Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, June 30, 2019

"Hypermasculinity" has its origins in gender studies and colonial studies.

I pointed out to my men's group on its last evening the problem with its defining of certain things. I pointed out that the term hypermasculinity as the term for male avoidance or faking masculinity was not accurate. As well as that aggression should not be defined by some sort of extreme masculinity.

I pointed out; if anything a hypermasculine man based on traditional roles would be hyper-protecting and providing of those around him. Not dominating of others or extremely aggressive against innocent people around them. That they should simply say violent and aggressive, or abusive and domineering if that is what they mean not putting into a form of masculinity.

I pointed out that women are also aggressive and violent; even domineering over others. Should we I asked call these acts hyperfeminine of these women? Or should we I pointed out; if hypermasculine means acting out or faking masculinity call women that are ultra-feminine be called hyperfeminine?

How is one supposed to know if masculine traits are being faked or it is just the man is like this? Unless they come out and say they are faking it. Even in that case it is the opposite of being hypermasculine, which would be called Hypomasculine and masking the fact. Let us just call that being a phony or hell, "masking."

The truth is the very definition and terminology as it was being used in the documentation of the group does not come from a reasoned and scientific source. Instead it was first used academically and in literature in 1994 by Ashis Nandy. It was used from the very beginning from a radical feminist worldview which ignored all conquering Queens in the past for the idea colonialism was interlocked with gender.

Specifically it came out of a warped view of an Indian psychologist. It was from its formation with this sort of definition a demonizing of men and males in general associating masculinity with all the horrors of the passed and the future. It is of a gender studies origin and always was a radical-feminist term.

I refused to use invalid terms for invalid ideas and ridiculous demonizing feminist terminology for various ways of being a man in this world. I refuse to do so in the future as well. Men and their various ways of being; the various shades of masculinity are not something to be demonized. I cannot abide by demonizing masculine men anymore than abiding people demonizing feminine men as cucks by Ethonationalists and douchebags online.

Aggression has a word aggression. Faking things has a term faking it or masking. There is no reason to conceptualize these things as hypermasculine; they show up in all humans in different contexts and are human traits not just masculine ones on hyper drive.

George & Mildred Complete Series 1-5

Judge Pirro Court Cases

Michael MJD | Windows ME back in 2105?

Deep Sleep: Delta Waves Meditation Music Brainwave Entrainment, Sleep Mu...

Alundra - Any% NTSC J by Spiriax | SpeedCon 2018

The Atheist Experience - Now You're Just Making Shit Up!

The Atheist Experience - The croco-duck argument

Matt Dillahunty - ATHEISTS Have the Burden of Proof - Atheist Experience

Matt Dillahunty - Of course I believe in the devil! - Atheist Experience

Presup Apologist - Excuse Me Sir! I Want to Trick You & Make You Appear ...

Best of Non Believers Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 1

Matt Dillahunty - Marys relationship with GOD is PERSONAL - Atheist Expe...

Electronic Restoration Adventure-The Belmont 636 Radio Receiver!

Intelligent Design Is Science - The Atheist Experience

This music can be listened to forever !!! The most Beautiful Music in th...

Relaxing Music & Soft Rain Sounds: Relaxing Piano Music, Sleep Music, Pe...

Relaxing Music & Gentle Rain Sounds - Beautiful Piano Music for Relaxati...

Deep Relaxing Music for Sleep, Focus or Meditation by Soothing Relaxation

Canada's Worst Driver Complete Series 1-12

Bob Vila Home Again Series 3

Bob Vila Home Again Series 2

Bob Vila Home Again Series 1

Reactions Vol. 3 to FBE Videos by MtVernonKid

My Immortal Reading W/Skitten

Ashley Reads My Immortal

Ayn Rand and Altruism by George H. Smith

White Noise Fan Sounds 10 Hours for Sleeping or for Babies to Sleep

Did the Trickster God Create Everything With Age?

Mr. Man | Exploring a $5,000 House I found on! (Enter at your own risk)

45-Year-Old Cresta Pineapple Drink | Ashens

Yaron Brook Show: Live from London

Yaron Discusses the importance of art and answers a variety of SuperChat questions.

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Want more? Tune in to the Yaron Brook Show on YouTube ( Continue the discussions anywhere on-line after show time using #YaronBrookShow. Connect with Yaron via Tweet @YaronBrook or follow him on Facebook @ybrook and YouTube (/YaronBrook).

Want to learn more about Objectivism? Check out ARI at

LGR - Jazz Jackrabbit History and Review

DOOM - Still Excellent 25 Years Later!

LGR - Wolfenstein 3D - DOS PC Game Review

LGR - Fallout - PC Game Review

LGR - Unreal 20 Years Later: A Retrospective

LGR - Crysis 10 Years Later: A Retrospective

LGR - Duke Nukem 3D - DOS PC Game Review

LGR - Half-Life 20 Years Later: A Retrospective


Yaron Lectures: The Morality of Capitalism a Talk in Toronto

Yaron Brook discusses the morality of capitalism. A Q and A follows the presentation.

Delivered in Toronto on May 6, 2013, the event was co-sponsored by the Toronto Objectivist Committee and the Freedom Party of Ontario.

Like what you hear? Become a sponsor member, get exclusive content and support the creation of more videos like this at, Subscribestar or direct through PayPal:

Want more? Tune in to the Yaron Brook Show on YouTube ( Continue the discussions anywhere on-line after show time using #YaronBrookShow. Connect with Yaron via Tweet @YaronBrook or follow him on Facebook @ybrook and YouTube (/YaronBrook).

Want to learn more about Objectivism? Check out ARI at

Music for Sleeping: 100% Relaxing Soft Music, Lullaby for Children, Musi...

Full Episode- Green vs. Edwards: Who Touched My DVD's?

Quaneta claims fiancé Carl is lazy, has a drinking problem and says they haven’t had sex in months. Carl says the real problem is Quaneta’s attitude. Will Judge Lynn Toler tell this couple to work it out or go their separate ways?

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Myles Power | American Pastor Conned 50,000 Ugandans into Drinking Bleach by Telling T...

A new series of bogus medical trials, in which desperate Ugandans were fed an industrial bleach by cultists after being told it was a “gift from God”, has been exposed, due in part to one of the organisers. Sam Little from Arlesey in Bedfordshire, who partially funded this new series of human experiments, gloated about what he had done online in the hopes of getting the same admiration as his counterparts. On questioning, Sam revealed the name of the man in charge; an American Pastor by the name of Robert Baldwin, who knew what he was doing was wrong, and went out of his way to hide his actions from the authorities. This is the story of how he was able to hide what he was doing for so long, and how he was able to poison so many people in such a small amount of time.
Support Myles
Additional information
American Pastor, Robert Baldwin, Conned up to 50,000 Ugandans into Drinking Bleach by Telling Them It Was a “Gift from God”
Media Attention Causes Woo-Pushers to Hide Their Shame!
MMS and the Fake Clinical Trials
Additional Videos
Bleach Cult Performing Unsanctioned Human Experiments on Uganda Villages
A Brief History of Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)
Exposed: Fake Ugandan Red Cross Medical Trial That Fed People Bleach
What is Miracle Mineral Supplement/Solution?
MMS – Industrial Bleach Marketed as an Autism Cure
CBS Publishes a Video That Implied I Was Promoting MMS
Voice over by
James Gurney
Intro Music by Michael 'Skitch' Schiciano

Dreams by Dj Quads
Music promoted by Audio Library

Lost in Vegas | Keith Whitley - I'm No Stranger To The Rain (REACTION!!!)

Trilogy Media | Saturday Night Stream - After Dark!

Conservative Judges Reject Individual Rights

NASA 2019 - Metal Slug 3 Medium [Level-4] by Enasper

Saturday, June 29, 2019

OK - Let's Try Cyberstalking The Scammers W/ Atomic Shrimp

Kitboga | Calling Scammers With Herman Li From DragonForce

Satie - Piano Four Hands

Nostalgia Mall Quickie: How I Fixed a 25 Year Old VHS

A Frustratingly Dishonest Theist Caller

Another Ignorant, Confused Christian Calls In And Is Humiliated

Unbelievable Amount Of Antiques Left Inside ABANDONED MANSION w/ 3-4 CARS

5 Flat Earth Arguments DEBUNKED

Sega Lord X | The 42 Games of the Sega Genesis Mini

Beautiful ABANDONED Stone House Built in 1801

BrojoSavedByGrace (Darth Dawkins minion) calls The Atheist Experience

Full Episode- Burton vs. Robinson: What You Twerkin' With

A Hilariously Confused/Ignorant Christian Calls Into The Atheist Experience

Full Episode: Lasenby vs. Tolliver: A Match Made In Heaven

Best of Richard Dawkins Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 6

Best of Richard Dawkins Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 5

050119. SMB3 Rando Weekly Daily Race

Full Episode- Knight vs. Knight: The Shotgun Wedding

Full Episode- McFolley vs. Cross: Need For Speed

SpeedKino - Toy Story 3: The Video Game Story Mode Any% by Capridog

Best of Richard Dawkins Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 4

Jeff Holiday | Hey Bro, It's the Detox Dude, Bro

Jeff Holiday | This Youtuber Eats Rotten Meat

How to Squash a Paranormal Claim

8 Famous Paranormal Photos Debunked

Top 5 "Paranormal" footage that people thought was real! (DEBUNKED)!

Ghost Attack in Malaysian Hotel | Debunked 2016


Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories | Mick West

Millions of people believe that the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives as part of a vast government conspiracy.

One of the core pieces of evidence for this belief is the presence of millions of microscopic iron spheres in the WTC dust. It is falsely claimed these microspheres could only have come from the use of explosives, and so their presence proves controlled demolition. Why does this false belief persist after being debunked over a decade ago?I explain the misconceptions about iron microspheres that keep the belief alive, and how to discuss these misconceptions with 9/11 conspiracy theorists. I’ll show where the WTC microspheres probably came from. There will be a live demonstration of one method of making iron microspheres using materials from the hotel gift shop, along with quick descriptions of ten other methods the fire marshal won’t let me show.

The Center for Inquiry is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization. CFI’s vision is a world in which evidence, science, and compassion—rather than superstition, pseudoscience, or prejudice—guide public policy.

Full Episode- Stevens vs. Stevens: The Step Up Step Parent

Trump Fans and Bernie Fans...Just How Different are They?

This video was created by Christian Jackson. Taken from Yaron Brook Show: Conservative Intellectual Civil War Streamed on June 17 2019. you can see the full video here

#TrumpFans #BernieFans #TheSameThing

Like what you hear? Become a sponsor member, get exclusive content and support the creation of more videos like this at, Subscribestar or direct through PayPal:

Want more? Tune in to the Yaron Brook Show on YouTube ( Continue the discussions anywhere on-line after show time using #YaronBrookShow. Connect with Yaron via Tweet @YaronBrook or follow him on Facebook @ybrook and YouTube (/YaronBrook).

Want to learn more about Objectivism? Check out ARI at

Relieve Your Stress | Beautiful Chill Mix

Reading Music to Concentrate | Study Music | Relaxing Music for Studying...

DEBATE: Mike Licona vs Matt Dillahunty

Dr. Mike Licona debated atheist Matt Dillahunty of "The Atheist Experience" at the [un]Apologetic Conference 2017 in Austin, TX on Feb 25.The question of the debate was, 'Was Jesus Raised from the Dead?'

Flat Earther vs Aerospace Engineer | Victor - Brooklyn, NY | Talk Heathe...

The Atheist Experience - Christian caller argues that god equals morality

Richard Dawkins: Best arguments against religion/faith #2

TAE - GMan destroyed by Matt D at the door

Koran contains scientific evidence for god | Saad - Karachi, Pakistan | ...

Relaxing Music for Wellness Relaxing Music for Stress, Wellness Wellness...

SLIMY Scammer Game Night! (Making a GIANT Mess) W/Trilogy Media

Christian Caller Argues that Evolution is Just a Claim

Irrefutable Evidence for God | Patrick - OH | Atheist Experience 23.25

Brojo (DD minion) calls in to The Atheist Experience #2, "HANG UP ON THI...

Full Episode- Bacon vs. Thompson: Truck Stop Side Chick

Late 1800’s ABANDONED House FILLED w/ Stuff Left Since 1985 & Old Mobile...

Abandoned COLONIAL House Built in the late 1700’s

Old Abandoned Stone HOUSE Ruined w/ Remodeling & RV & Historic Cemetery

Is Faith Rational? | David - Oklahoma | Atheist Experience 22.34

Benefits of Religion, Supernatural Claims, & Faith | Saad - Pakistan | A...

I dreamed of Jesus so he is real! | Torrey - Maryland | Atheist Experien...

On Evolution Fails & God Has No Explanatory Power | Derek - Nevada | Ath...

God is a Spirit, Tautologies and Assertions | Paul - IN | Atheist Experi...

Evidence for God - Guarantees Best Call Ever | Brandon - Phoenix, AZ | A...

Historical Reliability of the Gospels | Andrew - Twinsburg, OH | Atheist...

"Christian negates his own morality" - The Atheist Experience #795

Discussion of Evolution Gets Heated - Atheist Experience

Moral Justification of Abortion & Bodily Autonomy | Bob - Deep South | A...

#164 Intriguing Abandoned Home, very old - amazing artifacts left!

Christianity: Good or Bad for Mankind? — Dinesh D'Souza vs. Andrew Berns...
DEBATE: Christianity: Good or Bad for Mankind?
Dinesh D'Souza vs. Andrew Bernstein

Is Christianity the source of important truths, moral law, and man's rights and thus profoundly good for mankind—or is it antithetical to all such values and thus profoundly bad? In this debate, Christian conservative Dinesh D'Souza argues that Christianity is good; Objectivist atheist Andrew Bernstein argues the alternative.

Brought to you by the UT Objectivism Society and The Objective Standard

For more information on Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and its application to cultural and political issues, visit:

Claims to be a Prophet | Holy Rebel - Jacksonville, FL | Atheist Experie...

Atheism is a Lie? | Mike - San Jose, CA | Atheist Experience 23.06

Why Don't You Believe in God on Faith? | Alex/Andrew? - Colorado? | Athe...

How Is Homosexuality Rationally Justified? | Brojo - AR | Atheist Experi...

You Are Evidence for God? | Mohammed | Atheist Experience 22.36

Apologetics Students Call in for Extra Credit | Josh and Jax - Colorado ...

Matt Dillahunty - I BELIEVE god excist, I dont CLAIM it - Atheist Exper...

Matt Dillahunty - I agree, but you must be wrong because God! - The Athe...

Best of Richard Dawkins Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 3

I totally disagree with him putting freedom on the radical left, but, the rest of the video is great.

'Best of' Moments from 'Divorce Court'

Aggressive Christian | Jerikia - Kileen, TX | Atheist Experience 22.17

Hitchens: Why fight religion?

Matt Dillahunty - Idiot claims he can proof the young earth theory - Ath...

Hitchens: religion degrades humanity.

Full Episode- Martel vs. Martel: Paint A Different Picture

Full Episode- King vs. King: Riding Around And Gettin' It

Quintana accuses Tariq of cheating on her and she keeps calling the cops whenever they fight. Tariq says this puts his life at risk and Quintana needs to stop dialing 911. The couple is expecting their first child together. Can this relationship get back on track before the baby arrives?

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NASA 2019 - Metal Slug: 1st Mission Any% by Tempystral

GSH 3 - Super Mario Bros. 3 any% (blind) by eLmaGus

GSH 3 - Final Fantasy Tactics any% nomath by eLmaGus

GSH 3 - DKC Trilogy by eLmaGus

GSH 3 - Chrono Trigger any% Speedrun by eLmaGus

GSH 3 - Final Fantasy IV any% Speedrun by eLmaGus

GSH 3 - Final Fantasy VI any% nosketch by eLmaGus

GSH 3 - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest any% by Jenja23

GSH 3 - Donkey Kong Country any% Speedrun by VultuZ

GSH 3 - Soul Blazer any% by Jenja23

GSH 3 - Donkey Kong Country 3 any% Speedrun by VultuZ

GSH 3 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past any% NMG Speedrun by Moo...

GSH 3 - Final Fantasy VIII any% Speedrun by VultuZ

GSH 3 - Illusion of Gaia 100% Speedrun by BOWIEtheHERO

GSH 3 - Lufia & The Fortress of Doom any% Speedrun by eLmaGus

Full Episode- Spence vs. Spence: The Waffle House Hoe

Full Episode- Miller vs. Brown: Tied Down To Crazy

Full Episode- Patterson vs. Willis: I'm In Love With A Stripper

Full Episode- Hamilton vs. Owen: Creepin' With Miss Piggy

Full Episode- Singleton vs. Lewis: Breadcrumbing Temper Tantrums

DIVORCE COURT Full Episode: McMurry vs. Huntington

Sam Harris & Matt Dillahunty - A Celebration Of Science & Reason

Matt Dillahunty - Caller propose to have creationism in science class - ...

Richard Dawkins baffled by stupidity

Best of Richard Dawkins Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 2

Richard Dawkins: Best arguments against religion/faith of all Time.

Hitchens: how does god exist?

Myles Power | Debunking the AIDS Denialist Movie House of Numbers - FULL VIDEO

Myles Power | Laetrile (B17) – The History of the Quack Cancer Cure That Will Give You...

Richard Dawkins irritated by irrationality

Your Miracles Won't Do It - Cristopher Hitchens

6 Worst Excuses for Cheating Heard on DIVORCE COURT

Hitchens: the purpose of life (!)

Jeff Holiday | The Pseudoscience of InfoWars

Jeff Holiday | Infowars = Anti-Vaccine MORONS

Jeff Holiday Smacking InfoWars Satellites: Dr Group & Mike Adams - Part 2

Jeff Holiday Smacking InfoWars Satellites: Dr Group & Mike Adams - Part 1

Jeff Holiday | Smacking InfoWars Satellites: Millennial Millie

Jeff Holiday | Reading Conspiracy Twitter

Jeff Holiday | The Horror of German New Medicine

It sounds simple, innocuous and benign. right? Actually this bizarro pseudoscience has killed, and many times in fact. It remains one of the more lethal ideologies I've covered on this channel. Take some time and come with me on a journey into the insane mind of a wingnut who's legacy is death and examine those who follow him to this day...

Death Sect (English/German) website covering victims and methods of GNM:
Great blog by Anaximerator on Ryke Geerd Hamer:
Micheala's widow's website (graphic pictures of tumors):
Shooting The Messenger has great articles on Ilsadora Laker and the current state of GNM.
Eye of Science and their photography with electron microscopes:
Dr. Gorski's article on GNM:

Jeff Holiday Destroys the Cult of Hyperianism


Seriously, what kind of a monster puts a dog in harm's way? Also, anyone claiming to be a homeopathic vet is not someone you want to trust your pet's safety with.


Full Episode- Jemison vs. Daniels: Pink Matter

Kristie is fed up with Devontay’s free loading ways and wants reparations. She says Devontay doesn’t work and acts like a child. Will he “man up” and save this relationship?

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Full Episode- Brown vs. Brown: Married Too Soon

Tiara and Derrick got married young and were dealt a heavy blow with the loss of their baby. Tiara feels Derrick abandoned her during that difficult time and now all he wants to do is party with other women. Can Judge Lynn Toler help this couple move forward?

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DIVORCE COURT Full Episode: Smith vs Collins

Amber and Tijuan had dreams to make it big in the entertainment industry, but Amber has a choice to make. Will she choose to strip for a living because that's her dream or stay with her husband?

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Full Episode- Hugle vs. Weldon: Clash Of The Cultures

Monica and Joshua were just looking for a fling when they first met on a dating app. Six years and two kids later this interracial couple is still together, but battling major cultural differences, including his usage of the N-word! Monica also says Joshua constantly lies and flirts with other women. Can Joshua convince Monica that he’s a changed man?

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Compilation of Mark's Calls - Atheist Experience

Friday, June 28, 2019

Full Episode- Frye vs. Frye: Let's Do This Dirty Laundry

Cherise and Rodney Frye are back before Judge Lynn Toler and things have gone from bad to worse. The couple’s business failed and they were evicted. Rodney blames Cherise for not budgeting properly. Cherise says finances aren’t their only troubles as Rodney’s hot temper has worsened and he now gets into public brawls. The couple also fears they’ve lost the respect of their only son. Can they overcome their problems and push forward?

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Hitchens: the universe doesn't need a designer.

The Poetry of Science: Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson

Richard Dawkins greatest interviews

Confused girl questioning Richard Dawkins religion

R.Dawkins and C.Hitchens ripping apart proponents of religion

The Earth is 6000 Years Old - Atheist Experience

A young-earth creationist calls in and gives really bad arguments to back up his beliefs.

From episode 732 of the Atheist Experience

Why Does A Loving God Send People To Hell?

Matt Dillahunty - A christian idiot tries again - Atheist Experience

haunted music store pt1

The Shapes mixed tape #2 Let's examine

Mom Crashed Her Car Into a Concrete Pole to Show Her Kids God Exists

Woman Enlists Psychic Medium To Investigate Las Vegas Apartment

Woman enlists psychic medium to investigate Las Vegas apartment 2

Haunted doll found in Abandoned House DEBUNKED

This mum thinks her house is being haunted by a 'spunking ghost' WTF?

The Haunted Museum 2018 live, Exposed Lies #ZakBagans #HauntedMuseum #Gh...

"Chair Moves On Its Own Paranormal Activity" BullSh#T


Cult Photo Debunked

UFO At work and saw this mooresville nc lake norman. DEBUNKED

Unusual cloud formation resembles glowing angel in the sky THE TRUTH

Unusual cloud formation resembles glowing angel in the sky THE TRUTH

Grim Reaper over the Golden Gate Bridge, BREAK DOWN

AMAZING Discoveries That Prove Giants Actually Existed! DEBUNKED

Evil Spirit Leaving Woman's Body Caught On Thermal DEBUNKED

Angel on camera? Michigan pastor says security camera captured a miracle...

DIVORCE COURT Full Episode: Hashim vs Cazares

The Cottingley Fairies DEBUNKED

Mother cannot explain spooky 'ghost hand' DEBUNKED

Wtf!!! Ghost poltergeist Caught On Camera Moving Torch DEBUNKED

Ghost Train Caught On CCTV At Baotou Railway Station, China. DEBUNKED

Extreme CHEAPSKATE Doesn't Believe In Buying FURNITURE

Mysterious lights over Milwaukee 2/27/18 DEBUNKED

Bizarre Figure Caught On Camera In haunted House DEBUNKED

Bizarre Figure Caught On Camera In haunted House DEBUNKED

Paranormal Mist Photos Debunking

Fallen Angel in London Debunked

Dragon falls from the sky in Tibet august 19 2016 DEBUNKED

Real WEREWOLF Stalks Child Caught On Camera | Wolfman Sighting Caught On...

Alien caught on tape in sewers DEBUNKED

Authorities Forced To Deny Rumors Of A Baby Werewolf Found In Malaysia D...

Djinn Photo Debunked

DIVORCE COURT Full Episode: Deinert vs Davis

NoReset x Pixel Challenge 2018 - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest by DD_Gamingz

NoReset x Pixel Challenge 2018 - Super Mario Odyssey by Karlyr_Na

NoReset x Pixel Challenge 2018 - Secret of Mana by ZerolagGaming

NoReset x Pixel Challenge 2018 - The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Pas...

Matt Dillahunty - A believer calls in and get destroyed - Atheist Experi...

Best of Matt Dillahunty on The Atheist Experience (2017)

"The Scariest Night Of My Life" DEBUNKED

The Science Elf | Sony's Handheld PC from 2006

15 years ago, it was an open question as to whether PCs would get smaller, or if smartphones would get smarter. Sony jumped in on the UMPC craze with the Vaio UX line, a family of PCs you could hold in your hand.

Music Used:
Church of 8 Wheels - Otis McDonald (

Clips in Order of Appearance:
Steve Jobs iPhone 2007 - (0:34)
The World's Smallest Windows PC in 2007! - (2:09)
Sony VAIO UX Micro PC Teardown - (10:10)
Nuestras PSP 2 - (10:14)

Software tested (in order of appearance):
Bricks of Egypt - ArcadeLab (
HamsterBall - Raptisoft (
The Labyrinth Plus! - NonStop Entertainment (
Portal - Valve (
fr-025: the.popular.demo - farbrausch (
Plants vs Zombies - PopCap Games (

Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins & Matt Dillahunty - London UK

Pangburn Philosophy - A Celebration of Science & Reason LONDON with Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins & Matt Dillahunty.

This event occurred on October 1st, 2017 at the Eventim Apollo. Over 3500 people were in attendance.

Time Travelling Man Debunked