

PBA Bowling Hall of Fame Classic 01 19 2020 (HD)

Dangers of Woo: "Orgone Energy

The Spirit Science guy Should Be IN JAIL

The Spirit Science Cult Explains Chakras

Spirit Science is a CULT with Debunk File | Wonderfully Weird

What is the Christian Science Cult?

Spirit Science: A New Age Cult (Part 2)

Spirit Science: A New Age Cult (Part 1)

Jordan vs. Jordan- Debunking Spirit Science (A Woodoscience Special)

Chris French - Weird Science: An Introduction to Anomalistic Psychology

James Randi - Surviving the Quacks!

James Randi busts psychics in TV show. "Exploring Psychic Powers Live

Psychic Cringe Fails - More Amazing James Randi

Homeopathy, quackery and fraud | James Randi

Bishop Carlton Pearson Opens Up The Religious Message That Cost Him Everything | Megyn Kelly TODAY

Blood Transfusions: Facts, Fictions and Fractions - Refuting The Watchtower

JW False Prophecies DOCUMENTED

Jehovah's Witnesses: beliefs practices and ERRORS

Is the Jesus of Mormonism the Jesus of the Bible?

Dr. James White - Presentation on Mormonism

Dr. James White vs Bro. Joe Ventilacion - Who Is God? - Trinity Debate - Official